HllwdBdBoy's picture
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As most of you know I have been dieting down and upping the cardio (natty)in preparation for my next cycle (start date May 15) I've been rocking a super clean low cal diet and burning it up quickly(a lil too quickly) so I've upped my cals to 3200 and will probably make adjustments during my next phase of preparation.

NO WEIGHTS! Thats right, for the month of April there will not be a single *weighted press, curl or even pull...

MONDAY - Pull ups, Push ups, Dips
TUESDAY - Cardio and Core
THURSDAY - Cardio and Core
FRIDAY - Pull ups, Push ups, Dips
Each day will also consist of very light reverse curls (bar only) to prepare my elbows (ulna nerve) for heavy lifting

*Begin upping my calorie intake
*Begin kettle bell regiment



WashingtonsGreedy's picture

very interesting...im am actually scared to even take a week off bc i lose my strength, and once you start losing your strength everything else seems to go out the window too. for your pull ups, push ups, and dips days what rep range are you doing? e.g. till failure? how many sets of each, and how much time do you spend in the gym while doing this regimen?

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Only doing pyramids of 200 ea and will ramp to 300 bro, going to failure would defeat the purpose of my goal... estimating in and out in 45

not concerned with 'strength' per say, already diminished coming OFF and have been dieting WAY down so "fuel" is limited anyway... this is the well needed "rest" in preparation for the NEXT cycle

7gothic's picture

I take a whole month off every year----no weights....no diet....no cardio.
Two weeks after you start back, you'll be bigger and harder than ever.
Healing is one of the most overlooked aspects in this game.

7gothic's picture

He works his legs every time he puts his foot up the ass of a smart-ass newb.
Sometimes I even spot him.

HllwdBdBoy's picture

yeah, won't even dignify... I would think everybody understands legs get some during cardio and core work (as well, they will get blasted in the class)

Forgive him Father Goth... For he knows not...

HllwdBdBoy's picture

have a nice vacation!

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Fuck bro, this brings a tear to my eye...

HllwdBdBoy's picture

"Me lift big weight... strong like bull" ((LOL))

bigrhino's picture

sure does make alot of sense!!!!!...keep us updated hllwd!!!....i def want to hear the results on how this works for you.....best of luck!!!


Hey rhino! you mentioned in pm last nite about your cardio blast! woods way may be just the ticket for you bro why dont you give it a blast?

You never know it may become part of your yearly plan too Smile


Clever brother! after reading a lot of your posts about your style of training i do understand your theories and what works for you! you clearly have your own style and your years have proven it works well for you,"thats good" we both preach on a daily basis that time is what moulds the man!
This proves you listen to your body and know how to get the best from it for your desired results.
I like your style brother this is walking the talk 101 real deal stuff i dont have to wish you luck with this cycle I KNOW you will make it result 100%. Smile

HllwdBdBoy's picture

Thank you brutha! That means alot coming from you. As I've said time and time again I AM NOT a BB and my goals are NOT competitive. I don't want to be the biggest guy in the room, I just want to be the guy in the room you don't want to fuck with! ((LOL)) And to maintain that into my 40's has taken alot more than a "pin in the ass." It has been paying attention to how my body has changed over the years and making adjustments as needed (OFF as well as ON) As excited as I am about this upcomng cycle I am even MORE excited about my April regiment. I have no qualms with admitting cardio and core has been an achilles heel for me (for no other reason than its hard and I don't like it) and to lean into it with excitement is new for me. I have gone "the cheat" route for alot of years (Bring up the back, shoulders and chest for "the illusion") NOT THIS YEAR! I am committed and have actually grown to look forward to my tuesdays and thursdays ((LOL)) YUP! It's going to be a good year!

MAC's picture

So are u kinda like recomping? I figured since ur dieting and doing alot of cardio and what not ur trying to recomp and drop some bf to ready yourself for the next cycle, Good luck bro I hope your next cycle works out I know ur last one u cut it short due to some Injury right?

HllwdBdBoy's picture

The blessing of losing that last cycle is the thought and dedication going into this next one bro... and recomp is right, I am leaning out niiiicely. Getting many compliments, which helps throw off ppls theory that I may (or may not) be juicing. My dedication doesn't only apply when I'm ON bro.. Time inbetween cycles is time preparing for the next cycle

mike7's picture

I like thisss idea and layout nothin like good ole pull up pushups and dips :)...would it be smart to do that after a cycle as well?

HllwdBdBoy's picture

(IMO) The time coming off cycle should be treated as maintenance... SOME go by the rule of training harder but I believe as levels drop, training should drop in correlation

AlphaTiger2011's picture

This time off cycle im gonna do the same thing but ill probably still hit the weights but nothing heavy, just gonna try and maintain what I've accomplished. Actually once i thought about no i won't be lifting any weights ill hit the machines instead.