WakeUp's picture
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HGH post cycle question for beginner


Hey guys,

Let me start by saying, I am getting married in June and just want to be a bit more fit and youthful for the wedding and honeymoon. I am having trouble finding anything about post cycle and wondering what to expect post cycle when I go on my honeymoon which will last about 1 month in a hot tropical location (where I don't think I'll be able to bring any products with me)

I am on my first run of hgh. I am 2 weeks in and already pretty happy with the fat burn. I plan on running 4iu ED split into 2 doses for about 7 months. [I am considering doing a lgd-4033 for the last 3 months or some light SARM stack]

How long do hgh results last post cycle? How long for igf to go back to normal?

is the muscle maintenance post cycle protocol similar to steroids (which I definitely will not be doing before the wedding)? heavy lower rep lifting type stuff?

I have read about people having blood sugar plummet randomly for a couple weeks post cycle and they keep sugar like a candy bar on hand...?

just basically looking for any heads up on what to expect and tips on how to handle it best.

johnmarshall12's picture

After you get off HGH you should eat clean. Everyone is different and IGF levels will lower by individual. To play it safe keep the carbs low once off.

TrenLiver's picture

Rusty basically told you what to do.
Just continue eating healthy and living a healthy liftsyle. There is no pct to hgh.
Your friends are more/less correct with their reply tbh.

Owes a Review × 3
WakeUp's picture

ah ok cool thanks

WakeUp's picture

lmao how did you know she was a lesbian porn star?!? lol but ya my cardio and meal plan are on point af... not really related to my question tho lol

Keepmovingforward's picture

If you’re going to rely on something rely on a viagra and a hitachi. You’ll be fine bro Don’t sweat it, confidence is key.

giardap's picture

If you’re going to rely on something rely on .......... a hitachi

Yes!!! Fkn wonder machines!

GizmoDuck's picture


There is a whole forum dedicated to HGH. Have you clicked thru there and read their posts at all?

Second, why would you start something that you don’t even know about from start to end?

Doctors don’t be going into surgery to be like oh wait. How do I close this patient up now that I have begun

You really should know everything from start to finish

For instance. When buying gear. The first thing you buy is your pct. why. Well cause it makes sense. You should know what you are getting into before even starting

I personally haven’t done HGH but when I do I’ll make sure I know what to expect from first to last

Anyway. There are guys here. Hopefully they help you out and not dog you

And congrats on getting married!

WakeUp's picture

haha ya ok hopefully i don't get dogged to hard! Maybe I should have been more clear that I have talked to friends with plenty of hgh cycles under their belt who say it's nothing to worry about, you just go back to normal. I did years of steroid cycles, then moved more to sarms and peptides for a few years. I'm mostly natural now. Just seems post cycle info is the hardest to find online regarding hgh and I figured it'd be good to get feedback from more than just a few friends....

GizmoDuck's picture

Yea. There are some good dudes here that know about that stuff man

Good luck man