StandingTall's picture
  • 4

Pt-141 Legit Sources?


Can I hear some current first-hand reports on a place to get real, quality pt-141. I've searched all over! Of this is not allowed, could anyone point me to a site where I could find this info?

roidsbre's picture

Don't think I've been able to find a legit source. I tried one but it as just melanotan 2 as I started getting asked if I'd been on holiday cus I was tanning so quickly

Greg's picture

That way --->

Moraku's picture

Isnt Melanotan superior or completely diff?

Owes a Review × 3
OlympicLats's picture

Man, I'm just sitting on some of this.

  1. It does work
  2. Gets me darker
    3.I get sickening nausea from it
  3. Tried the nasal spray but no effect at all
  4. I'm not wanting to do another shot due to the nausea but it's nice to have , I'll do it again but ed pills work better for my body...

Its It's everywhere available on the net and should be easy to obtain

StandingTall's picture

Ever tried the anti-emetic ondansetron with it?

StandingTall's picture

I here tons of rave reviews on its effectiveness. But it can cause too much nausea for some to continue using it, apparently.

Bill1976's picture

Stuff doesn’t work anyway

In a promo × 1
OlympicLats's picture

No bro it does work I guess there could always be some more effective than others

StandingTall's picture

Ok, I just used the search with "pt-141 sources" as the term. It yielded basically zero results, over 5 total pages. The ones it did were Super old. Can somebody help a brother out. I'll find it. You simply show me how to begin.

StandingTall's picture

I understand. My apologies. I seem to suck at it. Lol.