skydancer4's picture
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+ 10 SARMS: My guide


I want to make two things clear, the first of all is that sarms have not been approved for human consumption and therefore can have unknown effects.
Second, unlike many sources of information praising SARMS to be able to sell them, I will give my honest opinion about them, but in summary I would say that some are better than certain steroids, others are worse, they have the same side effects as Steroids and they can have a good synergy with them.
Because of their way of acting, they do not cause an increase in estrogen and cannot affect the prostate either.
They are safe for women (except for the YK-11 that has the structure of a steroid and a SARM at the same time) and highly recommended.
All the side effects of SARMS are dose dependent and PCT always needs to be done (except in the case of Ostarine and S4 at low doses although it would be advisable to do so).
You need to use a testosterone base to use SARMS and in our case we have used 150 to 600mg while using them (therefore when we talk about affecting negatively testosterone we have not checked it ourselves but it is based on published studies , the mechanism of action and anecdotal experience).
All SARMS are toxic to the liver except MK677 and Cardarine (both are not SARMS), are less hepatotoxic than steroids and affect cholesterol to a lesser extent than these.


It is my favorite sarm, as a rule I hate that sarms are compared to steroids but in this case I will make an exception, it is like dianabol but with less water retention and less liver damage.
With ligandrol you can notice an improvement in strength after a few days, being able to increase 10kg in bench press in a week, you will retain water, but unlike with the dianabol you will retain little water and you will not look like a swollen water balloon, at As with the growth hormone, the water goes to the right places giving a slight 3d look.
The doses I have used range from 5-15mg per day for periods of 8 to 10 weeks, the half life is 24h so one dose will be perfect.
Side effects would be a strong testosterone suppression, a slight increase in blood pressure and some water retention, also i want to point out that there is anecdotal evidence that some users are getting gyno while using ligandrol, it was not our case in any of our lgd runs but just wanted to point that out.
we could not appreciate changes in hunger or sex drive.
I would recommend using it as a lean bulking drug.


This sarm has qualities quite similar to those of steroids, causes the greatest increase in strength I have seen in a sarm (for some of my powerlifters friends it is a must to have in their stack) and causes quite aggressiveness (personally testosterone I do not produce aggressiveness and this sarm yes, I have not used trenbolone but my colleagues who say that the aggressiveness is a little lower than that of trenbolone but almost the same), also gives a clean lean mass gains with hardly any retention of water, causes a fullness effect similar to that caused by the master.
Their doses vary between 10 and 30mg per day in cycles of 8 to 10 weeks, its half life is about 20h so dosing it once or twice per day is perfect.
As side effects we would have an increase in aggressiveness, a negative change in cholesterol and anecdotally some hair loss in colleagues with a predisposition to it.


To start I will say that I hate this sarm but I will be as impartial as possible.
It is a weak sarm, which allows small gains of lean mass, apart from not retaining water, does not cause aggression, is not less supressive than even anavar and almost does not affect cholesterol ...
so what's the problem?
Its main side effect is a yellowish vision that is usually given from 50mg of dose, this dose would say that it is the minimum for it to have any utility and some of my colleagues have needed to use up to 100mg doses.
This yellow vision is very uncomfortable and makes seeing at night almost impossible, for me this steroid is not worth it. (note that this side effect is not serious for health and when you stop taking it disappears.
Side note: Nobody agrees in its half-life because there are no studies that indicate it, it is said that it is about 4 hours, in m, and opinion seeing that the effects on sight always take two to three days to go would say that your life it is much longer than what is said.


The function of this sarm is to reduce the production of myostatin.
This sarm allows great gains of muscle mass in a short time, causing people stuck in the same weight could gain weight easily, in its oral version it takes effect, but in the injectable it is impressive.
It has all the side effects of a steroid tbut up to 30mg we see no big side effects.
Side note: no half life information, our protocol is one injection per day or the oral dosage
divided into 3 doses throughout the day.


It is a SARM that has very common characteristics with DHT derivatives, it can provide a grainy look at a lower percentage of body fat , if I had to compare it with a steroid I would say it would be with winstrol, giving a look almost As grainy as this but being more anabolic, the S23 would be the perfect SARM to be used in cutting phases.
The doses vary between 10 and 40mg and should be distributed between two and three daily doses.
Its side effects are very similar to those of trenbolone, it caused us great aggression, for those who had used trenbolone it would be the same aggression that causes this, night sweats and body temperature increase and finally it is one of the few SARMS that I have seen that cause acne.


Ostarine is one of the SARMS of which more information is available and of those that we have personally used together with ligandrol, this SARM has almost no side effects and the few that it has (test suppression and cholesterol) are given to a lesser extent, It has an effect similar to that of Anavar being in my opinion more powerful milligram per milligram when it comes to gaining muscle mass or retaining it in a cut but without providing you with that quality look that Anavar provides.
In my opinion it could be used for a cut or body recomposition.
It provides little strength gains and its pumps are not as exaggerated as those of the anavar.
Its doses vary from 10 to 40mg and it would only be necessary to take it once a day since its half-life is 24 hours.


It is not a SARM, its a delta (PPARδ) agonist, Its function is to improve your endurance, and my God does it too well.
This compound is one of my favorites, it causes very good resistance increases and this is noticeable both when training that you never get tired or when doing resistance or speed sports in which I have personally seen increased personal marks that It had been months without breaking.
It also has a fat reduction effect.
This substance can greatly improve cholesterol, so it is a must have for me
Their doses range from 10 to 20 mg per day for 12 weeks but my personal protocol and used by other athletes is usually high doses for a short period of time such as the weeks before a competition.
There are no human studies for it causing cancer, so i can not give any advice on this, my only advice would be running it for shorter periods of time in bigger dosages.

