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+ 1 Coach recommendations


I am looking to hire a good coach and start taking bodybuilding serious again. Do any of you have any good coaching recommendations? Someone who won’t break the bank and not looking for someone who just wants to push tons of gear. I want someone who is an expert nutrition and training wise. Please let me know if you have anyone in mind, thanks!

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press1's picture

I can't comment on Bodybuilding coaches, but I can give some experience on the Powerlifting side from when I have recently been looking into it. It seems you can get private online coaching from pretty much all of the competing athletes in the game and also the specialist coaches, it all depends on what you are willing to pay as some are surprisingly cheap and others (especially ones popular on Youtube) cost a fortune. I had quotes from $60 a month up to $1000 a month Lol The $1000 was actually from Greg Douchette. $200 to $300 was the going rate from the Elite lifters of the world who are currently competing. However there are some really good Mobile training apps that seem to be great value - There is a John Haack / Andy Huang one that is only $30 a month which gives access to various levels of programmes, off season and peaking and also direct access to either of them for questions via their private online community. These apps continually self adjust according to the weights and reps hit each week relative to the ultimate goal at the end. All of them seem to give diet and nutrition examples and macro counters too.

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wanted's picture

Hey press when it comes to power lifting would it be best to be able to pay extra to be hands on with a coach or is online chit chat enough you think
In bodybuilding / avergae joe here online could only get me so far for that kind of price. its like eroids i owe everything to so far
A hands on coach around here meeting in person once or twice a weeks is 1,800.00 for 16 weeks

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press1's picture

Hey Mate,

It all depends on your level of lifting and experience in Powerlifting I personally think Wanted - If you have been practising the lifts for say 4 to 5 years in Bench, Squats, Deads then you may have got pretty good technique already if you are able to genuinely critique yourself, record videos of lifts and spot where you are going wrong and what you can improve on. Personally if it were me starting out again - especially with how Big the gym scene is over there in the US and the amount of great fully equipped powerlifting gyms there are now I would hire a personal coach. They will make sure you start off on the right foot and that your lifting technique is spot on. Form always begins to break down once you are lifting heavy, and when you are under strain or having to push it is just not possible to realise what you may be doing wrong as all you are concentrating on is getting the lift up. They will be able to design and supply a great programme to follow and also advise where your weaknesses are and the most suitable accessory lifts to help you get to what you want to achieve. I know my deadlift technique is still only 70% of the way there and that there are several things that could be ironed out - but its having someone there drilling it into your head what you need to be doing and the lifting cues you need to be following or have in your head. The right cue at the right time can make all the difference to a lift going well or not. Diet is much different to bodybuilding too pal, its much more carb orientated to allow you to have enough energy in your to get through more CNS taxing exercises and intensive lifting. They will be able to plan out meal plans for your day too.

So they are basically wanting $450 a month there aren't they, that seems to be a little on the higher side from others I have seen of around $300 to $400 a month in person but if you live in a nice area and the coaching level/gym is of a high standard then I'm sure it will be worth it. Plus if they have some sexy women there it has to be worth it right mate??! Lol

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wanted's picture

I forgot to add in the gym memberahips for spme of the high level gyms in my area. 85 to 65 a month and maintaneance fees of 50.00 every 4 months hidden in the contracts. You need a lawyer when joing gyms around here lol

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