posted Mon, 12/23/2013 - 06:05
+ 4 Why Trenbolone can Skew Estrogen Tests
We've all seen it. The crazy raise in estrogen when ever a Tren user got a blood test from LabCorp. We deducted that it was the testing method but I still didn't know why. That is until now. I ran across this that explains the the science behind the why. This was not written by me but I posted the link for your knowledge.
This was written by me
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Thank you so much I totally missed this research before running tren. I freaked out for having 150 but glad I asked around boards.
This is very good info. I have noticed this myself on several tests while running tren--my estro is compltely out of whack. Even on 100 mg/week of test with tren, I verified my Total T levels were on the lower side but my estro was double range even taking 25 mg/week of aromasin. Very nice post. If I knew how to give you points I would!
Bro if you're writing these up yourself, you're doing one hell of a job!! I assume you wouldn't copy/paste articles being a veteran member so nice work!