Banger88's picture
  • 2

+ 1 Running first cycle in ten years!


How's it going guys?! This is kind of an intro combo too I guess. I have run test only, test e/dbol, test p/npp/eq/tbol, and test e/tren e cycles in the past. Then I had a gnarly accident and shattered my femur, hip, pelvis and seven vertebrae and had to learn how to walk again and lost 30 lbs. I'm back to being able to exercise 90% of what I used to although it took me a few years. Haven't run juice for almost ten years so I plan on running a simple test e cycle at 4-500/week for 12 weeks. I have never had any issues with estrogen or progesterone really( other than minor) but I will run real light aromasin just to keep water down. Luckily I have a super fast metabolism so my diet isn't going to be extremely strict but I plan on staying pretty clean. Standard pct standing by as well as other ais just in case because I'm a little older now. Goal is a basic recomp, looking to add about 15lbs of pure muscle while losing some fat as well. Was thinking about kick starting with 50mg dbol per day for the first few weeks just because I love the way dbol makes me feel and love the gains of strength in the gym. Happy to be able to be back here and look forward to chopping it up with you guys!

Banger88's picture

Ok so I did my first pin, I hit two ccs to pre load: 400mg in my ventro glute... I remember pinning in my vgs was usually pretty butter, however I have absolutely NO PIP or discomfort. No I'm 99% sure my source has fire gear. I know him well and he's been in the business a long time. And I know PIP is not mandatory and in and of itself it doesn't really mean shit. But it did kind of raise a little yellow flag for me.... Thoughts?

JohnJuice's picture

Regarding the lack of PIP or discomfort, PIP can vary among individuals and even among different injection sites on the same individual. The absence of PIP doesn't necessarily indicate the quality or effectiveness of the gear. It could simply mean that your body is responding well to the injection or that the specific injection site you used is less prone to PIP.

ONESICK's picture

Only way to know for sure is bloods. I've had some fire gear and a fat dose no pip. Maybe you just have good shit lol.

Banger88's picture

Ok, yeah I'm gonna wait about a month and a half to do mid cycle labs, so we'll see

JEX30Sex's picture

Congratulations on your recovery sir. Everyone here pretty much covered you on the best advice I just wanted to stop in and say welcome and keep killing it. That sort of injury and then a recovery is no small feet.

Banger88's picture

Hey man I really appreciate that acknowledgment! Smile

Makwa's picture

Like everyone else is saying, scrap the Dbol and stick with test only.

ONESICK's picture

10 years is a while to not run. You're basically started off a clean slate. I'd just run straight Test cycle. You'll do just fine off of that. Like @Rustyhooker said, bloods...and research. You're 10 years older, you might not respond the way you used to.

Banger88's picture

Very, very true. I imagine I'll be a little more estrogen sensitive as well.

ONESICK's picture

I used to have an iron stomach. Now spicy food is like fuck your guts sir lol

JEX30Sex's picture

I used to have an iron asshole. Now the self same spicy food gets me bad down there. Getting old is hell.

Greg's picture

from iron man... to burning man.

ONESICK's picture

Pepto on stand by lol

Banger88's picture

How so? I've got any ai I might need on deck... I didn't do a pre cycle baseline test? Is that what you mean?

alekaras's picture

After so long off, test alone Wil do wonders no need anything else imo buddy one step at a time!

Catalyst's picture

I’d just run the test fella, No need in my eyes to over complicate with that nice blank canvass you have right now.

Congrats on the recovery, sounds like you had one hell of a tough battle. “Not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and get back up…..”

alekaras's picture

Yo Rocky!!!

Banger88's picture

Yeah true. I could always wait for some dbol later. I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of just the test at this point! Good call.

Drexyl's picture

No need for the dbol really, but who am I to say no? I would probably do the same thing. Except for the 50mg part, that’s a little crazy. If it were me? 20-25mg tops. There’s real drugs on here, no need to go crazy with dosages. That much dbol is going to give you problems you don’t want.

Banger88's picture

You know what aman good call on the dosage actually, I feel like sources have probably improved in the last ten years haha at least I know the dbol I got was low dosed so I was probably running more like 25mg. So thanks for looking out or I could've run into problems if I didn't catch that!

Drexyl's picture

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