Nitti's picture
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What would you do?


So I work with a group of guys who love to talk shit! Last Friday we were all talkin about the Martinez v Chavez Jr. fight. This one kid says to me, "Chavez is gonna knock Sergio out cold early". So I ask what he bases that conclusion on. His response "because he's a beast". I'm just laughing at that point and told him to put up or shut up. His paycheck against mine (I make about $4/hr more than him). He says "bet bet" all excited. He's about 22 years old. Doesn't follow boxing. He saw Chavez fight one time and only rooted for em because he was going against what the rest of us said. So now here we are Monday morning. I ran right up to his ass just to rub it in. He's all sad n shit. He has a motorcycle payment, cell phone bill and that's it. He lives at home with his parents so it's not like taking a weeks pay from him will kill him but I feel bad. Just to teach him a lesson I want to take it then give it back a day later. But I might feel bad to even do that. What would you do? The majority vote will be my decision so be honest here.

BigJ-roll's picture

Oh shit you have to take the money teach him not to run his mouth!!!

Monster666's picture

Take his money bro, a bet is a bet. Man of your word.

Nitti's picture

Ok so he didn't show up for work yesterday. Lol. But he called and said he'd be down tomorrow (today) to see me. He is off today but I at work. He just drove down to pay me. Handed me $600 without hesitation. I said "here take half back and give it to me next week". He sad "Nah man, a bet is a bet. It's cool!" My little 22 year old buddy is developing characteristics of a stand up mufuker!

Gorillafit's picture

Nice, now put that money to good use and buy me something.... I mean buy your wife something! LOL ;-P

Nitti's picture

I'm buying you an ANIMAL stuffed doll! Lol. Man my wife already took it from me. :-(

Gorillafit's picture

Shoulda acted like you were offering it. You knew she was gonna get it anyway! LOL ;-P

Nitti's picture

If you don't have my money by Friday, I'm gonna crack your fuckin head open. Around the same time you're gettig outta the hospital, I'll be getting outta jail and guess what? I'll crack your fuckin head open again!

Nitti's picture

Well thank you all for the input. I've decided that I will be collecting MY MONEY! I will take it all initially, then give half back and tell him to pay it next week. This should teach him his lesson without breaking him. He is a good kid and I do work with him so I don't want to watch him sulk because he doesn't have money to take his gf to get ice cream. Lol. But he will be paying up and maybe next time he will stfu about things he knows nothing about and be a little more humble.

bobo_xxl's picture

Nice. Keep us posted. Life in the eroids community would make make a great reality TV show.

Engineereddisaster's picture

You could give him the option of a $1000 punch. Punch or paycheck. There is value in a no consequence knockout.

RonMexico's picture

Get the money, all of it. You would pay up if you lost. Never bet anything you can't afford to lose.

swolltroll's picture

I wouldnt do it because Id worry about spoiling a work relationship. Also I would worry that someone else may view the situation as you praying on a younger kid. But Im not sure of your exact work situation.
But if you do take it pretend like you bought something ridiculously stupid and wasteful with it. Or that you tipped the dunkin donuts clerk the whole check. Its not really about learning a lesson, because your the consequence, of the lesson you believe he must have. Have fun .

Nitti's picture

I'm pretty much his superior. He works with me but is under me. I seriously doubt it would put any strain on our working relationship. The only way that would happen is if he acts like a dixk and doesn't wanna pay up. I already asked him tonight "how do you wanna do this? Half this week half next or all on Friday?". He said "up to you bro" which is a good sign that he's man enough and smart enough not to be a bitch about it. So I'm riding with a bet is a bet on this one. I might still let him keep half. If it were the other way around, I KNOW he would be wanton to drive me to the bank on pay day. Lol

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Yeah cuz 22yr olds are notorious for learning lessons lf character without any consequences LOL!

...let the kid follow through and everyone at work will thank you (for at least those 4wks) cuz he won't have a leg to stand on when he wants to start talking shit
my .02

Nitti's picture

He's got no bills (other than his bike & phone) lives at home and makes enough. I was guesstimating on the $500 net a week. It won't hurt him.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Fuck that! The kid needs to learn to step up and honor his word..
I'd accept 1/4 of his pay for 1 month (as a gesture of goodwill)
...but that's me

DBG's picture

I like this option...good call. I vote for this one!! Take it, but with a gesture of goodwill.

