Fightchic77's picture
  • 6

First time trying test and deca


I am currently on a stack with EQ, deca, test, and winstrol. I've done winstrol and EQ but first time adding test and deca. What can I expect?, basically has anyone diene a cycle like this or similar and were results good? My diet is clean and I lift 5 days a week, do crossfit 3 days a week and Muay Thai 3 days a week.

kodiakGRRL's picture

you are WAY overdoing it .... and you never add two new compounds to a stack at a time you'll never know what is giving you sides and you will get them from test and deca ... in facta given what you are doing why in the world are you doing four compounds for anyway?

Soldier74's picture

This is just to you ladies in general..not topic related, sorry. But I'd say you all should have avi pics at least. Because I bet most of you if not all got it way more going on than the average girl that doesn't workout. Just saying, don't be ashamed, rather show what u got!! Be proud of your self. Your not putting in the hard ass work for nothing.

Greg's picture

Where's your pics? Stay out of the lounge.

grawrruff's picture

You are doing two a days six days a week with no rest days?

What is your goal this cycle? Deca and winny at the same time? One is for bulking the other is for pre show prep typically.

Have you ever ran a cycle before?

Fightchic77's picture

I bought this cycle as a get fit cycle and they have it layer out this way. I have cycled before but only used EQ with anavar. My goal is to build but also lean out.

Pale's picture

This is the women's forum stay out.

kodiakGRRL's picture


grawrruff's picture

Was this cycle marketed to females? What dosages are you taking weekly?

Fightchic77's picture

I'm doing 100 EQ, 125 deca 50 of test and , 20 of winny a day

grawrruff's picture

You should see tons of results from that. Just make sure you are getting plenty of rest with all the work you are putting in.

kodiakGRRL's picture

seriously . she's not bodybuilding this is get 'fit' cycle ... fffs

Fightchic77's picture

Actually I'm doing my first bodybuilding show may 7th the cycle is just titled get fit

grawrruff's picture

Good eye, I did re-read this after getting some sleep on it several days ago and posted a fairly identical response to yours above.

kodiakGRRL's picture

ssorry i missed it

grawrruff's picture

All the way at the bottom, I know it is hidden.

Fightchic77's picture

I never did a PCT with my other cycles , do I need to with this one

grawrruff's picture

I think it would be a good idea, as estrogen levels will be skyrocketing while testosterone will plummet in the body's attempt to equalizw. I would also suggest thinking about tapering, to prepare your body to level out given the compounds you are taking. Test and deca will produce the majority of any sides in this cycle, and should not be taken lightly. Anavar may be a good alternative to deca to think about as it is much more mild. Just food for thought. Best two cents, as always is to read, read, and read some more.

kodiakGRRL's picture

and what compounds do you recommend for PCT ?

grawrruff's picture

My two cents would be to use a low dose of nolva to help things return to equilibrium. Just as males want to keep estrogen down and allow test to rebuild, females should want to let androgens and anabolic compounds to taper down while slowly letting it aromatize into estrogen to reach homeostatis rather than estrogen picking up very quickly and androgens dropping like a rock. Please correct me if I am wrong.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I would agree in a perfect world but it isn't and most don't know or understand how to do this so the best bet is to taper off any real stacks with multiple compounds and higher doses ... given that most of the women here don't use higher doses they do quite well tapering off ... there is a risk in coming off the nolva that brings an even bigger rebound of estrogen if done incorrectly or too quickly ...

grawrruff's picture

Which brings us back to bloodwork, as always.

grawrruff's picture

And I would also suggest utilizing less of the new compounds as well. You should get results from just 50mg deca. Just as with men, higher doses start to increase sides dramatically while the gains not offsetting the price. Deca is typically not suggested for females, but it certainly isn't the worst choice.

Keep in mind with the eq that it is a very long Ester and will keep in circulation for a long time even if you stop dosing.

I would always suggest to only add one new compound at a time as well.

Fightchic77's picture

Thank you