walkman19's picture
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First cycle!


Hey guys this will be my first REAL cycle I have run 2 mdrol cycles in the past and im really excited to run this. I would love any feedback as well as help that you guys could give me.

1-4 d-bol 30 mg/day ED: 10mg AM 10mglift 15mg PM
1-10 Test E 500mg/wk E3D 250mg
2-12 hgc 500IU E5D 500IU (start 10 days in
Stop 10 days after
Last test E shot)

12-16 nolva (PCT) 40/40/20/20 Same time everyday

Now im order my Test E and HCG but I am having a hard time getting dbol. Would appreciate anyone pming me with a reputable source! I have never done hcg so this should be fun with all the mixing. As I understand it I will need a mixing needle and an unopened vial I can premix it all then put it in my fridge and draw 500 iu every week? I would love for any help on the hcg mixing/supplies I will need. This forum is awesome and im glad to be a part of it. Cheers everyone!

chriso2008's picture

Might be better off cutting the D-bol and going 14 weeks on the test. Just my 2 cents.

OmNom's picture

If you wanna run hcg then run it during. It basically just reminds your two buddies not to give out and shrivle up. It's not very helpful during pct unless someone made some magical discovery. Use it during. First few weeks won't really matter since it won't kick in completely. Just trying to save you your money and balls. And AIs are fantastic for many symptoms as a lot of testosterone will convert to estrogen. Saves you from simple things like acne and bitch tits etc. Dbol will kick in before your ethnate. So you should know by week two or three if its the dbol kicking your ass. If so drop it.

walkman19's picture

I do plan on running it during my cycle! I plan to start 10 days in on my cycle and do 250 iu twice a week on injection days (diff needle of course). And I already have a case of bitch tits so its not really a problem to me lol. Thanks for the quick response!

eatbig's picture

Im planning a simular beginer cycle like walkman19 but without the hcg. why drop the dbol? walkman19 is prolly wondering the same thing. Ive seen some people say dbol with test E is optional and ok for a first cycle so that you can get use out of the first 4 weeks since thats how long it takes for test E to kick in. Im not doubting your knoledge, Ive seen plenty of your other posts around and see you know what your talkin about. Thats why Im askin you.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

age? stats?

hcg is more of an option than a necessity bro. for a first cycle (IMO) the less compounds the better. That way if symptoms arise u know where they came from (hence, u know how to treat them)

I would suggest having an AI on hand and watch for signs of gyno. you may OR may not get symptoms so you may OR may not need it but better to have and not need than to need and not have
Cycling is more than just compounds, bro. it's about learning ur body and how u react to certain compounds

walkman19's picture

bf 8-9%
Worked out the last 5 years (last 2 years seriously)

I really appreciate the quick response! I do plan on running HCG as Im always paranoid about the boys not working again! I have 2 close friends that have run and are on cycle year round so I know they will help me with the mixing. As for gyno its not a big deal as I have had puberty gyno since I was 13. Cant afford to get it out as of now so hopefully sometime in the future! Thank you!