BeastMoDe33's picture
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That pin scared me! Help


So I was pinning myself slowly when all of the sudden the injection just burst into me like I hit a air pocket or some shit! And when I rub my ass to try to avoid soreness it makes a wishy wash sound... Its scaring me. I hope I'm okay. Has anyone ever experienced this??

BeastMoDe33's picture

Yeah. It was injecting in slowly then all of the sudden it easily just burst into me. I may have forgotten to push all the air out of the needle before I pinned. I hope I'm okay. This is just weird and scares me...

Nitti's picture

Just curious, what size pin do you use? And what brand? I notice a difference between Termo and B & D.

BeastMoDe33's picture

Termo 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch

Nitti's picture

When I use termo this sometimes happens to me. Not only a sudden rush but it sometimes feels like its stopped up. It takes too much pressure to push it then it suddenly bursts out. I use only 25g pins (5/8 on delts and 1-1/2 on glute). I think you're cool tho. The sudden rush of fluid can cause spasms which is why I like 25g. I hate those twitches

BeastMoDe33's picture

Okay, good. Thank god.
I was freaking out like Holy shittt!

Nitti's picture

What do you mean "burst into you"!? Like a sudden rush of liquid?