Nitti's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 30 Beware!!!


There has always been an issue with fanboys attacking members with concerns in the discussion pages. That has slowed down a lot. I guess ppl are either starting to understand that we Don't play that shit!! Now it's starting to happen in reviews! All these sources with their fan boys, fighting over every vote to the top spot. Iv'e seen ppl try bullying members into changing their vote for a source (I dare you) and now i'm seeing a lot of ppl getting negged for writing a review and vote that may not be favorable to the source. If the rules are being followed then YOU CAN'T hit them for karma just because you don't like their review! That shit doesn't fly in the forums when you disagree with someone. So what makes you think that reviews are any different? I'm going to start looking at every point taken from any member who left a negative review that wasn't breaking rules. And anyone who negged it, You WILL lose more karma than you took! I promise you that! And if you're a multiple offender, I may just drop kick your shit into the red! Consider this a warning!

And to the people who are afraid to leave a negative review for a source for this reason, Don't be! I'm watching! The system we have in place works if everyone follows the rules! I'm going to make sure they are being followed and so is every other mod! Offenders, you better hope it's me that catches it and not VIKING! He sees it and you might end up with a Troll tag!

homebrewed's picture

I only neg reviews that say "I got my gear. So its g2g" I mean how can you review something just because you received it without even running it?? Oh..And just horrible posts too. I hope thats still cool???

HllwdBdBoy's picture


UgtaBkdNme's picture

Straight to the point, that's easy enough to understand and solid advice. I certainly won't be going near the neg button again. I don't like trouble... Well not that kind anyway.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Seems legit. I just hope those in charge see the full story before they pass judgement. People can edit posts and after an edit someone might look like a "fanboy" when in fact they were not wrong at all. The good news is personality, honesty, and integrity are judged in the forums through interaction not karma ;)

Nitti's picture

You'll have to elaborate. I'm not sure I follow or see the relevance. Its pretty cut and dry. If someone has a bad experience with a source it's their right and duty to report it back to the community. Nobody has a right to neg someone's review just because they had a good experience. You'll see things like "well he's always been good to me so I don't know what you're talking about!" And 5 more follow suit with the pack mentality. Next thing you know the guy complaining is fighting his way off the ropes and wondering how the fuck he got here. It's backward. This site is set up to keep sources honest.

Nitti's picture

From what I can tell that's pretty fucked up. One of those vials contains half the amount of oil as the others. I don't know what the original post was that they are referring to. What was it? Privately please

Again, nevermind I see it below this comment

UgtaBkdNme's picture

To be fare, the half vial was a freebie, I think most people missed that in all the drama. They didn't actually send him a half vial like he paid for a full one and got a half KWIM? I've never used this SRC, likely never will. But the picture is a tad misleading on the half vial bit. I think at some point in the thread they came to an agreement and are all happy again.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

In the gear pics section someone posted a rant about a SRC. A full blown attack, I negged him for putting it in the gear photos. I told him he needed to post things like that in the review section. The next day he edited his post and a mod docked me and threatened to ban me because I was "being a fanboy" for the SRC by negging. That mod was wrong and I stand by my neg. His rant didn't belong there I assume he figured that out and that's why he edited the post.

Nitti's picture

You are right and wrong. If the guy posted a pic of the same gear from the same source but it was singing his praises, would you say that needs to go in the review section?

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Great point, I had not thought of it that way. I think if that were the case I wouldn't even have noticed. But I can see why I was wrong now.

Pale's picture

Maybe I am reading you wrong but I think you are confusing the rules of the general forum with the rules in the pics section. In the general forums, no, we are not allowed to name sources, complain about sources, etc. In the pics section however you may have noticed when you do post a pic it asks you what source before you can even post. Look at how many lab test pics that come back less than favorable for a source, it is no different in gear pics or even self shots.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Your right. Its clear now , I was very confused after I got in trouble and pissed when the mod wouldn't tell me why negged me. But I get it now, live and learn. Thanks Smile

TheFlash85's picture

i have too agree there, karma does not mean knowledge or experience, ive been going through "tracks" and forum posts of the last 2 years, its amazing what you find, everything someone has ever written can be read lol, we have ppl on first cycle and ppl with less than a year experience in aas with over 500 karma? this is a aas site, not facebook, how does that add up? i see ppl negging reviews daily, its cyber bullying, pick on the new guy, neg him, drown him out, gang attack him, its a joke! just because someone has high karma does not mean what they type is anymore correct, better or believable than lower karma, i suggest background checking the poster of the reviewr first for yourself, you may be suprised with what you find. be smart, be safe, be fair, good luck

