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+ 7 PCT: The time frame to consider


After numerous questions regarding Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and when one should begin their PCT course, I have presented below the common facts substantiated by the mathematical proof, in order to reduce the uncertainty among our members.

This post will engage in the following roster:

1) PCT: The Rule
2) An example using a 12 week cycle protocol
3) Mathematical proof substantiating the 12 week cycle protocol
4) How many cycles you could run in a 52 week year
5) A brief analysis of hormone levels pre/post cycle

The general rule for running an AAS cycle is:

Time ON + PCT = Time off (Unless blood results prove that you have returned to natural/near natural levels)

Now, lets say you choose to indulge in a 12 week cycle, which carries a 4 week PCT, thus the total time frame where your hormone levels will be abnormal in comparison to prior natural levels is 16 weeks. Additionally, supposing that you chose against acquiring blood results, this will result in a 16 week 'time off' period. Thus, the total time frame for a single cycle to commence and be finalised is 32 weeks.

Therefore, following the aforementioned key points, on the basis of a 52 week year, one can indulge in (52/32=) 1.625 cycles a year. In Layman's terms, you can run 1 cycle completely (this includes time on + PCT + time off) + (5/8 =) 0.625 cycles. This means you can run one complete cycle (this includes: Time ON + PCT = Time off) plus another 12 week steroid cycle + 4 weeks PCT + 4 weeks time off (32*0.625) in a single year, with a remaining 12 weeks of time off period to be carried forward into the next year - (2 complete AAS cycles = [32 weeks +32 weeks] 64 weeks, -52 weeks (equal to 1 year) = 12 weeks to be carried forward).

With regard to hormone levels, following the 1.625 cycles a year, you are likely to be fine. Of course, people find that after single cycle with PCT and time off, their levels return close to natural, much in the same way in which another person may find that they will be completely reliant upon TRT/HRT after their first cycle. What i have tried to illustrate here is that everybody is different - and the assumption that the time off period will, in most cases, return an individual to 'normal' hormonal levels.

Thanks for reading,

DBG's picture

I'll point that!! +1...Good stuff!

Catalyst's picture

Good read P, have some +'s. Considering the number of members asking some routine stuff about PCT protocol, wouldn't this be a valuable sticky?

P's picture

I hope the mods can make this a sticky.

My main aim was to not only blast the rule at the new members, it was also to show them the logic behind it, so that they can understand it

Catalyst's picture

And that's exactly what it does mate, spot on.