mopits's picture
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Steroids on the Discovery Channel


First time catching this new show on the Discovery Channel it's called Americas UnderWorld . They did a piece on a guy who makes and sells juice it was pretty interesting and the dude was super intense. It shows him making it from the beginning till the end and injects it.

ch4el5onnen's picture

While we are on the subject does anyone know of or want to recommend any good steroid documentaries besides the ones already mentioned?

hustlecoke's picture

I just watched this one:

It's not bad. I have also watched Bigger Stronger Faster on Netflix, that is a pretty good one.

Assbrown's picture

Yea, The guy that was brewing his roids was pretty much on point with the truth. This is a healthy lifestyle. Not a fucking drug we get high off of!

certiifiedswagg's picture

so true

certiifiedswagg's picture

just in case some of you guys haven't download it yet..
here is an alternative download link for american underworld season 1 episode 1
megaupload offers way better download speeds. so here enjoy guys

gymmrat24's picture

Well looks like if I want a bentley I gotta be the kingpin of a cocaine opperation or if I brew gear I gotta be a huge dickk...hmm choices choices

Assbrown's picture

are you joking? LOL

certiifiedswagg's picture

yes guys here,i know most you guys have been looking for this episode
just in case some of you guys missed it, i found a link with full episode on 720p

ch4el5onnen's picture

I guess Im retarded. It wont download for me, or even start to. I click on the "regular download" button and nothing happens. Im going to break my computer.

certiifiedswagg's picture

here is another link via megaupload..
you wont have a problem with this one and plus the download speeds are way faster.

ch4el5onnen's picture

Thanks man. Earlier I had just got home because I didnt want to download that stuff at work and I was half raging and half hypoglycemic lol. I needed some food and fast but I was trying to get that shit downloaded at the same time. I wanted to throw my laptop! Its time for a new one anyway...PS My laptop is still alive, and the link works.

ch4el5onnen's picture

Do I need to create an acct?

certiifiedswagg's picture

no you do not need to be a member unless,your trying to download a file larger than 500mb but this one is only 300mb so your good.
just click "regular download" and then enter the activation code "click reactive passport" and then click "download" and your good to go.
this is a full episode of american underworld season 1 episode 1 released recently on discovery channel

Assbrown's picture

good one. YEY!

ch4el5onnen's picture

Anyone find any full episodes of this yet? I can't find any anywhere...can't find it on hulu either. Its suppost to be on again on thursday.

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Gosh dammit how did i miss that, oh yeah must of been becuz we were watching the roast of Charlie sheen

AlphaTiger2011's picture


Assbrown's picture

Damn.. I have D HD but i missed it.. Ughhhh!!

mopits's picture

Check Hulu

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Assbrown's picture

Thanks bro..

kwabby6's picture
popeboy1's picture

looks like an interesting piece, ima try to check out the rest of it

Assbrown's picture

Nice. Gonna check it out!