Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
  • 1.1k

+ 11 Gentlemen please read! its about the review boards!


Im sick and tired of reading shitty reviews! everybody raves about the shipping and handling and communication! And im done listening to it! Im not excepting "its spot on"! its great! there the best ive ever done! and every other fucking corny ass shit people say about how great products are! HOW is the product the best? WHAT is it doing for you? WHAT are your gains? HOW does it make you feel? are you stronger? getting hard ons? I dont give a fuck, but put it in the review so people know that you aint on your first cycle and enjoying the first 10 minutes of placebo from your first damn pin!...Sorry guys this is going down for everybody! I aint playing favorites if you violate your getting docked! However if you leave a good review ill rep you three points! Im reading every fucking review trying to dial this in! THE REVIEW BOARDS HAVE NEW RULES AND ARE GONNA BE ENFORCED!...THE RULES ARE CLEARLY STATED IN THE BOX YOU TYPE THE REVIEW IN, IT STATES DO NOT LEAVE A REVIEW UNLESS YOU HAVE RECEIVED AND USED THE GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also if the site you are reviewing has less then 1 page of reviews I will allow a shipping and handling and communication is an idea of what could go in a good review(compliments of tread)
First communication and response time:

Received order in _____days from order date:

Package shape and overall appearance of product:

Describe dose used of product and length used:

On cycle sides and signs of effectivness:

Compare this product to equal products you have used in the past:

Did you do bloodwork before or during or after cycle to confirm product effectivness?

What was your overall experience with the cycle in terms of meeting goal:

Would you use this source again?

List your stats and cycle experience as it pertains to this product and others:

Final comments and rating for this source:

fast48's picture

I hear ya! So hitting thumbs down on dumbass shipping reviews is still ok

Catalyst's picture

Amen to that.

Can we have an official ban on g2g?????

himan's picture

damn I agree

Cyrus the Virus's picture

bumpity bump bump... been looking for this damn thread...

joeyzaza's picture

ok i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 thanks!!!

datman's picture

+1 for that.. but i do enjoy the occasional " looks like some sort if oil.. must be gtg". Makes me chuckle, then cringe.. :-)

betheman's picture

Agree 110% and vow to never write a b.s. review.

I appreciate you enforcing. It will drive change. +1 from me.

I love the "ordered and communication was great...can't wait receive "......ugggggg

The only exception, and maybe this is a question to you as well, is if you haven't received anything and a substantial time has passed with no luck...thinking two-three weeks. thougths?

In a promo × 1
Roid Noid's picture

yes and that is staed in the review box before you write your review! :/

betheman's picture

Crap...i see it now....I'll study harder next time. :-)

In a promo × 1
Roid Noid's picture

dont worry brother your not the first and you wont be the last!

BeastMoDe33's picture

Amen brotha Smile

eatbig's picture

I can see why you made this post Noid. Because you are A-Noid with all the non reviews and I feel for ya. Theres just too many people not reading the rules before they start making posts. I seen all you mods kickin some ass especially lately in the review section. Kept seein all you mods names poppin up over here ------------------------------------------------->
+1 from me for all your hard work. I seen someone els suggest this before but couldn't you guys make it where new members are directed to the rules page before coming onto the site for the first time and possibly have a short multiple choice test or is something like this already done?

Roid Noid's picture

I think the boss said he changed it to where something like that is now set up!

Aamon's picture

Thank you. Digging through a sources reviews would be dramatically faster if there weren't 9000 shit ass reviews for every legitimate one.

boots2asses12's picture


Tvo's picture


darren's picture

i think they got the message and the humor had me falling off my