H2oh2o's picture
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Clomid and Nolvadex questions


Yesterday was my 18th day since my last shot of sust and 4 day since prop. I started research chemical Clomid and Nolva together yesterday at
100mg of clomid and 40mg of nolva. I split the dosing up at 50 clomid and 20 nolva in the morning and the same at night. I am feeling very sluggish, tired and out of it. This all started yesterday. I have had to take 6 tylenol throughout the day today due to headaches.

My question - Is this normal to feel like this after an AAS cycle or is it the SERMS that are making me feel like this? Should I take both together? I have taken nolva taba before after my last oral cycle and never felt like this.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks guys!!!

blackops79's picture

Clomid makes me feel bitchy and crazy but I used it anyway and it seemed to work. Torem also worked well for me so i may try to avoid clomid next time.

WhyNot's picture

where are you in your PCT? Are you taking anything besides Clomid and Nolvadex?
Did you run hCG during your cycle?
how is your diet?
how is your training?
how are you training? ( high-intensity, low intensity, high volume, low volume)
what is your sleep schedule like?

H2oh2o's picture

No just Clomid and Nolva. I just started a test booster today.
No hCG
Diet is not so good
Training went from 6 hardcore days a week to 3-4 days a week (I have lost my motivation to get in the gym after work)
My training is focused on strength right now. Mild intensity-high volume.
My sleep is good. I am getting at least 8 hours a night.

I personally think my hpta is shot right now and I am not producing enough test. I bought a test booster to see what happens.

This sunday ends my PCT. I will be getting bloods done in a week to aee where I am at.

WhyNot's picture

Clomid and Nolvadex is all you really need. I would avoid any kind of testosterone booster as it may interfere with the PCT.

Clean diet is even more important at the point that you are at. If you have the willpower I would suggest cleaning up your diet. A clean diet will go a long way not only with your recovery but with your overall sense of well-being.

Recuperation is what you really should be concerned about when training post cycle. At the same time you need to keep up the intensity. My recommendation is that you train low-volume high-intensity. As you recover you can go to mid volume. I try to avoid any kind of high-volume training except for when I cycle.

Getting blood work done in a week will tell you a lot of information but it will not tell you if you have recovered (To see if you recovered you should get blood work done again 8 weeks down the road). This blood test will tell you how the PCT is going and at what stage you are at.

If you feel that you have not recovered you can always extend your PCT by 2 weeks. Since you did not use hCG you have a pretty long time being shut down, it takes time to get your Testes going.

H2oh2o's picture

Still feeling like complete ass! Is there anything you guys recommend to do or take during this?