FarBeyondDriven2315's picture
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Just looking for general conversation, info, experiences, etc., as to which compound you prefer, and have had better results with: Equipoise or Deca? Seems like this is a consistently debated and questioned topic for many beginners and seasoned vets....

I have run EQ and Deca separately, twice each, and still find this a beneficial topic of debate amongst other users.

Personally, I think Deca is an amazing steroid to run between 450-600mg/week, alongside a base of test, for a simple, safe, and effective cycle. However, I can honestly say the same for EQ, because I find them to bring about similar results. Deca, in my opinion, just edges out EQ in the sense that I tend to experience slightly better aggression in the gym, harder pumps, and a quicker and more prominent increase in size/weight, after about 5-6 weeks into the cycle. EQ seems to be easier to remain leaner on, however, I wouldn't say that Deca has ever bloated me, or caused me to hold onto excess unwanted body fat, as long as I am following an effective diet.

Let the discussion begin; where do you stand on these two compounds ???!!!

DiogenesDark's picture

Have ran Deca/EQ in the past, I found it to work just fine. Deca balances out some of EQ's mental sides too, and vice versa. I recommend trying to keep the Test higher than Deca though, that's what works for me atleast.

Jockstrap's picture

Theyre not the same. At all. Debate over. Lol

Zoohara's picture

Eq seen as superior to primo? That's an uncommon opinion, has that been your experience?

Jrod1994's picture

NPP/DECA all day. Can’t be matched for the mass it brings

papa.smurf0311's picture

I prefer Deca. Honestly, I prefer NPP but still. EQ is a trash compound in my opinion, BUT some guys love it. I ran Test E at 600 a week stacked with EQ at 600 a week at Mast E 400 a week. I have also ran Test E at 600 a week stacked Nandrolone Decanoate at 600 a week and I had far better results from the Nandrolone cycle. Now, I ran Test Prop at 450 a week stacked on NPP at 450 a week with 4 units of growth a day and that is by far my best and favorite cycle I have ever ran. I have pics up from that cycle.

press1's picture

Deca is the better steroid of the 2 - It gets you bigger and stronger. You can get the same effects that EQ gives just by wrapping a tourniquet around your arm lol

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2minuteman's picture

Prefer npp. Was running EQ until recently after watching a video made by “ vigorous Steve “. Gave a better understanding of how toxic it really is.

press1's picture

I lot of lifters run Test/EQ/Deca as a recovery and bulking cycle in the off season, the idea is that you still get the general water retention and lubrication from the Deca in the joints and then the regenerative properties from the EQ in the form of collagen synthesis in the tendons. I am sure Xotic ran it once on here with all 3 at high doses and he gained a tonne of mass on it. Logged it all and everything.

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Wonderboypower1's picture

My favorite 3 compounds to run together

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

Ahh now that’s an interesting combo, I had not thought of; EQ & NPP, guess you would be kind of getting the best of both worlds in a sense ----

BrainsNGainz's picture

I'm running EQ with NPP right now, it's virtually side-free at the doses I'm using (480/360). Granted, these are not high doses and this is more of an experiment to see how the compounds react with my body. So far I have no complaints: Strength is shooting up, joints are buttery, fullness is good with less water retention, endurance and vascularity significantly improved now that EQ is saturated. And to top it off I just added Var (50) last week as icing on the cake.

Mac12769's picture

Huh. I'm curious on your results bro. I'm running Test/NPP now, but I've tried EQ as well. The vascularity was insane with my BF, but took about 14-weeks to REALLY see lasting results from there on. And I wasn't too keen on the anxiety, but its was tolerable, and didn't jack up my labs crazy. Whole body was a road map getting out of shower.

BrainsNGainz's picture

I'm starting week 10 of planned 16, so EQ is really only in full swing now. It was nice to have the NPP going while EQ was loading up, so if your experience was good with both compounds I'd say there's no reason not to stack them. From what I understand the EQ anxiety is usually just a low E2 symptom, so maybe bump up the Test to combat that (I'm doing 1:1.5 - Test:EQ). I'm also running HCG at 500-600iU/week to bump up testicular E2 production, will be doing bloods soon to see if E2 is in range but I'm assuming it's good since there's no sides.

Mac12769's picture

That's entirely possible with the Estrogen effect, it might have caught up. Think I was running it at 500/500 the majority of the cycle. I did like the results, and the anxiety wasn't terrible, just noticeable toward the end of the cycle for sure, especially in the morning during my hour country drive to work. I'll keep in the maybe in future list.

DeeMan's picture

The anxiety would definitely mess with me.

DeeMan's picture

Lol somebody bout to blow up! First time I've heard that combo used together

Jrblh2's picture

I like eq for the fact that it seems to make me more vascular and I generally don't need to run an a.i. I like deca because it makes me strong and is a lubricant for the joints plus its better at putting weight on me. Unfortunately eq thickens the blood considerably and raises blood pressure from that. So I think deca is the winner for me

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Hhh5115's picture

Deca for the win for sure. Or NPP shorter acting ester. I liked it better than deca.

