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+ 1 Best anabolic environment for inj. Mtren


Just wondering what those of you who have used injectable mtren found to be the best compounds to stack with it, particularly for getting shredded for a comp. The first time that I used it I was running 1TC along with about 600mg of mast p for the last 4weeks. Seemed to see daily changes in physique when I incorporated it with those compounds. Next time I ran it with primo and 50mg/d of tren a and didn’t seem to notice the significant changes as much as I did when running the 1TC/mast stack. All other things were pretty equal with the two runs as far as diet/training/prep/ mcg of mtren (1500mcg) etc. So this has me wondering what the best anabolic environment would be for running mtren because there clearly seemed to be a difference that I noted between running it both of those times. Maybe it was redundant running the mtren with tren a. Just trying to get a better understanding of this compound to maximize its potential and curious to see what others have found the best compounds to run with it.


Masteron P for me.

Give me a moment and i will post links to pics which should clearly show the difference in a physique comp prepped with Primo being the dominant compound in the array used and a second pic showing the finish achieved with INJ Mtren....... on both occasions the EXACT same prep diet and training program were used.

Primo prep........

Mtren prep.........

Very clear difference on the finish imo...... 2nd picture was only 3wks using 500mcgs of injectable Mtren and 50mgs of Masteron P daily............ she reported that she felt great and had zero jaundice..... unlike myself who ends up with yellow eyeballs if i go over 4wks continuous use.

We have used it alongside Tren ace and found no greater results..... so purely for safety and faster recovery i think it wise to use it without any other tren derivative in the array.

Makwa's picture

The extra graininess and hardness is evident with the second pic. My primo prep was ok but I am not too terribly impressed with the compound. Seems more suited for physique competitors to me. I think the ticket here is the synergy between the mast and mtren that help bring out the cuts, vascularity and graininess to a new level with all other things considered equal.


Exactly......... i quit running primo for prep back in the late 8os early 90s, it good! but when masteron came on the scene it just blew it out the water for me.... if we had used a different diet i would have stated it but we we tend to stick to what we know...... thats why the pics are good to compare from, again no lasiks and like you say the difference in dryness is clear........ when the carb load started she went even more vascular (scary vascular lol)

Makwa's picture

I should also mention I was taking var during both of those runs also. My orals were the same for each run so I am thinking that the different inj. stack is what made the difference. I guess I am kind of leaning towards a synergy with mast and mtren.

robb's picture

I've always used it with test and have no experience with 1tc. However with mast p it's definitely a game changer, this maybe were the daily changes came from that you mentioned. They seem to work hand in hand very well.

Not sure why it wasn't the same with tren ace, I'm using it currently with mast and tren and its great for seeing a charge in physique. Maybe it's just one of those things.

Makwa's picture

Have you ran it without mast or solo with just tren and noticed a difference compared to with tren and mast?

robb's picture

I've ran it without mast and tren and still noticed great results, quick. It's essentially the mtren that shines through whatever one's on, even just test e would yield great results Imo. My tri's get real vascular when I'm training any upper body part, can almost see a little feathering in good light.

Makwa's picture

That oral tren is a beast in itself, almost seems like an entirely different animal compared to the inj. That oral stuff is just plain nasty.

Makwa's picture

Never ran trestolone but if it aromatizes I'll likely never run it with mtren. Only time I'll ever use the mtren is that final month leading up to a comp so anything that aromatizes is out of the picture during that time.

Makwa's picture

Yeah, I always have used test in my preps, I start out with long ester test and then 8wks out or so I transition over to prop and then drop it completely either 3 or 4 wks out.

Unlight13's picture

I'm horrified of oral tren lol.

uknoantd's picture

just curious were you running any test both times?

Makwa's picture

test has been dropped at the end for comp, so essentially running it without any test.

uknoantd's picture

oh okay that makes sense. I thought u said mtren almost killed u once lol ??

Makwa's picture

Jacked my liver values but the rhabdo is what almost killed me.