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sommers time blues
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Topical finasteride w/ NPP or Deca


Just curious as I know the research and results are definitely out there on oral finasteride and deca. A big no no via MPMD & others. But my case is different as I’m on topical fin.

But I have scoured the web for anything on topical finasteride with deca/npp. And found a big whopping nothing, zero, nada. I know most give the, “if you’re on gear shave it or own it” etc bullshit but I’m not here for that. I’m being proactive to keep my hair & I have great hair genetics via mom’s gene pool. Just really want to add npp low dose w/ my next test blast & seeing if any of you fellas got some insight. Any and all serious responses welcome. Or if someone is on topical fin and tried this???

Thanks so much boys!

NeverskipLegDay01's picture

I am currently using pyrilutamide, a topical anti androgen which is supposed to only block DHT on the scalp not systemically. Until now I didn’t notice any shedding which I did the last time I used primo ! It’s not legal for human use so it’s a research chemical still.

sommers time blues's picture

My topical fin is doctor prescribed and relatively cheap imo. What’s your routine with that like? Spraying on in the evening?? Pricey? How long have you used it during cycle?

JEX30Sex's picture

Is your hair coming out in alarming amounts?

sommers time blues's picture

Hair isn’t falling out, I am being proactive on hair retention/loss as I’m 33 and on trt.

sommers time blues's picture

I understand the DHT premise and have this shampoo on hand, use it when I’m blasting. But still wanting to know any reaction of npp/deca with topical fin??