The Impastable's picture
The Impastable
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+ 27 So you want cycle advice? Here's how to get it!


You’re here for cycle advice aren’t you? You want to get the most benefit possible from your post don’t you? Now that you have the members’ attention, why not increase the returns you get from your questions tenfold? If you want the absolute best advice you can possibly get, here’s how you go about getting it.

First and foremost, post up your diet. I cannot stress this enough, but having your diet posted up along with your cycle intentions will not only help you catch the eyes of the guys on here, but will actually maximize your returns by not only getting sound cycle advice, but also getting sound diet advice as well. What are your goals? Are you bulking, cutting, training for strength, doing a recoup? Your diet should reflect the goals you are trying to accomplish. By laying all this out and being as specific as you could possibly be, it will further cater your diet to your individual needs and goals, so your returns just doubled! Shitty diet? Post it up, your gear is useless if you aren’t fueling your body properly, and you may as well be burning the money in a trashcan. It doesn’t matter if your diet is not up to the “golden standard,” and hell, even if it is, there are ways to manipulate your diet further and get just that much more out of it than you thought was possible. Your diet is on point? Great, post it up and let the members critique it and see just how “on point” it really is. There is always room for improvement in your dieting, and you can never go wrong trying to maximize the potential from your fuel source.

Post up your training routine. Do you want to get the maximum benefits of using AAS? Of course you do, otherwise why the hell are you even posting this! It doesn’t matter if you’re following a certain protocol, you have your own protocol, you vary your protocol, or you protocol your protocol. Having your training regimen available for the members to see while asking for AAS advice will allow the guys to help you realize your goals faster, set those goals higher, and give you the absolute maximum utility you could get from your cycle. Keep an open mind, but do not be afraid to defend your reasons for doing things your way. After all, what works for you might not work for somebody else, but why would you waste an opportunity to further improve on your training with some quality advice and debate regarding your methods? Who knows, you might even inspire other members to follow your protocol, or incorporate it into theirs!

Notice how steroids were left for last? You’re probably sitting there going “But Pasta, why the hell have we not gotten to the steroid cycle information yet?” Well, that’s because your cycle is actually the very last thing that you should have put together, and it’s the least important part of your post. You see, contrary to what you may have been led to believe, steroids do not make you grow, they don’t burn your fat off, and they unfortunately don’t give you magical powers. Steroids enhance the diet & training you already have, allowing you to get even more out of your diet and workouts than doing them alone would up to a certain point. So this is why you go about putting up your intended cycle usage last. It allows us members to really hone in on your goals, understand where you currently stand, and lets us give you the absolute best advice possible tailored to your needs.

When posting up your cycle make sure you include, in detail:

Your past cycle history – This will allow us to judge what cycles you have experiences with.

Your current stats -- This includes your age, height, weight, and body fat percentage. This gives us a chance to judge your current condition, fit for steroid use, and have a matured HPTA. You should always keep this updated on your profile. This is used as a base measure of whether you are ready for AAS, or whether you have room to maximize you natural potential before diving into AAS usage. Feel free to offer any tidbits that would also help explain your numbers, such as athletic weight restrictions, health conditions, and any prior history that would enlighten us regarding your current stats. Be honest here, you won't be judged for your stats, and your honesty will help us dial you in.

Your past cycle reactions – This will allow us to figure out how you’ve reacted to different compounds, what worked for you, and engage in a conversation as to why.

Your proposed cycle – This allows us to see what proposed compounds you’re thinking of using, what dosages you’re thinking of using them at, and for what lengths you’re thinking of using them.

Your supportive supplements – Do you need a dopamine receptor agonist? Do you need an aromatase inhibitor? Do you need liver support? Do you have no idea what any of those are? Hit the search function button (little magnifying glass) on this forum and learn all about why these are important components of your cycle. Making sure you ask yourself these questions and answer them by including them as part of your cycle shows us you’ve done your homework, and are prepared to run a proper cycle.

