Gp13's picture
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High estrogen - high aromatization


Hello guys.
I’m in week 6 of test e only cycle.
I inject 250mg test-e every monday.

Before the cycle:
-Total test = 595 ng/dl
-estradiol E2 = 30 pg/ml

I got bloodwork done again 4 days ago (on cycle):
-Total testosterone = 1471 ng/ml
-estradiol E2= 178.59 pg/ml

I started taking arimidex 0.5mg/ eod

I will have bloodwork again done next week to see how i respond.

My question is if my estrogen get in the normal range should i continue arimidex?
Or maybe i don’t know if 0,5mg arimidex/ eod is too low for that high estrogen levels i have.

Gp13's picture

SO guys i got my E2 checked again yesterday and came down to 67 pg/ml.

i will take 0,25 adex e3d and check it again next week. Hope it wont crash.

DeeMan's picture

If you get your estrogen in the normal range then why bother using arimidex? If it's not broken why would you need to repair it you know? Just my opinion

Makwa's picture

That is a shit ton of adex, why are you taking so much. Might be okay if you were on 1K+ ot test but surely not for 250mg.

DavosD's picture

My e2 crashed just reading that...overkill indeed.

Gp13's picture

I just took 0,5 eod for three times cause i thought E2 is way too high.
Now i take 0,25 mg eod and i will have E2 check again.

Makwa's picture

I would change that to .25mg E3D. Still might be a tad to much but you will know with bloodwork then.

Gp13's picture

Thanks !!

Makwa's picture

.25mg E3d is a pretty standard dose for 500mg/wk. Might be better off switching over to aromasin which is easier to dose for smaller amounts of test if estro is to low using adex.