El Logano's picture
El Logano
  • 36

Cycle comparison


Test CYP 500/week with Mast E 400/week


sust 500/week with NPP 300-400 a week possible add of mast E


Makwa's picture

You are not at that point in your cycling career or body comp where the compounds you choose makes a difference in your physique. Right now, it won't matter what you run, the results will be same. So run a cycle with minimum side effects. Right now it is all about diet and work out regime. That is what will make the difference, not what stack you run. Run a little bit of test to stay anabolic and help with recovery and worry about the diet and workout. After you add another 20lbs lean mass and drop 25lbs of fat then the compounds you run can have an impact on how you look and can be more important in planning a successful cycle. Right now, your focus should be on diet/workout and just staying anabolic running an easy test cycle. Don't fall into the black hole of thinking the compounds dictate results right now because they don't. KISS and put that effort into perfecting diet and you will be rewarded.

simonmagus84's picture

What are you goals, stats and experience?

El Logano's picture

Experience I've been lifting and active for a long time...gear experience is what I stated previously...I started at 223 now I'm 215 but still feel good..lose of fat...labs are good...hebagloban and RBC are at the hight end of scale but platelets are in a mid range...just wanting to be smart. Don't want to be so sauced up in ant function. Slow and steady kind of thought process.

El Logano's picture

Started just on test CYP only 250/week...for 10 weeks. I'm on my 3rd week of mast and cyp going to 12 weeks.

Been loosing fat which is a goal and getting definition in...my goal is to lose a little more fat and then gain but be solid..more vascular not fluffy.

simonmagus84's picture

Honestly, I’d stick to what you’re already doing vs increasing gear and dosages. Your body is already responding positively to moderate doses. Anytime I increase test above 300 mg threshold, I start to experience more negative side effects. Stick to what you’re doing and adjust Cyp mast accordingly to avoid estro crash. Also, I just looked at your pics, I wouldn’t consider running npp at that BF especially if you’re trying to be more vascular. I would instead throw in an oral like Var. The reason being is because the higher bf you have the more negative sides you’ll experience.

El Logano's picture

Ok makes sense...yea like I said a rookie...so I appreciate the positivity and honesty. Like I said I'm doing 12 weeks of CYP 500/week and mastE 400/week. On week 3 feel good...after the 12 weeks in going back to 250/week CYP...

So "could" or should I add anavar to what I'm doing right now to help with cutting fat? Mg/day?

I have AI on hand if I feel I ever need it

El Logano's picture

Makes sense about the car

Would you recommend her day with that and run it like 4 to 6 weeks in conjunction with the current cycle I'm on because I know I need to lose some more... I've been eating a hell of a lot better drinking. Nothing but water or black coffee giving that up was huge as far as pops and caffeine

simonmagus84's picture

Not until your BF is in a considerably lower range. Just stick to what you’re doing man. I know you’re excited because you’re seeing more progress but that’s in training and diet as well as the gear having its positive effects in a longer duration. There are guys here that made tremendous transformations with test only.

El Logano's picture

It's a marathon not a sprint..I remind myself of that...just in the 15weeka alone I've seen amazing results on just "TRT" then added what I do now. But yes I would like to get 10% at least before I start looking into putting size on....diet is healthy...and no pop or energy drink ECT...like I said ..

simonmagus84's picture

Good. I need to clean up myself. Had an incredible summer but fell off recently. I’m fasting for 3 days to reset my body and Gut health. Once I come off, I’ll RE feed for holidays then hit the carnivore diet again. I’m having stomach issues from eating a little bit of gluten so I’ll just remove it from my diet completely. Don’t rush to get to 10%, let your body recomp and focus on volume training with very little rest.

El Logano's picture

That's usually what my training is ..little rest higher reps and pumps...my chest is the hardest so I make sure I focus on that more...not big on barbell bench. But I like dumbbells and cables and flys...I'll do push/pull and try to follow and change routines ..

simonmagus84's picture

You don’t need to barbell bench. I don’t barbell bench at all just cables and dumbell drop sets and my chest is good enough.

JakeKO's picture

Same here! Barbell benching just isn’t worth the injuries anymore

El Logano's picture

Exactly....hard on my shoulders iMO...with barbell bench.

I just try to get that top shelf solid...
I'll send you a PM if I can

press1's picture

In all fairness whenever you come across anyone who has hammered any of the big 3 barbell exercises for years they will always come with the same associated injuries: Squats = Bad knee's/hips, Bench = Bad shoulders/elbows, Deads = Lower back/hips. The joints just aren't designed to withstand the forces you can work up to with them - especially when you start using steroids.

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NWApatches's picture

I'm a big barbell bencher as I don't have shoulder pain and love the feel of pushing 300+ pounds off my chest BUT if you want to have that chest chiseled, cockstrong and defined blast fucking cable flys and I mean spam the shit out of them. I finish my chest day with 12 sets of cable flys. Incline, decline, and regular flys. When you set that cable on the bottom and crook your arms and pull to the opposite pec I PROMISE you your fucking chest will seize up when you go to put your seatbelt on when you hop in the car. And don't expel your energy flat pressing. Stay on incline.

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simonmagus84's picture

Nice. Love flys and pec deck. Everyone always compliments my chest and assumes I do a lot of benching but truth is, I haven’t benched in over 12 years. Cables and dips is my secret

NWApatches's picture

Hell yeah. I get way more results from my fly movements but benching heavy for me exhausts my pecs faster and then once exhausted I fucking tear them up with the flys. I love dips as well on the machine tricep pushdown and lean forward

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simonmagus84's picture

I tried dumbells today, my shoulder is still fucked so I did 10 sets of cables and flys for 15 reps each, perfect.

Thanks for the advice