blue78's picture
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Live Webcast for 2012 Mr.Olympia Link Tonight at 6 30pm Pre-Judging and Sat night at 7pm Finals

Tonight starts at 6 30 pm for the pre-judging and Saturday night at 7pm is the finals. Enjoy everyone.

Mechyboy's picture

thanks bro!

Giggity's picture

Good looking out man! Ill be interested to see what McMillan brings and how he places. With Phil winning last year, and rightfully so, I wonder if the Olympia judges are going back to a more physique minded competition and not just who has the most cut mass. McMillan has that more old school type physique, so it will be interesting where that lands him.

blue78's picture

Your Welcome. Keep on eyes on Brandon Curry and Johnnie Jackson and you can't forget about Cedric McMillan for the underdogs.

sc2216's picture
