dragonsfly033's picture
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TESTOSTERONE: The best choice ever!


I want to post my personnel experience as a long time androgenic anabolic steroids user but most important of all I want to point out my convinction that testosterone is the best choice to try. Why do I have this idea? Personally I have been thinking that testosterone is the best hormone to use if you want to add mass, strenght, vascularity and to loose fat because is the most natural hormone we are used to handle. When we talk of chemical substance or hormone treatment therapy keep in mind that mimic nature is the best choice. Testosterone is produced by our body since we were born and it raise stably till we grow up to adulthood then it declines slowly. It is known for its anabolic effects but is less known for its important neurological activity http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130726191522.htm
This neurological activity is produced by dihydrotestosterone, which is made by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5-AR) that converts testosterone in DHT. In this case testosterone acts as a pro-hormone. Unfortunately Dihydrotestosterone has a bad reputation but most of it is a myth. I enclose this link to learn more about DHT: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/reform8.htm
Testosterone is also converted to estradiol, which produces an important function in our body, by aromatase enzyme in the fat cells. See this link: http://www.nih.gov/researchmatters/september2013/09232013testosterone.htm
Testosterone is more than just fuel for a sex machine. Low testosterone levels can also cause:
•Decreases in bone density, which can lead to osteoporosis
•Diminishing ability to concentrate, as well as irritability and depression
•Increases in body fat, particularly in the midsection where the buildup puts them at heightened risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.
So testosterone is a fundamental hormone in our body and above all most of its role and function is made by its convertion in estradiol and DHT. When aas were produced in laboratory, scientists tried to alter chemical structure of testosterone to minimize convertion in estradiol and DHT and to maximize its anabolic role. But doing so we have lost most of its beneficial effects that are due to convertion in E and DHT since it acts as a pro-hormone.
After a bit of scientific studies let's talk about practise. I have been using aas for 20years by now. I used every substance sold on the market and year by year I have been convincing myself that testosterone is the best substance to use. Why? Because when i use testsosterone I feel stamina, strenght, energy, well being, sex appetite and other symptoms that no other substance produces and besides testosterone makes me feel stronger than ever. Moreover I noticed in all these years that when I use testosterone my body fat declines faster than I use aas. In fact as testosterone converts to DHT it stimulates nervous system and I think stimulates fat cells through its effects on nervous system that allows to get rid of fat quicker. Many aas converts to weak DHT, as Boldenone does, or do not convert at all.

"This is not a scientific statement and I am not a scientist but it is only my idea and conviction after many years of usage"

So I challenge all of you to make this experiment. Substitute your aas quote with testosterone and see what happens. Try to figure sensations, effects and results. For istance who uses 500mg of testosterone and 500mg of aas (deca, boldenone, primobolan etc) a week could substitute aas quote with further 500mg of testosterone and see its effects. In this case one should inject 1 gr of testossterone a week and see positive effects and side-effects.
Let me know your feedback and experience...thanks

P.S.. I used 1gr a week as an EXAMPLE...please do not take my challenge as a bible. To me it is your feedback important whatever dosage you have used. Let me know if,according to you, testosterone alone works better than testosterone mixed with aas. That's all

isebas76's picture

1g of test is a crazy dosage, remember that test is highly reactive so the sides can be pretty bad too, specially at 1g. Personally I would never go above 700mg week and that’s pushing it

DeeMan's picture

I'm with ya 100%. Never been close to a gram.

WOR support1's picture

Wow! I just joined today and been learning a lot from many posts here.

Slightly Retarded's picture

As me, myself being quite new to this, I have done some reasearch and this is one of the things that I noted down for myself, no cycle should be done without Testosterone, it always has to be there. I did saw other cycle suggestions without adding testosterone, but they always looked like very controversial.... I'm here to learn, correct me if I'm wrong

Shitforbrains's picture

Test is king brother. REDACTED and I’ve never felt better. REDACTED just cause it’s just that good. I’ve always had amazing experiences with just test as well. I start feeling iffy when I add other hormones lol. But fuck I love me some Anavar. Real legit Anavar is amazing.

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Greg's picture

Hey dingbat, or shitforbrains, we don't post comments like that in the open forums lest some dumb kid wants to emulate you. We have groups you can join to discuss such things. At least pretend to be a good role model.


Shitforbrains's picture

My bad big daddy. I’ll pretend real good from now on. Yessa I will Lol

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BroadwayBulk's picture

I was always told that testosterone is not just the best product, it is a base for every cycle for male. You can not run any cycle without it

Makwa's picture

I wholeheartedly agree that testosterone is the best AAS. When structured with a proper diet and training it alone will allow you reach you target goal whether it be bulk, cut, recomp, strength, performance enhancement etc.

I see where you are going with this but I don't think I am ready for your challenge quite yet though. I don't need to be injecting 1g of test into me at this stage of the game, even if that is the only compound I am injecting. 500mg max seems to working just fine for me right now so I am not going to push the envelope with it quite yet.

Lineman42's picture

Where do i get it though, w/o buying a cheap knockoff ?

vhman's picture

I almost never go over my TRT dose. I love the challenge of getting the most out of the least amount of gear. It's amazing what you can accomplish with diet and hard work.


Fill out the profile page with current stats bro.... that way folks will take more notice of your posts Smile

In this case one should inject 1 gr of testossterone a week and see positive effects and side-effects.

I hope the noobies dont take this as religion :/


Thanks for editing.

Stats next please!........... dont be shy you will not be older than me.

26yrs............ is that all?

You show me your Titles and i,ll show you mine!............. hahahahaha


Stats........... lady or not you talk grams of test my hammer is starting to twitch

vhman's picture




vhman's picture

I had my popcorn out after I saw what he/she posted for stats.

The Impastable's picture

You and me both. I checked the profile and the only thing on my mind was "the hammer has a pulse!" RUUUUUUUUUN.


I wish they would just understand i am not a new Gen MOD...... i gave him ample opportunity and i was courteous .... and he just went ahead and poked his fingers in my cage!

The Impastable's picture

You're like, so out of touch with the times! Maybe you like, need a skinny soy no caf half half matcha? Smile

vhman's picture

Agreed. It's either a game for them or they're just plain ole ass-hats.

tonytulo's picture


The Impastable's picture

The goonies look at this as a mild cycle... Have you seen the shit going on in the SI pages? 1.5grams of tren, 1.5gram of test, two, three, or four orals on top...

Full disclosure, my last run was 1g of test only, Dbol kicker. It was an experimental cycle to see how I reacted to that high a dosage of test. I didnt notice any real benefit to it, but I also didn't notice any more sides from it. My conclusion? If that much test didn't do anything for me, why bother? Use less, at a dosage that is comfortable for the user, and plow the extra money you would've spent on test into more food... Says I as I am currently choking down on pesto rigatoni with chicken.

The Impastable's picture

I personally did not notice any difference in running that much gear. No increase in benefits, no increase in sides. I gained just the same as I did running previous cycles, with smaller dosages.