posted Tue, 01/31/2012 - 15:35
+ 1 My humble appreciation
I made ADV status here at eroids and like to to thank all the members for awarding me points.
BFG and Mods do have their hands full keeping this together and I thank them too.
When you see a guy or gal has posted or replied in a fashion that displays experience, insight, makes you think or reveals some personal suffering whether mental or physical in an attempt to save you from the same path of discomfort or pain. Also look for "I did" and the "IMO" and "IME" . . . might not fit you but at least it's real and not some copy and paste article, so when you find more then "yep" or "No HOMO" consider the effort given and.....
Click some points for that member!
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Nice one Doc
It's because of you and a handful of other brothers on here that make OUR job easier because I'm comfortable that the proper info is getting out there to the youngsters and less experienced... Now I can spend more time lurking in the shadows and less time in the Forums battling bad (and dangerous) information...
I tip my cap to you sir (If I were a guy that wore fucking caps!)
Well deserved my friend.
AnonThank you BB. You're a man of few words but they weigh heavy in wisdom and experience. Proud we are growing into more then eroids Bro's :-)
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PermalinkI feel the same exact way Abby, happy I found you her bro. If this sounds "homo" to anyone well that because it is.
lmao,well said its good to share with someone with same beliefs.
You deserve it bro, your advice and info and funny rants are much appreciated
AnonThanks man :-)
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PermalinkFrankiecongrats bro ,i read over your posts but dont often comment as not sure you like me much but none the less as bfg said "well deserved"
AnonWe are all learning and I am ready to move on from our "past". Thanks man, you've come a ways too :-)
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PermalinkFrankieno worries man glad we can put the past behind us ...
...and with great power come greater responsibility
... and when there were only one set of footprints in the sand -- Whoa! WTF! Where did that come from?!
AnonAs BFG pointed out +2/-2 is powerful and I'll use my new responsibility accordingly.
.....and yes that was almost gay (
Well deserved Dr. AbbY and remember, with ADV status your vote now ads +2/-2 to user's karma :]
AnonThank you BFG :-)
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PermalinkAnonNothing like barbed wire and mopeds.
Thanks my man.
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Permalinknice my brother from another mother,you deserve ADV status well done.
I know for a fact you will keep giving THE REAL DEAL because it is THE ONLY WAY.
Keep it coming brother AbbY lets prove that LESS IS MORE and try to make a difference.
AnonThanks Brother.
I've seen this game and sport explode into a monster. ANYONE can get juice now and it is scary. The days of hanging out training in some shithole gym months on end for a connection are done. This kids are juiced before know their diet and routine.
Maybe my next name here is going to be Mother Normal.
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Permalinkfuck normal man your a wolf not a sheep thats clear,i always flip back to things my dad preached it keeps me right (i think) lol...
AnonMother Normal................who thinks up this shit?
lmfao again.