Champion Of The Mind's picture
Champion Of The Mind
  • 314

Problems with my boys...


I've been done with pct now going on 4 weeks, test levels are going back up, waking up with a hard on, horny and ill tempered, etc... Lately I've been feeling this unusual feeling in my testicals. They feel like they twitch inside my 'sorry for lack of a better term' nut sack. This happens every so often, its not painful but weird.. I notice I'm more sensitive during sex and Im sorry again guys, but my seeman looks normal... My doctor is on vacation and my insurance doesnt allow me to go else where, so I can't get bloods done right now... I read somewhere it's my testicals trying to rebooting, because they haven't fully recovered yet, I didn't feel this during my last couple cycles, but my last couple cycle pct was shit. Thank you lord for eroids, you guys have really help me shape a better understanding of using AAS properly and safely. I read half way through an article and closed the browser on accident and couldn't find it again, but it suggested running HCG for a couple weeks to help things flow more easily... If anyone could elaborate or share their experience please help, thank you

stats age 27
height 6'
weight 172.3
BF 5%

GrowMore's picture

This is only my opinion but.. they've been inactive fir how ever long your last cycle is so now they're bouncing back feeling is coming on and you're experiencing enlightened senses of the testicles. Mine loose 80% of the sensation when I'm on cycle so when I'm coming off they become super sensitive.

If you do run HGC look into running Nolvadex or aromasin while you are and after so oestrogen levels don't spike. Best of luck and great display photo.

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Champion Of The Mind's picture

All of my cycles leading up to my last one, I had a shit pct. Just nolvadex, and believe it or not no problems, recovered just fine. However I didn't hold on to much of any gains.This time around I used the standard protocol of clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 but I didn't taper this cycle either, I sat for two weeks letting the cypionate ester to dissipate, before beginning my pct. The two weeks in between, I was flipping through some crazy emotions, I was really emotionally imbalanced, either sad or pissed. It was an unpleasant experience to keep it frank. It's something I will refrain from repeating. Lately I feel more emotionally stable and normal, but I keep getting this weird feeling... What you said in your opening line seems logical to me, but I'm sure there's something more to it. Thank you for your insight and complaint friend.

GrowMore's picture

No worries mate. Roids can be a rollercoaster on emotions even when you have everything dialed in perfectly.

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