Your post cycle therapy (PCT) – There is nothing more important than a PCT when putting together a cycle. Running a proper PCT will allow you to recover your natural HPTA function, allow your body to resume endogenous production of it’s own testosterone, and allow you to hold onto your gains more efficiently. Are you unsure of what a proper PCT is? Use the search function! There are countless threads on here regarding PCT protocol.

Bloodwork -- This is more of a pointer for yourself than for us, but it does not hurt to post up your most recent bloodwork results. It lets us know where your body stands. If this is your first cycle, it helps gauge where you are naturally. If this is cycle #2, #3, and so on, it helps to ensure your body has recovered since your last cycle. Remember to get bloodwork done while on cycle to gauge how the AAS are affecting you, and after you finish your PCT regimen to ensure you have recovered to your levels before AAS usage, in addition to pre-cycle bloodwork. Is this all confusing? Don't worry, feel free to ask for some help with what you're confused with. Your health comes first, always.

And for some additional pointers, be respectful. Come on here and post your proposed cycle, with all of these points accounted for, with an open mind. Do not be afraid to defend your views and choices regarding cycling, but do not become disrespectful when challenged. Be ready to admit you are wrong, and be ready to not only be humble, but be humbled. Remember, we are not here to attack you; we are here to help you. Some members may come off as being very brash, but they are actually looking out for your safety. If you can listen to their advice with an open mindset, and understand where they are coming from, I guarantee you will not only become a lot more knowledgeable regarding what it takes to run a proper cycle and get the maximum benefit from it, but you will also become a more respected member of this community. Do not be afraid to ask questions that you are unsure of the answers to, even after you’ve done all the research you possibly could have. Engage the members giving you advice if you don’t fully understand where they are coming from. This is all for your benefit after all, and all this information will not only help you this cycle, but will stick with you when you’re planning future cycles, assisting other members, or just generally getting into a conversation or debate about the world of AAS. And always approach AAS usage knowing that the more effort you put into it, the more you will get out of it. The more willing you are to engage us, to take what we offer to heart and use it, the more you will get out from us, and the more you will get out of your cycle.

Special thanks to jellotrip for adding additional pointers

Ezmoney75's picture

Thanks. Damn good info to have on hand.

alekaras's picture

excellent read !!

In a promo × 1
shaun1's picture

Words of wisdom. Well said my man. +1

Owes a Review × 2
heavymetalmonsterD's picture

+1 great post

Owes a Review × 1
JARHEAD2's picture

Bump........ this should be a sticky!!!

Draconiaous's picture

Thank you

whoremoans's picture

Fundamental precycle info. +1

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
Makwa's picture

time for a bump. Been browsing through the cycle log section and it seems like the OP's lately are pretty slim on the background info. Getting tired of asking for the basics over and over again.

Theophany's picture

I felt this needed a bump again! Some solid information right here! Concise and to the point! +2

The Impastable's picture

Thank you brother Theo, appreciate the kind words and the bump!

lordofhurley's picture

Thank you!

Makwa's picture

Time for a much needed bump again.

mightymouse1000's picture

Nice thanks for the link and the help.

Catalyst's picture

Good post fella +2

The Impastable's picture

Edited to include bloodwork, I feel like that's a no brainier but I'm not sure how seriously people take getting their bloodwork done, especially the newer users. Doesn't hurt to include the pointer imo.

The Impastable's picture

I left that off for the security reason you mentioned. I know people here who will not post up photos due to security reasons, which include identifiable tattoos, scars, physical properties, etc. I don't mind asking for a photo (everyone should be taking before and after photos, progress photos anyhow to judge progress) but completely understand why someone would refuse.

solidman's picture

Good post +1

The Impastable's picture

I had to go see for mysef, and to my surprise it actually worked. I'm actually quite glad that went so well!

I have to make it a habit of actually visiting and browsing the cycle log section more often!

TheFlash85's picture
The Impastable's picture

Hmmm, do you think I should link this and irishmack's threads abo giving advice at the bottom?

cry_havoc's picture

Excellent job pasta!