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

I have never taken NPP, but love Deca… what was your experience taking NPP like in comparison ?

wanted's picture

Npp more 3d delts probably 4-8 pounds keep ABLE after cycle if stick with eating in the macros of your newly added weight.
Ive ran both and NPP IS FOR MEEEE !! I have pics running npp

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Lucci's picture

Believe it or not I'm not a big Deca fan. It always made me feel puffy and since I seem to be sensitive to prolactin sides, I avoid it. I will say I've never tried it with caber to combat the prolactin sides, but its always an option, especially if I start having joint issues and need some lubrication as that's a wonderful benefit of Deca. I do like EQ, but I've always used it in combo with other compounds so it was there just to give me a little additive effect with the test and/or dbol. EQ brought out the veiny look for me..must be the increased RBC production.

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

Test/EQ/DBol sounds like a solid cycle; keeps things on the leaner side ----. I definitely agree with the vascularity benefit from EQ, too. That’s always the first thing I notice once it starts to build up & kick in.

simonmagus84's picture

Drop them both and use primo

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

That’s a great idea, too. Deca/primo would be preferred in my opinion.

Hhh5115's picture

If you can get real primo

Diesel77's picture

Times have tremendously changed and Primo is no longer a rare unicorn it once used to be. Plenty of different sources now carry legit primo dosed at 200mg/ml. Lab tested and verified. I'd be more weary trying to acquire legit pharma primo amps dosed at 100mg/ml as they are heavily counterfeited. Plus the 100mg/ml dosage ends up being an abundance of thick, viscous oil for the alloted amount needed for an optimal primo run.

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

Interesting… I am very intrigued to stack Deca and primo, as I have just begun a sustanon/Deca cycle… how would you recommend adding in primo, if at all ?

Diesel77's picture

I personally wouldn't stack deca with primo ...as primos effects would be wasted by the effects of deca, but that's just me and others might like the pair up. Primo is too expensive to not be all in for. Goal dependent, one or the other.

Makwa's picture

Why would you want to stack deca and primo?

simonmagus84's picture

Unless you can tolerate Pip of Primo 200, you’ll need at least 5/600 mg of primo to experience its true effects. I would seriously consider running either Deca or primo unless you’re using Deca for joint support. Primo is the alpha and omega of all AAS. You can truly benefit from a Primo cycle without prolactin side effects of Deca. I’m talking a solid 10/12 pounds of dense muscle tissue with virtually no sides. If anything, I would run Deca and masteron vs Deca primo.

simonmagus84's picture

I did 1.75 of primo 200 in the glute. I couldn’t walk for a week. The only positive experience I had was with Bayer Rimos. I can only use primo 100 mgs, I don’t trust anything else unless it’s tested but even then I can only get up to 4 ml a week.

DeeMan's picture

Yea for some primo pip happens, which doesn't surprise me being that primo and dhb are so closely related.

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

Can you elaborate on your experience with DHB? That’s another compound I am fairly intrigued by, but have not gotten the chance to run…. I’m thinking about trying it at some point within the next few months.

DeeMan's picture

So remember m1t? Well dhb is
unmethylated 1- testosterone. It was sold legally as a supplement in oral and transdermal form at one point. So I experimented with dhb just for a short time and have yet to do a full cycle with it. Let me just say if you're pip sensitive you might think twice about including it in your arsenal lol. I'm pip sensitive like a mofo. Now for me some brands have a bit less pip but they all nevertheless had pip, but that's just me though. Dhb is a weird ass hormone man that is naturally irritating. I remember back in the day folks complained about stomach problems taking it orally and skin problems using it transdermally. From all of that I just think dhb is naturally irritating. I didn't use dhb long enough but at 200-300mg I actually felt good with good strength. A lil sex drive increase with a good pump too. You will have to chat with someone who has used it full cycle to get a better understanding of dhb.

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

Okay nice, thanks for the explanation & info; I appreciate it. Sounds like an anomaly of a hormone to work with; definitely would need to experiment with it a little to get a full feel for it’s efficacy.

DeeMan's picture

I gotcha

DeeMan's picture

That's what I'm leaning more towards now. So tell me do you feel high primo dosages are needed? Keeping in mind it's 100% accurately dosed. Primo is the one steroid that I knew less about. Guess I never payed attention to it because of it's expensive price.

alekaras's picture

Deca all the way for me. I ve run it in many ways hit test low deca, hi deca low test 1:1 deca solo, best results were from low test and deca solo! Deca fullness strength and recovery are excellent! On the other hand eq makes feel weird, puts my hematotric of the charts, and it's a mess for it to find my proper ai dose with it!

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ONESICK's picture

I haven't ran EQ enough to have a say, 2 cycles years and years ago which were ok. I just stick with what worked best for me and nandrolone does it. I'm impatient and don't like to run overly long cycles so i stick with NPP these days over deca. Feels good to be on.

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

I’ve never been able to run NPP, but obviously I am very curious about it… I’d love to hear your thoughts/experiences with it…

FarBeyondDriven2315's picture

Thanks for the info! After hearing all this positive feedback I will definitely be mixing it in with Deca in the future.

ONESICK's picture

Give it a shot. You can run just NPP for up to 8 weeks or to jump start deca. It won't be in your system nearly as long as deca. Where it could be up to months for deca to clear out your system depending how long you run. I can run a 6 week cycle of NPP and It'll do pretty good. Deca just takes too long for me lol. Deca because of how long the ester is you can get more sides from it. I'd rather bypass all that and have the short ester. Sure I have to pin every 2/3 days but it's worth it to me.

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