kyle73's picture
  • 4

New Guy!! I love this place!


Here is a short training/cycle history. I've been training for twenty-five years. I've done around 21 cycles in the last twenty five years. The cycles I did in the early 1990's to 2005 were without serms, ai, or pct. I didn't now wtf I was doing. I developed a nice case of gyno as a result of my ignorance. In 2005 I started untilzing the Internet to research the most effective ways in which to build a cycle. As a result of this my 14 cycles since 2005 have been solid.
I injured my lower back in 2008. I was unable to train for almost one year. Due to my lower back injury I can no longer go heavy on several important multi-joint movements (squat, deadlift, clean, clean and press). I miss training super heavy. I work around these limitations as best I can. I am after all grateful to be able to still lift at all. I train with weights 4-5 days a week. Day 1 chest/back, Day 2 shoulders/arms, Day 3 legs. Cardio 7 days a week 45min to 1 hour. I can currently bench 275 x 8, and 315 x 5, incline dumbbell 105 x 8, leg press 800 x 12, dead lift 275 x 14.

Stats are:
40 years old
Chest 48
Waist 34
Arms 18

I am doing a lean bulk
I'm taking:
Testosterone Prop 100 mg e3d
Test e 250 mg ew
Masteron 100 mg e3d
Masteron e 200 mg ew
Tren e 200 mg ew
Npp 150 mg e4d (for joints)
AROMASIN 12.5mg ed
Caber .5 mg ew

My goals are to drop my BF by at least 8-10% while gaining quality muscle.

MedDx's picture

Welcome to EROIDS.

swolen22's picture


kyle73's picture

Thanks swollen22,

McMeanie87's picture

Welcome to the eroids family brother..

kyle73's picture

Thanks McMeanie87! Good to be here.