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+ 89 Recommended Doses for First Stacks AND more


These are some of my notes that I have put together in researching various compounds. The intent here is to give a dosage guideline for someone looking to incorporate a new compound into their stack. NO ONE SHOULD BE STACKING COMPOUNDS UNTIL THEY HAVE A THOROUGH UNDSTANDING OF HOW A TEST ONLY CYCLE AFFECTS THEM. So these recommendations are NOT for someone looking to do their first cycle but for users who are now past that and looking for something new to add. (End of disclaimer).

I have not used all of these compounds myself yet, but when I get to the point of incorporating them into a new stack, these are the dosages I am going to start with. These are starting doses and I am a proponent of starting with the minimum effective dose and adjusting upwards if need be. So these are starting points. If I have said anything that is way off base with these compounds let me know and I will edit. I am still learning too but from what I have gathered through my research this is the best I could come up with. Not going to deal with tren, so that is why it is missing in this discussion if you were wondering.


*(Pre-load your liver supps 2 wks before and for an additional 2 wks after taking.)


50mg/day split AM/PM Take throughout entire cycle except PCT.
Binds strongly to SHBG to help increase the amount of free testosterone in your body. Should be incorporated into every cycle because of this, especially with a cycle base that consists of a lower testosterone dose. Makes the test that you are taking more effective. Also has some slight AI properties but not enough to be used as the only AI during a cycle for most people. Great compound for TRT patients to take year round @25mg/day.


40mg/day 4 wk maximum duration
High aromatization rate. Not recommended to include in a first cycle since the high aromatization rate may make adjustments of AI somewhat tricky. Best to determine how susceptible you are to aromatization with a basic test e cycle first and once you know your optimum AI dosage you can add it into a later cycle.


50mg/d. If that is tolerated well you may want to bump it up to 100mg/d. The sides seem to outweigh the benefits once one goes above 100mg/d.
Anadrol is most efficient if pulsed. 2wks on 2 wks off. Could be ran for an entire 12 wk cycle when pulsed in this fashion. As always monitor sides and discontinue use or decrease dose if ran for entire cycle duration.

Turinabol (the gentle Dbol)

50mg/day 6wk maximum duration
If looking to incorporate an oral into your first cycle this may be a good choice. Does not aromatize so one does not have to be concerned about aromatization side effects. Also has SHBG lowering properties similiar to proviron.


75mg/day 8wk duration
Really only suited for cutting cycles and best used at the end of cycle when BF levels are low. May help promote lipolysis.


50mg/day 6wk duration
Winstrol is pretty much a “one-trick pony” and that is for cutting. Winstrol also helps to lower SHBG which well help to make your testosterone “more effective”. Drying out of joints seems to be a common side effect.

Oral Primobolan

100mg/day 8wk duration
Oral primo is not methylated and therefore would be less stressful on the liver.


Not for “recreational” users. Best used for contest prep or if a significant boost in strength/aggression is needed before a powerlifting meet.
Very powerful compound and highly toxic. Due to the extreme toxicity of this compound, its duration of use should only be up to a maximum of 3 weeks.
5-10mg to start out with to see if you can tolerate sides
20mg/d is often the max amount needed to elicit effects for bodybuilding purposes.


Not for “recreational” users. Best used for contest prep or if a significant boost in strength/aggression is needed before a powerlifting meet.
Very powerful compound and highly toxic. Due to the extreme toxicity of this compound, its duration of use should only be up to a maximum of 3 weeks. This compound will likely adversely affect your lipid values no matter what you are using for liver protection
500-750mcg is often all that is needed


20mg 4wks max
Not recommended for recreational users. Highly toxic. Can be used during a cut or bulk depending on diet.

Injectables – (test should be the base of all cycles)

Testosterone (Enanthate/cypionate)

Basic beginner cycle typically consists of 500mg/wk for 12wks. Even though it is longer ester it is best to pin it 2x weekly (Mon/Thurs) to maintain more stable blood levels.

Testosteron Propionate (Test p)

100-150mg EOD 8wk cycle (If going longer than 8 wks it may be more practical to switch over to a longer ester to minimize the amount of pinning) Beware of post injection pain (pip).
Shorter ester. Should be pinned at least every other day (EOD) to maintain stable blood levels. Good to use for kickstarting a cycle or finishing off a cycle to enter into PCT quicker than with test E/C.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate (TPP)

Can be used in place of test P if pip is problem.

Equipose (EQ)

600mg/wk 16 wk cycle
The longer EQ can be ran the better. 24 wk cycle would be ideal but only recommended for those on TRT (unless you want to end up on TRT for trying to run a cycle for this long).
Can help boost appetite. Increases RBC more dramatically than other AAS. Good practice is to donate blood during an EQ cycle to help keep hematocrit and RBC at healthy levels.

1-testosterone Cypionate (aka dihydroboldenone – DHB)

500mg/wk 12 wks minimum
Trenbolone without the side effects. Very versatile compound. Can be used for cutting or bulking.

