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Larry Williams 21yrs old W/ a 2170lb total?!


For all you powerlifting fans! ;)

Larry Williams (IG: @Larrywheels) just shattered his 242 in sleeves record on Saturday at Reebok Record Breakers 2! This guy is 21 years old which still places him in with the juniors in some federations (ages 20-23). He squatted 771lbs, benched 573lbs, and deadlifted 826lbs for a 2170 total!! Guy looks like he is weeks out from a NPC show at all times. Blasting grams on grams and no fucks given! Results show for themselves!

Give him a look! #Monster

IG: https://www.instagram.com/larrywheels/

alekaras's picture

he did another pr yesterday ffs !! 5 reps @ 500 incline !!

press1's picture

You seen the latest 675lb flat bench?! lol Where will it end ...

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alekaras's picture

crazy man ...and the speed with 585 !! he made it look like 225 ffs

press1's picture

Hey Ale, hope you are keeping well. What do you make of the way he warms up just using singles? I can understand it on deadlifts as I often use this method myself, but literally on bench he just goes up a plate each time and pushes out a single - I've not tried this yet but I just cannot see how that warms him up and activates his fibres enough for the big max? I mean it obv does but how can it LOL

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kodiakGRRL's picture

since I haven't seen him in person .. entirely possible he's doing mobility stuff prior to hitting the bench .. given what he's lifting etc ....I'd actually bet on it.

press1's picture

Hey Kodiak, You are right...I've seen some of his vids where he is, he also does quite a bit of floor work. I've never tried this method of warming up before and doing less with the barbell - is it more effective for shifting big weight given you are kind of expending less energy?

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kodiakGRRL's picture

It really keeps your muscles the fascia and tendons where they should be. I do quite a bit of upper thoracic mobility and shoulder stuff bc if I don't they tend to tighten up and pull me out of position on the big three lifts.. there is also the fact that it has kept me functional and for the most part injury free ...
honestly I don't think I d be lifting or lifting as heavy as I am right now if I did not do the floor work ... I am a mess otherwise

kodiakGRRL's picture

that's some shit ins't it. sometimes my warms ups make me work just as hard as the training sets. but lord knows I am stronger and healthier for it. when I don't do it it shows ..

kodiakGRRL's picture

jeez dont tell them they might stop because they don't want to get too big

alekaras's picture

iam doing well brother,hope you are as well Smile
like larry no I havent done it I start with 6 reps and drop as the weight goes up . my thoughts are 2 .
1larry aint no human so no need to warm up Smile
and 2 his max is way more as he claims does on camera !!

press1's picture

He's just the product of another world as far as I'm concerned, normally as we all know PR's become hard as hell to beat after 3 years of intense training and cycles but this animal just seems to keep putting them in every week - negs me out sometimes seeing the new ones go up on youtube constantly LOL

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bigbob's picture

Definitely a freak of nature, I think I remember him saying on a podcast that he started gear as early as 16 years old. Just Imagine his natty potential.

rawmustard's picture

He’s so talented. Insane numbers!!! I wish we could post videos, my friend is 24 weighs 219lbs and nailed a 725lb squat yesterday. It’s freaky how strong some of the younger 20s guys are right now!

whiteNcrispy's picture

The kid is a freaking monster. And training with Nic Best? Lucky SOB.

press1's picture

Ahh Thats his secret? lol He's been living with Dan Efferding also for a few months at a time in vegas - can't get my head around being that strong at such a young age. Would love to know what his 'actual' cycle looks like but still awesome genetics and talent.....

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Dets's picture


Thats an article where he talks about what his cycle looks like.

500mgs of test and Anadrol.

He used to take a lot of compounds but stopped since he saw better results with a few, almost exactly the same philosophy preached around here, nice.

press1's picture

Yeh I did a thread about this a while back but highly doubt he's on as little as that - He's just trying to come across as responsible to his followers as he can't keep denying he's on gear anymore..

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Dets's picture

He had great genetics as a 14 year old, thats what matters. Larry has been strong for a long time and at an impressive level at that.

Greengravity's picture

Damn.. Guy makes me feel like a lasy ass.

J_Shmoney's picture

Beast +1