beastmaster1's picture
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-3 Construction Laborer


I'm looking for a good source that takes money. Please let me know if you know of one.

leciafosl's picture

Nowadays, it is hard to find skillful people that can build your house qualitatively. It is an expensive occupation, so when I was building my house, I was using that opportunity whenever I had a chance to save some money. For example, I had to paint the wall outside the house. I thought there is no need to spend money on this because I can do this by myself. I hired a scaffold tower from Pete Suen, and in just two days, I finished all the work. The money I saved from hiring people, I invested in better paint for my house.

alekaras's picture

Is this for real??

Bjmoney85's picture

I have a great source I’ll send u my address. Make out a personal check for say 1,000 dollars leave who it’s to blank, I’ll take care of all that for u bro!!

Greg's picture

Construction Laborer? good sources?

Dude, just drive up in front of the home depot and hold up as many fingers as laborers you're looking for.

Halsey's picture

I stand corrected

Halsey's picture

Dont work that way here.

trash300's picture

Take a look into the rules

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