PIN_CUSHION's picture

So much work. Can't you just sign off on my Dbol, Drol, Var, and Mtren cycle? I'm looking for some quick and easy muscle.

The Impastable's picture

My sarcasm meter is a little off today, so bear with me! Smile You know, I originally drafted this as a very quick, simple, and basic step by step for exactly those kinds of posts... However, I could not take it seriously when I read it over and over, so how could anyone else? I ended up writing this as a means for those who are serious about this to get the maximum potential out of their cycles, but I completely see your point.

Do you believe it is worth writing up a somewhat abridged version? A "Steroid advice for idiots" guide? I've been thinking over your statement, and while I do believe it does merit a simplified post, I also feels it's an enabler for all these kids (I honestly do believe they are all in their early 20s, if that) to get an OK stamp for their cycles.

+1 for the comment, it's something that has been on my mind since posting this and I'm glad you brought it up. I'd like yours (and others) views about it, whether this is good enough to seperate the more serious posters from the YOLO crowd, or whether this is going to be completely ignored.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Just busting your balls. This is a good post and will help those who truly want to learn and cycle in a safe and appropriate way. The sad truth is most people are to lazy to put in the leg work and are looking for a handout. The good thing about this place is that when guys, like me for instance, step away from the forums there's guys like you who keep things going. You'll get to a point where you want to beat your head off the wall. It does get tiresome repeating your self, but we all come back once we've had a break.

The young and dumb are just that. Everything you could possible need to know is all right here. The ones who are serious about this know what's within their limits and the others, well you said it. YOLO. The more I do this the less I use. 1-2 compounds and moderate to low doses. You have to access your goals and be realistic about your use. While it would be fun to run a multie stacked cycle, I don't need that. I'm not stepping on stage I just like to push myslef a little farther and put on quality sustainable muscle. If it's only 5lbs then so be it. Keep up the good work, while I'm slacking, lol.

The Impastable's picture

Ha I figured you were, but the point was valid. And I agree, most guys will probably read right over this, maybe stop at the cycle part, and slap a post together. Hopefully we all get to see less and less of that, as I find its not so much the repeating of myself that gets annoying, but it's the repeated asking for basic things, like diet, training, past use, etc. theres no reason any of us should be plying detective trying to help someone out, and I've noticed its the guys that put up the most detail that get the best help. The eroids burnout has crept up on me, so I decided to spend time away from the forum on weekends and enjoy my time with the lady instead, popping in here and there but that's about it.

And I wish more guys posting up cycle advice request would understand the "less is more" method. Why go overkill for 10lbs of keep able gains, throwing every compound and the kitchen sink in to get it, when doing a simple cycle, perhaps in higher doses, would work just as well. Save the kitchen sink for when the simple cycle no longer works, or better use it for what I use it, straining pasta when it's done cooking!

And now to brown nose a little, I remember the first mistake I made on eroids and how politely you handled it, and it made me want to model my behavior on here after that interaction. I try to strive for that when addressing other members, even though it does become quite difficult at times!

rolltide3's picture

Great read now when someone comes in wanting advice and can't figure out why there not getting it we can post the link

The Impastable's picture

I appreciate all the good feedback from you guys, glad this post is getting good reception!


Very good bro........ +3

Dickkhead's picture

Nice read bro +2

HomebrewedII's picture

I think this would make a pretty damn good sticky. Excellent post!!

The Impastable's picture

I edited the original and put up your suggestion under diet, which i think is exactly where it fits in. You figure your goals, set your diet and training to achieve it, and then can think about AAS usage.

The Impastable's picture

Added, I feel you on the stat issue, I sometimes forget to click. Irish also had a great thread regarding people's stats differing from their profiles and each and every post they make. +1

Makwa's picture

This is great!

KCNick's picture

Very nice post Pasta!

The Impastable's picture

So I've finally gotten around to posting this, as i've been bugged for quite some time with how much of a slap job some of the posts requesting cycle advice are. If i am missing anything, let me know and I will definitely edit it and add it in!