BeastMoDe33's picture
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Pure Bulk Cycle- need opinions/thoughts/advice


hey everyone. ive been MIA but im back.
my next cycle i want it to be a pure bulk cycle. i got a checkup recently and im barely 10% body fat. im 160lbs. im 5"6. im 28 years old. i have a handful of cycles under my belt but im still learning daily.

Week 1-4 Dbol 60mg per day ( jump start my cycle )
Week 1-3 Prop 100mg every sun-wed
Week 1-16 Test E 600mg week
Week 1-8 Equipoise 200mg week ( so i can develope a bigger appetite )
Week 8-16 Tren E 200mg week
clomid 100-50-50-50-50

i know i know... its horrible but HEY help me out here haha. just a rough draft


I like how you have rearranged his cycle from hell... but i dont get the 80mg dbol ED maybe its typo i dunno ??


Cool Smile

80 or even 100 would be good for me because i run shit hot liver support year round! but never too sure if some of these guys even bother at all ya know.

Its something that is very rarely mentioned on any of the numorous oral only cycle posts we deal with... seems to be something that is highly over looked.


You just triggered my mind into doing a full post purely on liver support... probably bore the noods to death but its something of major importance that needs addressing on every cycle to be honest.


How do you fancy doing bro! when i get locked in PM time runs away with itself... it would probably end up being a sticky and would be good for karma... your choice bro?

You are good with the words and know your stuff ... go for it bro!


Good man i will back you 100% Smile

BeastMoDe33's picture

i like this cycle you have set up right here. ( i like chicken too by the way lol )
ill save the tren e for a cutting cycle.
im still getting my cycle together i dont even have everything in hand, yet.

wolfman's picture

Well said took the words out of my mouth;-)

cry_havoc's picture

Have you aver thought of writing a book brother? You are better then Dan Duchaine!!! lol

DBG's picture

Haha...I have thought about asking him this beat me to it.

BeastMoDe33's picture

i was thinking the same thing lol

BeastMoDe33's picture

thanks tread. appreciate the honesty.
could you maybe type that up for me and paste it to me on here or in a private message?
you seem to know your shit much better than i of course lol

BeastMoDe33's picture

cool, will do. thnx bro.