Harley1969's picture
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Question for you guys. Would you let your significant other wear a revealing bathing suit to a public beach if you were with them?

I dont have an issue with her wearing revealing bathing suits. I was just wanting to get a gauge on how everyone else thought. Seems like most of you guys are like me.

TheFlash85's picture

Wtf lol.
You don't get to tell her what she can wear and when, you simply decide your going to the beach and what ever attire is worn is worn.
When I was a younger cunt I was full on like that, I'd bash dudes in the night clubs for looking side ways at my then partner but never did I say what she could or could not wear.

As I've got older and matured you gotta realise its life, if you have a hot misses in a bikini at the beach or a tight short skirt in the club etc its human nature for other dudes to have a look, you gotta take it as a compliment, think to yourself fuck yeah I have a misses that other dudes find attractive I'm lucky and move on, she's with you in your bed, you trust her so its nothing.

On the other hand, if they look to long, check out the arse, boobs etc sleezily whilst your next to her, make derogatory comments or make her feel uncomfortable that's different, guys having a harmless glimpse is acceptable, sleezy cunts taking it too far aren't, you can bash them for that because it's disrespectful.

If your girl is out without you well unfortunately guys just see an attractive girl on her own that's just nature as well.

Anyone can wear what they want, you can't be insecure, jealous, controlling, you just gotta trust your girl. That's it.

leanbulk819's picture

what else would she wear?

Greg's picture

Something respectable like the suit I got my wife.

...damn her ankles are hot!

Dr.BroScience's picture

What an antiquated ego driven suggestion

" Would you let her....."

The Impastable's picture

giardap's picture

A picture paint a single word!!!

Greg's picture

That's something an ego driven snowflake would say.

"Would you let her" in the contexts of the question literally means, and is understood as, "would you be ok with"

It is a question about your "emotional space" being open or closed to the idea.

Understanding what the teller is saying without injecting your bias is called COMMUNICATION.

E.g., "Don we now our gay apparel fa la la" implies something completely different than what it did in 1862 but if you are effectively communicating, it is still understood as wearing festive (non gay) clothing.

Harley1969's picture

My apologies to you? I guess I wrote it wrong? I just wanted to know how other guys felt about their wives /girlfriends wearing skimpy bikinis. I don’t want to start any controversy with you. Sorry if I offended you.

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JUICEBOX0331's picture

You're bound to offend someone just by walking out of the house everyday. It's just the world we live in. But I'm leaning towards Bioscience is joking.

Ozninjaguy's picture

2018 - the Year of Being Butt-hurt By Everything. Dr.Bro may have been joking. Only he knows. But expressions like "would you let your significant other" are not gender specific, nor are they antiquated ego-driven suggestions. On a women's forum (or a LGBT forum) I am sure the same question would be asked regarding certain/specific situations. It's part of the current vernacular, it doesn't indicate gender dominant/submissive expectations or patterns of behaviour..

giardap's picture

Knock off the 'her' and you have 'Would you let'
Some will only see that andost think wothin theor own schema until they have a reason not to!!!

Ozninjaguy's picture

I think I get what you are saying - 'would you let' - still, for me - it's just a language expression without deeper connotations. Edit: The 'would you let' question is very pertinent in various cultures, for example: in Islamic cultures - the husband and/or family would determine what is appropriate to 'let' a woman do/wear. Also, in some strict Christian cultures - surprisingly, most of the same rules apply. We can't generalise with our liberal Western notions of independence and expect that everyone is on the same plane.

giardap's picture

Exactly! Its subjective in that we have our own individual schema, but also objective in the sense any given group will have its paradigm for what is acceptable.... whether defined as right or wrong, loaded with implications of control or not, etc.

The PC brigade, regardless of geography, will always have something to whinge about though! Damned if you do and so on!!

There is a hilarious video out there at the moment of an aetheist being kicked off Egyptian TV... worth a watch for a laugh. .. slightly off topic

JUICEBOX0331's picture

My woman is as tough as they come, but she turns into a woman when I spider comes walking into the room. Men are hunters, women are gatherers and that's just nature.

Ozninjaguy's picture

OMG! I can't believe that you just said that! (joke). Yep - my wife is the same, and she has certain role expectations of me - I can fix shit, work on our motorbikes, carry heavy shit, and know about tools and computers. To my mind - one of the biggest issues in modern relationships is the loss of defined gender roles. IMO I'm lucky - I have what some might once have called a 'traditional' wife. She likes her role, performs it well...and enjoys it. She has her independence but always consults me on her decisions.

shawn0712's picture

I got ripped off. I get to put roofs on the house, or build additions, but I still get to do dishes too.
One day, I might say something....

Greg's picture

Ripped off?? What are you bitching about? Didn't you just get a monogrammed apron? How bad assed is that?

One day, I might say something....

That is if your wife lets you.