It is a growth hormone secretagogue and ghrelin receptor agonist, It is a compound that has all the effects of growth hormone but with a few differences, the first and most notable would be water retention, in the first week of use it causes in my opinion a water retention similar to that of high doses of dianabol at a dose of 30mg.
One of its most notable side effects would be hunger, it causes you a feeling of throbbing hunger that can appear at any time but that luckily disappears within a few weeks of use (believe me, it is very uncomfortable to finish eating and suddenly have the same hunger that if I had not eaten in a week), it causes a sleep effect similar to that of the Superdrol, uncomfortable, but that luckily disappears in a few weeks.
The ideal dose for all its positive effects to be seen would be 30mg a day for about six months or more ... which leads me to wonder if it is really worth taking it while having growth hormone (if someone is going to mention the economic part of it ... do the maths because I think it would not be profitable).
As I have said before it has all the positive effects that growth hormone would have, so I will not explain them in detail.

Johndoe23's picture

Brilliant read!

Anyone tried inject rad 140?

redneckfreak's picture

Good info bro

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cc2002's picture

Good info. Thanks for the summary on SARMS.

lxxRICHxxl's picture

I recently tried some Ostarine and GW. For the Ostarine it seems like a lesser Anavar. I ran Anavar on my last cycle so it was fresh in my mind to compare. For the GW I really noticed the endurance boost. I think this would be good to run in conjunction with my next cycle. Unfortunately, the place I bought from no longer will deliver to California. Not sure why. I haven't heard of the laws changing. So, I need another source. If anyone has a good proven source please hit me up. Thanks.

Harry Manback's picture

Great post, neatly made and straight to the point.

Had limited experience with SARMs so far, my favourites are OSTARINE and LGD for sure, on 20mg of Ostarine I had some serious strength gains even while cutting(being in 150-200 kcal deficit) stacked with Cardarine 20mg a day.

For LGD, I stacked it with MK677 and also had great results. Dosed it for 5mg first 2 weeks and followed with 10mg for 8 more weeks. Some water retention, but strength and mass gains were thru the roof. Been doing powerlifting routine, so strength was my original goal, hit some great PRs.

As for these things shutting me down. For ostarine I hadn't noticed any major shutdown, blood been good after two weeks. LGD did shut me down and I had to do PCT with Tamoxifen. But afterwards, my blood showed even better test levels, did a test 2 weeks after finishing PCT.

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Sprinter123's picture

Now I am on my way to get nice muscles shape, it`s very good I found this very informative thread about supplements, I have just thought recently about how to boost myself with some profitable pills and started to look for some sarms for sale  I am in isolation because of covid-19 and I have got lots of free time to think and to read more about sports supplements as SARMs but here is the question what to choose among them, I am reading now on different sources but at the moment no money in my pocket, plan to buy and start taking after the New Year, now I can buy only the cheapest products

Achak's picture

I was lucky enough to get my hands on injectable extended release Ligandrol (LGD-4033). I put on 15 lbs in 5 weeks. Hands down one of the most potent injectables I have ever done. Strength increased significantly too.

mjk250's picture

Where did you find a long acting injectable LGD? Im using the regular no ester daily shot from a research site and ive gotten zero benefits

BJ's picture

What was your dose? Weekly? Twice a week?

Achak's picture

I did 1ml 2x a week for 5 weeks. That was a total of 100mg a week.

neavri's picture

will you do it again, i am reading about it and it seems awesome if it works like its described. did you inject them, i see they come as capsoules and liquid dropper.

Achak's picture

The company that made it is no longer making injectable SARMS. I have one unused vial remaining. I will definitely do it again. I wish I could find other sources making long acting injectable SARMS. I have a good source for fast acting which requires daily injections. I've done liquid and pill SARMS. I found the results from one vial of injectable Ligandrol LGD-4033 extended release was far superior to a cycle of liquid oral.

neavri's picture

would you say that liquid oral form is a waste of time and money? the only peptide i have had good results from is ghrp6, the others have been a waste of money.

Achak's picture

I don't think it is a waste of money as long as you're dealing with a reputable source. My belief is the recommended dosages floating around the internet are too conservative for experienced users of AAS. The recommended dosage for LGD-4033 is 10mg a day. I was doing 50mg every 3-4 days with the injectable. Injections give 100% bioavailability. Orals bioavailability varies greatly. I don't know what it is for LGD. I can assure you my levels of active ingredient in my bloodstream was higher than someone doing LGD orally at 10mg. You can either do a higher dosage or just switch to injections. Personally I prefer injections. My liver takes enough of a beating. SARMS do work. I've seen the results personally.

charlesmoore's picture

What are the best stack for cutting?

lifting211's picture

Their’s many more new sarms now too

Anabolicraider's picture

Never took Sarms, but about to start once the zombie apocalypse is ovr.
I hve a bottle of Ldrol frm CENSORED waiting for me.. =)
(Gnna stack with Test.E.)
Then looking to buy/try mk677 - Rad - YK-11,
if I see that the Ldrol wrks.
Let's see how it goes.

boldenone99's picture

Ligandrol 20mg daily optimum for me "

PPGfreak's picture

Good post and I agree with everything you said. I’ve played with SARM’s myself and really like some of them.

johnmarshall12's picture

A lot of work here. Good post!

skydancer4's picture

Thank you!