miggymig's picture
  • 433

+ 1 Giving Blood


I just got blood work and i have elevated Hemoglobin. I was told I should be giving blood while on cycle which I do once in a while if I remember.
How often do you guys give blood and when?
Also i have an upcoming cycle that will include Ipam a and CJC how will blood donation impact those compounds?

Deohge's picture

So I donated for the first time. I don’t have a script. Them Red Cross says I can not give blood no more. Is there another way to give blood. If my blood is no good and I must donate can I power red donate?

scoobydoo's picture

What was wrong with your blood?

Triggerman83's picture

Typically I donate every 3 months, donating a single unit. I did the power red last time and was not a fan of the process. It hit me a lot harder than regular donation, I was tired and very cold till the following day. I don’t think I will do power red again. When I was with TRT clinic I had script for bpc & cjc & I was still donationing as normal. Assuming they would have mentioned not to donate blood?? Again just an assumption.

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scoobydoo's picture

I do a power red donation every 4 months. I don't know if donating blood will affect Ipam and CJC.

Primo Pantani's picture

I drain 500 mL about every six months but only when I really need it. TrainElite is right that you don’t want to mess up your O2 delivery so you need to check ferritin and iron in addition to just rbc, hct and hb. Ferritin is the amount of stored iron your body has on hand to make new hb and if it gets too low you’re fucked for several months. I’d rather not have to resort to letting blood so I’m going to look into the pharmacological alternative I’ve seen on here recently but when in doubt, let it out. Also, I probably shouldn’t admit to this but my hct is often too high to donate so I just order phlebotomy kits from a medical supply and do it at home. They come with a bag, tubing and a butterfly needle and are sterile and easy to use if you have a little practice hitting a vein

TrainElite's picture

I personally quit donating blood a few years back. Donating blood can actually make you anemic and then you can't get enough oxygen to your muscles to grow properly. Then it can take 6 months or more to get your iron levels back up. I use Methylene Blue to lower my hematocrit when needed & Metformin does a good job of lowering RBC and Hemoglobin back in into range, it also helps bring your HDL back up. That and it's very important to stay well hydrated, keep those electrolyte levels solid. Works great for me.

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press1's picture

I was the opposite about 3/4 years ago - noticed I was becoming breathless and tired all the time, every time I stood up I would get an adrenaline rush as my body tried to compensate for lack of oxygen into my muscle as I had somehow got B12 anaemia. Crazy thing is when all this got bad I was taking Anadrol 50 which is supposed to help anaemia!! My hemoglobin was down around 55 which is stroke territory, Hospital refused to let me leave and transfused me 3 bags of blood the following morning. Pumped me full of B12 injections and then I had to stay on them for a year after that together with high dose Folic acid tablets. When I got the first 2 bags of blood I felt like a different person again, really well and energised. I was really thankful for someone elses blood for the first time in my life (I specifically asked for the stuff with Test & Dbol in it LMFAO)

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TrainElite's picture

Damn... Did you ever figure out how you got into that state to begin with, that's scary. Do you think it was from donating too much?

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Primo Pantani's picture

Press, do you remember if your rbc was normal? That can happen with B12 anemia I think. Sounds scary as hell, luckily you thought to go to the hospital. Here in America with our healthcare system I would have probably tried to tough it out until I just passed out!