Nitti's picture

Lmao!! I'm crackin the fuck up over here. I've been waiting on you to chime in.

bobo_xxl's picture

I like the idea of taking the money and giving it back. All but however much he should pay to learn his lesson about running his mouth. You need to keep some of it so people don't start thinking ur a big teddybear. You want people to know not to mess with the Nitti but to also know that Nitti has a heart.

Nitti's picture

And that's exactly why I'm considering the taking it, a few hours later giving it all back except $100. Maybe $200. Lol

Gorillafit's picture

Take the money! You'll be doing him a favor! He's probably just gonna spend it trying to get some young thing to get busy with him, which puts him a risk for an STD! LOL ;-P

Nitti's picture

Lmao! Probably right

b.mo254's picture

Take it and see how he handles it. I like the idea about keeping $100. Depending on what the guy is like besides the fool part, I would probably give it back too. Definitely see if he's about paying though.

Nitti's picture

With all you guys agreeing with me I don't feel like a total pussy not flat out taking it. Lol

Nitti's picture

Looks like its pretty even so far

Nitti's picture

I didn't think of that! That might even be better. Take it all, wait a few hours and give him all but $100 back

Nitti's picture

It's about a $500/week for him without overtime. Taking a hundred shouldn't hurt em.

P's picture

20% is enough of a sting for him to learn his lesson imo

Nitti's picture

Soon as I park I'll get to replying

DBG's picture

Well, all depends on your compassion levels. One option is to take it, hold onto it for a few days, then give it back and then ask him if he learned anything here?? I think there's nothing wrong with that, but then there isn't anything wrong with just taking it was a bet and I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS handshake on a bet, and in some states a handshake is a BINDING agreement that wil hold up in court!! Before all the legality of modern society became over-obsessed with paperwork as a binding legal document...all we had were handshakes.

I think it all depends on how he was before the bet was made, if he was being a dick and punk talking shit about how easy he was gonna win your money, then take that shit fair and square!! Young bastard needs taught something the hard way then, LOL!!! If he was giving you the whipped puppy-dog look when you asked for his money, then fuck ' need to learn. I have learned ALOT of lessons the hard way, and sometimes those are the best lessons I will ever learn...changed me for good to who I am today!!!

Nitti's picture

He was definitely being a dick! We were all breaking the fight down (the way we thought it would go) and we all saw the same outcome. Sergio dominating with craft. This mufuker comes out of left field all loud n boisterous "man you don't know what you're talkin about. Chavez is gonna tear his head off. Blah blah blah".

DBG's picture

Fuck 'em then...BUT I like 'hollywoods' idea above...just dock his pay till it's paid up and he will still learn a valuable lesson. Take that shit though!!!...boisterous sealed the deal for me!! LMAO!!

Catalyst's picture

Understand the guilt thing, but "A BET IS A BET".......

Nitti's picture

Thats 2 for take it. Lol

Carlos Danger's picture

Take his money bro. You'll teach him a lesson that will last a lifetime. I hate people who bet and back out after losing. See if he tries backing out and then beat his ass. If he pays uP go buy wifey a piece of jewelry and give whatever's left back to him

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fast48's picture

True. Shoe on other foot he'd snatch n run your check.

Nitti's picture

That's 4 for take it. Lol

Nitti's picture

Been there done that. Lol. Jk

levelup's picture

a bet is a bet, you should always honor your debt...maybe give him a bit extra time if hes got a bill to take care of but i would collect

Nitti's picture

3 for collect

fast48's picture

Spridle owes you at least lunch of your choice.

Nitti's picture

Not bad

outcast's picture

I would be very serious and act like i was going to take untill he offered it up, then i would let him know this is his one free pass next time your gonna really take it

kodiakGRRL's picture

does he plan on paying up?

Nitti's picture

He plans on paying up. He's all sad about it but he will.