Corporalhicks's picture
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What to eat


I recently started an Anavar cycle (5mg daily) alongside a 4-5 day, 1.5-2 hr gym routine and regular high activity the remaining days (avid, fast runner). I am 34, 5'10", 145 and 14% body fat. I struggle to eat enough calories. What's a good diet/ caloric intake for me during the cycle to increase my glut muscles and tone the rest??? I've read everything and its counter argument. Any suggestions from experience?

Drock_357's picture

From experience I'll suggest to cut your workout time in half, eat 300-400 cals above maintenance, sleep 7-8 hrs a nite, add in 100 body weight squats a day, ...after you've put on 10lbs of solid mass, keep and maintain that weight for a few months then do a cut and drop a few % of bf....log foods, cals, macros, ...take before during and after pics....if your still not where you want to be, repeat..repeat..repeat
Welcome to the joy of muscle building!

Corporalhicks's picture

Thanks for the great and honest advice! I really appreciate someone willing to just give some real advice. So many people are so "pro" at this stuff that they tend to be arrogant and rude. Even they started somewhere, right? If you were successful in something like this Wouldn't you wanna share that or help someone else in any way you could? We are not all hardcore or pro and we come here for advice based off experience or real, genuine knowledge. Maybe it's just all the gear running through their veins haha!

Thanks again to those of you who offered me some genuine advice! Karma!

Corporalhicks's picture

My husband has been using gear for YEARS! We have been working out and training for many years too. My only question was suggestions on a diet or calorie intake amount... I am fully aware that I need to eat more, thus, the reason I was asking for ideas. My entire body is very tone including my gluts. I simply am trying to gain muscle in my butt and not anywhere else, especially my thighs. Squats are an no go as they will build you legs as well! I have created (based on extensive research and communication with professional trainers) a routine to do this. I have tried EVERY single glut that is out there, not to mention I have created new ones myself. The only part I am missing is how many calories or what foods are best in conjunction with the var. I can't really ask these people what to eat while taking gear, so I am asking here. Real, honest, kind, genuine help is all I'm looking for.

kodiakGRRL's picture

the problem is that when you take anavar or any steroid to build muscle you are just going to build one muscle group but ALL of them... particularly when you take anavar it was developed AND is prescribed for people with muscle wasting diseases to add muscle ... it doesn't discriminate based on your wants ... you will get thicker literally everywhere and in particular your waist .... one of the issues I see with what you have posted is that you are literally burning off what muscle you are adding with your training schedule which is one of the reasons why you have plateaued ..... what to eat? no sense in going there until you understand that growth occurs when you are RESTING .. I responded to another post that a good place to start is with 40/40/20 as your macros and adjust from there .... you can do that without juice and no one can calculate your personal caloric intake without having specifics and adjusting for activity levels etc.. Drock above has excellent suggestions ...

Corporalhicks's picture

I have decided to cut my cardio for a while. My heart rate gets much higher doing weight training anyway, so my heart should be ok for a while. I know I need to eat more, I just want to eat the right things. I do not work any muscle groups (isolated anyway) besides my gluts and my core. The rest of my body is quite tone.
THANKS for the advice!

kodiakGRRL's picture

is there something wrong with your heart ?

Bill G's picture

I've noticed every one has a different body type. Some have a large lower with strong legs and thighs. Not me . Mine is simular to a sausage. Straight on all sides . I have never had a butt . The more I work it the smaller it gets. Just genetics. I was super fat for me at 215 and still had no butt. I dieted down to 165. Then started to work out again have been at it now two years give or take. Up to 190 now. Most in the chest and shoulders. Building evenly but still I'm just not one of those with the big lower. You may just have to be the best at what you are built for. And I don't claim to be that smart. I just know if treat people like I want to be treated I make more friends.

Corporalhicks's picture

The golden rule!!!! I also lost 100+ ponds! I did have a large but before but I literally ran it off to nothing. I lost my but and my boobs! I did fix the boob problem lol, just need to work on gaining muscle mass in my but. Thanks again!!!

kodiakGRRL's picture

you are burning off whatever muscle you might be gaining and since you aren't getting enough calories and running and training .. not to mention you are trying to increase muscle mass in one spot and just 'tone' the others.. .. try eating enough first

Bill G's picture

Check out the nutrition section for some weight gaining diets. I'd recommend oats and eggs lots of them. And I'm always seeing the adds for squat butts. So squats, straight leg dead lifts, lunges . I don't know what it is called but there is an exercise where you suport with the shoulders on a bench and your feet on the ground. Knees bent. Holding weight in your lap. Dip your butt down to the ground then force your hips up pushing the weight up as far as you can. Good luck. Get good form in your sets and a good contraction of the glutes go heavy as you can minding back posture. Eat, grow and be happy. Again good luck and welcome to eroids community

Corporalhicks's picture

Thank you for not being completely rude or arrogant! I truly appreciate your advice and suggestions!

grawrruff's picture

So you want to bulk only in one area and cut on the rest of your body?

You started a cycle without having any idea of what you require as far as nutritionally and dietarily?

You weigh under 150 and you are using gear?

What on earth are you doing? You need to eat anything and everything and move some heavy shit. Not use gear.

grawrruff's picture

I also just realized this is an oral only cycle with lady var. You've gotta be kidding.

Bill G's picture

Op is a woman bro. Does that make a difference on the oral only with var

Calrizzian's picture

OPs a female my man hahah....

I wish I could help you in the diet area, but I'm def not going to get into something I myself am meticulously learning. I suggest going to the diet section of the forum, there's a TON of info. Learn to count your macronutrients and what percentages work for your body.

As far as toning the rest of your body and making your butt bigger.... diet, diet, and more diet alongside cardio. Obviously leg day is going to be your favorite as well!

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