Qjay95's picture
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I’m looking to lose a little weight around the abdomen and honestly been thinking bout trying a cycle for the first time. If anyone have any recommendations I’d appreciate
It as well as any workout strategies that would be great.

GoldenAgeHunter's picture

I am only on my second cycle, I am running 50 mg ED of var, I got from my TRT clinic and 20mg ED of testolone (I haven’t bought from any trusted sources yet, so I can run it with something other than another oral). I would suggest you continue eating clean and drinking tons of water, I avoid alcohol and do my best to get as much sleep as possible. Var definitely helps look slimmer and tighter. I am planning my third cycle I will probably run primo and var. keep up the good work!

MuscuLex's picture

First of all, get your Diet and Cardio on point! Do not recommend to skip your natural potential before referring to any type of gear. You dont pick and choose where you want to melt your fat off in your body. Search for topics out here to get an idea of how does it actually works that should make you to understand where is your reference point to build your body the correct way

jrs.switzr's picture

I'm looking for advice on how to get started with the right products that will best help me achieve the results I'm looking for. I'm 56, 6'3", 198lbs, about 15% body fat. I have lost 40lbs over the past 18mos. I've gained a fair amount of muscle over this time frame as I've toned up and the effects of my diet (mostly) and my consistent work out routine are very noticeable as I've already lost about 4 inches off my waist to a 34.5" waist while maintaining a chest measurement of about 45 inches. I get alot of compliments from people regarding the way I look and that's encouraging but I'm not where I want to be.
They still are saying that I look really good for my age and to me I'm not really at the point where I am happy until it's just them telling me that I look great, not just for my age.
I'm shooting for optimum shape....I'm shooting for lower body fat, better muscularity and definition and the best possible "ratios" possible for my frame. I have a pretty decent understanding of nutrition and can stick to a diet that is setup correctly for the amount of activity I undergo in a day, which is a lot. I currently workout 1 hour I the early morning, 25 minutes of core work and 35 minutes of cardio, then again at night I mix super sets of resistance band push and pull exercises with interval stair running for an hour or a little more than an hour. I don't suffer from lack of will power, energy or drive. I need directions on how to use test and HGH in order to get the results I'm looking for and I want to do it at an affordable price. Please offer the advice you feel I need. I'm open to anything.

Bulkdaddy's picture

You need to learn how to diet first buddy.

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Qjay95's picture

I have a great diet I’m actually tall and slender I just so happened to put on about ten pounds and looking to just workout and be more lean. I like to think I have a great natural definition just wanna go for a more intense cut if you catch my drift.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Has everything to do with your diet brotha… just listen to me because shredding is something I’m almost an expert on… Keep your protein high and your carbs low… The muscle needs to be there I. Order to show though…. Get you a good coach that will help you… Not no cookie cutter diet plan coach… They will help you. Most important you will learn.

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JFit253's picture

Dont cycle, youre not ready and it wont help you

Get your nutrition right and lose fat naturally. This is a tuff step but required for progress whether you cycle or not. Makwa has great nutrition posts (look at his caloric cycling plans or ask him)
Training is pretty simple. I recommend lifting 3 days on 1 day off. "Push Pull Legs" is standard and should give you great results. You can google workout plans and strategies.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask but also try searching for the answer first. There are many forum posts on here for most subjects.
Also post more stats and info about yourself... Training experience, current nutrition plan, bf%, current specific goal, etc..

Qjay95's picture

Thanks I appreciate the feedback.

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