evethegr81's picture
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Winny and water retention


I am at the start of week 3 on winny at 7.5mg ed. My diet is on and training
Program is on point to a T. Within the last five days I have experienced a lot of water retention. Mostly from the knees down. Any advice on why this is happening and what I can do to prevent it?

Coconut's picture

Send it to angus it's not very expensive and you will know for sure

humpnpump's picture

If it's real winny then it's possible it could be medical related such as stressed heart, kidneys, etc... Have you had a check up lately or blood work? Maybe throw up pic and let some of the vets on here see what it's looking like.

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UgtaBkdNme's picture

Are you feeling any of the normal winny sides? Is this your first time running it?

evethegr81's picture

Yes it is my first time for winny. I ran var for 7 weeks at 20mg ed and experienced less water retention with no sides.

evethegr81's picture

The only sides I have experienced are emotional, mild acne and increased strength.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

I guess it comes down to trusting your SRC. Everyone reacts differently to compounds. One of the main sides I have heard repeated among winny users is sore or "dry" joints. How do your joints feel?

evethegr81's picture

It is one of THE top sources on here. My joints are slightly sore but nothing unbearable.

irongame427's picture

You sure you're using winny an it's not faked as dbol. It's more common to do that with anavar but you never know. Winnys cheap enough tho, not sure anyone would fake it.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

What are some dbol sides that she should look out for?

irongame427's picture

Umm a shit load of acne, sometimes is genetic but dbol is notorious for it. A ton of water retention, most guys will gain 10lbs the first week, I mean dbol is extremely androgenic so androgenic sides are what you're looking for, clit growth in women, hairloss, high Bp, body and facial hair growth. Shit like that.

evethegr81's picture

The source came back 89% pure so would the 11% be enough to cause that much water weight gain? Ive gained 8lbs Ibs in two weeks with a strict diet and training schedule.

irongame427's picture

Wow I I disnt see what you said about gaining 8lbs. You most likely have dbol on your hands. Winny will not add 8lbs of muscle in 2 weeks, and it sure as hell won't add water, it does the exact opposite and drys you out and drains the water you're holding.

irongame427's picture

No if it's really 89% pure winny then your fine.