Oneinamillion's picture
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+ 1 Rest days on my routine


Hi. So I’m doing a push pull legs routine and my rest days fall after the legs training. How is it best to split the days up for max results? Currently I do.
Monday: push 1
Tuesday: pull 2
Wednesday: legs 1
Thursday rest.
Friday: push 2
Saturday: pull 2
Sunday: legs 2
Then start the cycle again with no rest day again till the Wednesday.
should I take a rest day after the Sunday legs day then effectively start the cycle again on the Tuesday? Or is it better to add extra rest days elsewhere?


Makwa's picture

I have never done a push/pull/legs routine so I really don't know the volume you are doing. Just looking at this though my upper body would be resting on my leg day and my legs would be resting on my upper body days so I probably wouldn't be taking a complete day off unless I felt like I was overtraining, which usually means undereating, and just make sure I was eating enough cals. Really need to see volume and everything you are doing though to understand if a complete rest day is needed.