Primobolan (Enanthate)

800mg/wk 16 wk duration
The “Cadillac” of cutters. The longer it can be ran the better.

Masteron (Enanthate)

400mg/wk 12wk duration
Effects are best seen on a cutting cycle with lower bodyfat. Can also be useful to incorporate into a bulker for estrogen control. Beware of crashing estro with low dose test cycles.

Masteron (propionate)

100mgs EOD

Deca Durabolin

400 mg/wk 12 wk min duration
Deca is very suppressive and my make for a more difficult recovery during PCT. Helps with joint lubrication. Good mass builder. Deca is 19-nor so one should have prolactin control on hand. To help avoid “Deca-dick” the test:deca should be at least 1.5:1.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

100mg EOD 8 wk cycle
Faster acting Deca. Anecdotal reports that users of NPP retain less water than Deca. Can be used during cut or bulk. Just like Deca, initial runs should keep test higher or at least equal to help prevent libido problems.


Potential benefits

  1. No need for a PCT if doses and cycle lengths are kept reasonable
  2. High oral bioavailabilty but they are not toxic to the liver like most oral AAS
  3. Even low doses show anabolic responses
  4. Great for strength, gaining lean mass, and increasing endurance

I feel they are a great bridge between cycles to help maintain gains, build some additional mass and strip off some of the fat you may have gained during your cycle. Just like your AAS cycle, your diet will dictate whether your SARMS cycle is a mass gainer, recomp or cutter.
Can help with the “PCT blues”. I always seemed to feel much more upbeat and energetic while cycling them.

S4 – Andarine

50mg/day for 6-8 weeks if cutting. 4-6 hour half-life so split doses throughout the day.
Up to 75mg/day if going for a recomp. Best to slowly increase dose to see if vision side effects will occur. 5 on 2 off protocol if vision side effects occur.

S4 has the potential to be the most suppressive of the SARMS. Be aware that slight suppression may occur if ran at doses greater than 50mg/d for more than 4wks at time and will likely require some type of mini-PCT if doing so with some test boosters or something similar.

Good cutter (fat burner), not so much a mass builder but will help to maintain gains. Great for strength, hardness and vascularity. Can cause vision to have a yellow tint and make it real hard to drive at night. I actually experienced these vision effects so the recommendation if they occur is to go to a 5 on 2 off dosing protocol. This got rid of the vision side effects for me and still allowed me to reap the benefits of the S4.

Ostarine (MK 2866)

Men – up to 25mg/d
Women – up to 12.5mg/d
If cycles are done in 4 week bursts and doses don’t exceed 25mg/d, there should be no suppression. Longer durations may require some type of OTC mini-PCT.

Good strength and lean mass builder.

GW 501516

10-20mg/day split AM/PM for up to 12 weeks

Great endurance booster and fat burner.

Final thoughts on SARMS

I am up in the air on whether or not they are a good thing during PCT. They have the potential to cause slight suppression if dosed higher and taken for extended periods so if one is going to use them during PCT I would keep the dosing on the lower end and probably only use Ostarine or GW 501516 and not stack them.

Best time to run them in my opinion is between cycles and run them as a stack. By running an 8-12 week SARM cycle between your normal cycle you get to keep that “on” feeling and will be making more progress whether cutting or bulking than if you weren’t taking them. Just stack them at the above suggested doses for 8-12 weeks and then take a 3 week mini-PCT with some OTC test boosters and you should be good to go. Good way to pass the time between cycles.

Aromatase Inhibitors

The two most common aromatase inhibitors (AI) used while on cycle are aromasin and arimidex. To dial in your AI dose you should get bloodwork taken after the AAS you are using have reached peak steady state serum levels and you have been on your current AI for at least one or two weeks. This way you will know whether to dial the AI up or down a bit.


Typical dose for a moderate test cycle (500mg/wk) to control estrogen is 12.5mg ED. I have taken it at 25mg EOD and noticed it to be just as effective. Aromasin is a Type-1 (suicidal) inhibitor. You will not have any estrogen rebound from it. Many times it is ran during PCT at half of normal dose to help prevent this potential for estrogen rebound.
It will increase IGF-1 levels also.


Typical starting dose for a moderate test cycle (500mg/wk) is 0.25mg E3D.
Type II (reversible) AI. May experience rebound when quitting it, especially during high dosed test cycles.

Makwa's picture

Still going to need to PCT even with low doses and short cycles. Doesn't take much or very long to shut down your natty production so you have to reboot it with a PCT.

Bigdonstud618's picture

OK so here is my problem with arimidex. Even at a low dosage say. .125mg every 3 days I will get hot flashes like a post menopausal woman completely out of nowhere on a single dose that will last for days. Not a real concern but it is annoying. Like 3 weeks fine then one day boom. Test dosage could be anywhere from 250 to 750 same thing. Totally random. On trt and I only use when I blast. I start taking it on first injection of blast then every 3rd day. I know some people just don't tolerate it well but I can't help but feel like I'm doing something wrong. Also a little eq at 600mg I just added but it started before that. The hot flashes completely ruin my workouts for those days. It just sucks when it happens. Love ya brotha only person I ever ask anything.

