AlienInside's picture
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How likely is elevated RBC on just test at moderate dosages?


I was wondering if anyone more knowledgeable than me has some idea as to how elevated RBC is likely to get in my case. I have never donated blood, been on TRT for 3 or 4 years now (pushing doses twice a year upwards of 600mg in winter and summer) and have had bloodwork done twice a year (through primary care phsyician in between blasts) with my hematocrit being at the high end of normal. I guess what I'm wondering is should I be concerned about my RBC? I don't run anything else besides test (and arimidex) and I throw in 5 mg cialis during "blasts." I have a self-donation blood bag in the closet I always think about busting out but I don't have any experience with drawing blood so I'm sort of nervous to start bleeding myself if I don't need to. Thanks in advance for any advice.

bigfunaghn's picture

If it's in range, I don't think I'd be too worried.

Ideally you should get a test done on your blast to see where you are. It's very different for everyone. I know people who run high HCT on just 100-150mg a week of test TRT dose...why? Simple, with normal functioning your test level ebbs and flows with HPTA during the day. With longer ester exogenous administration you are pegged high all day long. Think about this as increasing the "area under the curve" with consistently higher levels throughout every day.

So really it's not how much the average person should worry but how much YOU, as a sample of 1 and the only one who matters in your own case, should worry.

I'll also say that hydration greatly impacts RBC/HCT numbers so make sure you are well hydrated before you test. An AM test without water can vary from an HCT test later in the day by multiple points. Also for me my finger via finger prick even on a fully calibrated machine seem to provider higher numbers in the AM than what a lab will throw back drawing at the same time. Weird but is what it is.

winmag4582001's picture

Everybody’s body is different. While on TRT level dose I don’t get overly high hemocrit. When I blast it raises. I know it’s getting high when I start having neck aches. Usually about 8 weeks into a blast I’ll donate. I give blood regularly and try to time it with my elevated usage. Giving blood is always good. My mother used hundreds of units while fighting cancer.
IMO Give blood. It’s good for you and helps people.
Here in Colorado, Valiant takes whole blood donations and they look at you cholesterol and Covid exposure.

Greg's picture

If you're on TRT from a doc you should know this answer and/or have him to ask and run tests.

It's not how much, it's where your levels are. When I asked my doc the question (I can't donate blood because of past Hep C) he said if we keep my testosterone within normal levels, I shouldn't have anything to worry about.