Visordad's picture
  • 7

+ 1 Tren A vs NPP


Okay I know Tren is the winner, I’ve ran two cycles with and my results were amazing. My issue is the side kill me. Getting ready to contest prep and cut for summer. I was thinking about giving NPP a try this year as the Tren turns me into a no sleep, night sweating maniac. Thanks

Jockstrap's picture

Dhb. Its impressive.

press1's picture

I nearly mentioned that lol

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press1's picture

Depends on what you want Bro - do you want to make some Great gains but feel shit and be unhealthy on the inside, or do you want to feel happy, look bigger and be healthy? Test, NPP and Mast is always a great combo and will still get you lean if you diet well.

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Visordad's picture

Test NPP and mast is exactly what I was planning on running. Diet is on point, 500 cal deficit for the last two weeks and I’m down 6ish pounds already. Planning on starting the cycle at around 185 or 13% bf. Thanks for the comment!

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press1's picture

I actually feel happier on that combo than I do on the old trusty Test, NPP and Dbol cycle. The Mast in there just makes you feel sharp and in connection with the weight, wired and strong. Only thing I don't like is my shoulders don't get the cushioning from the Dbol. Test, NPP and Mast is great for deadlifting on though! And horny all the time lol

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