Makwa's picture

Have you tried using aromasin instead?

Bigdonstud618's picture

Nope not yet. That is the plan as soon as I get get rid of the near thousand arimidex I have... That's why I'm asking. I really don't want to waste the money. If you think of anything that it could be that I'm doing please let me know brother. If not I'll just live with the annoyance.

Pericu's picture

Hej mate, sorry to hear of your sides to ari. Even though you don't want to waste money, what's the point in baring the pain, have shitty workouts, feel like shit all the time?! I rather waste money than waste a whole cycle because you can't train/eat/etc. like you usually do.
I see ordering online or trying new products as like investing in the stock market. There's always a risk and a chance of losing your money.
If you can't stand the sides, stop using ari for the sake of your sanity and health

Triple T's picture

Good read! Thanks man

0utlaw's picture

Great review very informational something for me to look forward to after a few cycles

onelove's picture

Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I read about the armidex and aromasin in this thread the ai's do not have to be taken throughout the cycle but towards the end and even into pct? I've read in other forums to take them throughout.

Makwa's picture

Normally taken starting around wk 4 when test e/c are used in the cycle and then continued throughout cycle. Aromasin can be taken in PCT since it is a suicide inhibitor so you won't have any estro rebound.

onelove's picture

Ok week 4 w/test e cycle, but think going to kick start with test p. This is my situation. I'll have my test p+e early next week but won't have my aromasin n hcg for a few more weeks. I can wait until they arrive but I know I really don't want

Makwa's picture

Better wait till they get there because sometimes they don't. Then what are you going to do, other than grow a pair of good ones.

onelove's picture

Advice taken. Thanks.

EmilyBeran's picture


Saturday.'s picture

These dosages all look way too high for someone new to each compound, might work if your gear is severely under-dosed, but otherwise you could reduce these by at least 30%

Saturday.'s picture

Only if it's a poor quality UGL which underdoses the gear. You don't need massive doses when it's your first time trying a new compound.

CTH91's picture

Lol i like how all this fuck had to say was dumb. Seems pretty informative and accurate for the most part, would have loved to have had this around when i started. It took me weeks to research and learn the basics

Keez's picture

Cheers for the info bruva.
U just answered a few of my questions in one hit.

cjs484's picture

Very informative, thank you. I like how you included SARMS. I tried Osta before any gear and had no results whatsoever. Apparently I had the best supplier in Canada too.

Makwa's picture

SARMS seem to work best when stacked with each other. The only one I would consider running solo would S4 when cutting. Stacking osta with LGD and GW and even S4 is pretty awesome but you will end up having to do a PCT with that stack.Awesome feel good cycle and pretty easy to recover from.

Iron-Gym-Works's picture

thanks bro.

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

Thank you

maxhay81's picture

Thanks mate!

Rocky76's picture

great write up!

Jimmy28's picture

Great information bro thank you!

Majorgainz's picture

Awesome bro.god damn thats pretty much everything you need right there.

Ron Serbb's picture

what a great information, thanks so much!

jahanzeb's picture

This is what i call an informative blog...great work mate!!!

uminchu's picture

I've been researching EQ lately and find some really off the wall dosage and timelines of use. As a newbie it can be difficult to distinguish what is a safe effect approach and what is lunacy. Thanks for taking the time to write this and all the nutritional post you have done.

zeusmarada's picture

This blog post is MOST helpful. Another noob (me) thanks you!

Cryan's picture

I'm on a pentadex 300 1cc a week cycle, small I know but I get good results... my question is should I be running aromasin or arimidex!? I don't understand the difference... I researched and was told nolvadex would be fine to have on hand, but I am getting mixed info.... need clarification please if you have time....

Makwa's picture

You need an AI such as aromasin or arimdex to keep your estrogen under control. You may or may not need it with that dose, everybody is different but you better have it on hand to take care of any estro issues that may pop up. Bloodwork would be telling factor here. Get some bloods drawn at 4-5 weks into cycle to see where your test and estro levels are. Then you will have a good idea of whether or not you need to take an AI. If you can't get any bloods taken you need to read up and be aware of high estro symptoms and take your AI at the first sign of them. Nolva is not an AI, so don't count on that to control any estrogen issues you may have.

Cryan's picture

Thank you I'll do that

trenning's picture

You seem very knowledgeable!!! Thanks for sharing!

Whitetrash's picture

+1 for another great write up. I find myself referring back to this regularly.

win3200's picture

I considered osta during my pct this is a good confirmation that it's not a bad idea

Makwa's picture

Just take heed to the dosage and time frame and you should be fine in PCT with it.

win3200's picture

Thank you sir and now the search for a source.

sic26's picture

I sent fr

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
Makwa's picture

got ya.

Jep's picture

thanks, useful information!