...Shit did I do it again? My antiquated ego presumed you're married to a woman.

let me rephrase

That is if your significant other (man, woman, child, beast, or inflatable) lets you.

Ozninjaguy's picture


JUICEBOX0331's picture


shawn0712's picture

She has a little saying,
“ what do you say to a shawn with 2 black eyes? “
“ I done told you twice....”

Greg's picture

I've always presumed your avatar was the elephant man. But now I see that's not the case.

Shawn, you don't need to live like this. You deserve better.

shawn0712's picture

She’s really pretty good to me. The true battle is that my mother in law moved into the basement 2 years ago, and I don’t think she’s ever leaving. My wife’s grandfather just passed at 101 years old, so she will probably outlive me. My wife was looking up basement elevator lift systems for later years, so I’m thinking their relationship is pretty serious.....
So if my wife wants to wear a revealing bikini, cool, but if my mother in law does, I’m not going that day.

Greg's picture

So what I hear you saying is you look like that without your wife's help.

Take out the stairs and put in a slide. Nothing needs to come out of that basement.

Ozninjaguy's picture

The eternal M-i-L in the basement...I'm sorry, but that just conjures up some scary shit for me. Good luck with that one Bro.

shawn0712's picture

It’s only forever. Not long at all.... lol.

Harley1969's picture

Now that’s funny. Funny ha ha. Not funny gay.

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shawn0712's picture

Lol. Hope all has been good with you man.

Harley1969's picture

All good here Shawn. Loving life... hope all is well with you and yours. Including the mother in law.

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Pale's picture


Pale's picture

Sure, why not?

giardap's picture

No fkn way. Id open-palm smack the sh1t out of her for suggesting it. My mates dad used say, "take your belt off for her... give her 1 good crack... it will stop her cheating and everything else".
Yep, but straight up.... what the hell is she doing out of the kitchen anyway????

Oh hang on..... wait up..... what millenium is this again?????????

GYM SUPPS's picture

Hello Sir,

Think if you even ask this question to yourself, it is lack of self confidence I guess. Been through this stage myself when I was younger (much younger) this was worrying me however later I realised that I am the one that is having an issue.
Building up a good phisique myself helped me lot back in the days to get this confidence and now I feeling pround of my Mrs wearing of whatever she likes, this do not bother me whatsoever however this used to be a problem before.
Hope this helps


Ozninjaguy's picture

A few years back I had a very young and stunning girlfriend. She knew she was sexy and dressed accordingly. A guy I knew who almost openly salivated every time he saw her, once said to me: Why do you let her dress like that? If she was my girlfriend I wouldn't.

My reply was: She will only be young and beautiful once in her life, so why shouldn't she enjoy it.

TSGT911's picture

I think its best to rephrase the question, would you encourage the wife or express concern about her wearing a revealing bathing suit in public. I personally would encourage her, whatever makes her feel beautiful and happy is more important then my insecurities. If you truly feel concerned or uneasy about her flaunting her body in public or feel disrespected, then be respectful and express your opinion and most likely she will compromise. Im sure your concern is not from the idea that she may cheat, but rather the idea of other guys eye humping the love of your life and thats understandable. Some guys like to show of, while others are more discrete. Bottom line, its her decision and if you object, talk to her about it.

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Harley1969's picture

Read down on my comments below. I don’t object I encourage it but thanks for the comments

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JUICEBOX0331's picture

LOL, does this question have to be asked? It's the only time I can get my lady to wear revealing things in public and god damn does she look good. I usually pressure her into getting the smallest thing possible, like micro. We just bought 10 bikinis last week to prepare for our western Caribbean cruise, and their small, one is transparent.

Harley1969's picture

Right on brother. Check out her pick under the Wifey Day section. That’s the micro she wore to the beach.

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Harley1969's picture

Banana hammok and cold ocean water don’t mix lol. I see guys checking her but there’s been no nasty talk. I would squash them quick if it was too offensive. Bigger faster stronger lol.

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Jayzgainz's picture

Absolutely!! She's going home with you. Let everyone else look.

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Harley1969's picture


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wanted's picture

Hell yhea !!!!!! Remmeber shes YOURS
Until you mess it up. A happy woman never has to go somewhere else. Always know what you have and ALWAYS show her.. and let the guys look CAUSE shes yours buddy

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Harley1969's picture

Agreed. I think I’ve developed some sort of fetish for showing her off lol

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Sam I Am's picture

Ofcourse. I encourage it. Also you should never forbid your other half from doing anything. It will only lead to resentment.

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GrowMore's picture

Dropping bombs!

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herpjunkie111's picture

Great point, you're her partner, not her master, never get that twisted.

As for the OP's question, hell yeah. It shows her you're secure in the relationship and fully trust her. That's worth more than gold to a good woman.

Harley1969's picture

Right on brother. I actually request her to. When I was younger I would have been very jealous but now I like it.

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