Nitti's picture

I don't remember where but I made a comment last week on this topic. You guys put too much emphasis on karma. Who cares about karma? It's like a foolguese status symbol. Karma is a reflection of experience on this site. Not in the world of PED's. We have a butt load of social butterflies here who know very little about the subject at hand but sure can make someone laugh. So they get bumped with cool points. Again, karma shows your experience on eroids and the level at which you participate in the forums. That's it! Nobody should be confused about karma score and what it represents.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Your right it is meaningless at a certain point. When I first joined I looked for it to see who to listen too though. It takes a few years to figure out who's karma has value and who's is just flashy.

Nitti's picture

Just so you two know, I am in no way attacking or being condescending. I remember writing this and the reason behind it. So when I saw the point shift from source reemers to karma I got confused. It's not hard to confuse me these days. :-/

UgtaBkdNme's picture

No worries you helped me by clearing something up in a way that makes since. I appreciate it.

TheFlash85's picture

fair enough, and duely noted, i did ramble a bit off topic there, what i was getting at was another issue, what i mean is if someone sees a review, who is new to the site, they shouldnt automatically look at the "karma" number and go by that, a guy with 7 points may leave a mediocre review, it gets negged, hes now - 1 due too " fanboys" , that guy may have been a vet with 20+ yrz experience, and the gear wasnt as good as it could of been, he gets drown out, then you get some high rank guy lacking knowledge receives a pack, leaves a mediocre reveiew, get 10 +s, and praised in si page, preety much what i meant is ...... background check the review not the karma...... excuse me if im incoherently rambling mate lol.

Nitti's picture

I'm not sure I agree. I know when I am venturing through forums, I see the higher ranking members and think "that guy has been on this site a while, he may be a good person to get help from". By help I mean with things pertaining to the site. There are some guys & grrrls here who gained their points the old fashioned way. Sharing their knowledge and experience and helping out the ignorant. There will always be corruption in any system you implement. But I like to think that at its core eroids is more righteous than it is self serving or malicious. By eroids I mean the common member.

TheFlash85's picture

hmmm you got me there, that is true, when i joined thats how i learnt, i fr a high karma member, he helped me with alot about eroids, i geuss it would just be isolated incidents, hmm and also would like to add, this wasnt directed at anybody in particular. last week i did see a few pages worth of negged reviews, i shouldnt assume it was " high" ranked members, just over 50, point noted, cheers.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

Well said. I think most active members pick up on this as well.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

good timing sir, I think this need reviewed by many

NuclearMess's picture

Great to see this post Nitti.. Maybe it's just the times I am on the Site but I appreciate you being so active and policing this great site!

Nitti's picture

I don't need rest, just fuel!

Nitti's picture


mwagsgurly's picture

what about a source writing nasty emails and not letting you alone in emails because of a bad review. how would you deal with this

Darktide's picture

Send it to a mod! That will end it.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Are SRCs allowed to neg people? Cuz I just lookined in an SI where it looked like the SRC was the one going through and doing the down voting.

Nitti's picture

No sources can't take karma or give it. And there is no option to give karma in the SI. You sure?

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Sorry, I meant on the review page. It may have been a nut hugger going along and negging them, but it looked like the SRC did it since he had responded to all of the bad reviews and they all had one down vote.

Nitti's picture

It had to be the fan boys. Couldn't be the source. I don't believe sources have the power to give or take karma. But that is exactly what I'm talking about. The fan boys

ReadyToKillIt's picture

Thanks for clearing that up. I also appreciate you taking care of this problem and making this community better.

flacidego's picture

The reason these fanboys kiss a source's ass and try to rebut bad reviews is because they want more free shit thrown in their next pack. It's obvious. If gear is gtg, its gtg. Don't need some ball nuzzlers to stick up for a source when someone gives a negative review. If you're a source with dummy user id's using TOR so your IP is disguised while you're leaving fake reviews? It's obvious when I look for other things and they confirm my suspicions. But yeah...fanboys need to chill with that. You look like a bitch ass pussy when it comes to having integrity and self respect IMO and many others. There is no excuse for sticking up for a src in reviews. If you're nosey rosey and want to dip in the koolaid, msg the reviewer and say what you wanna say. Else you look like a fanboy cunt trying to get free gear with your nose all up in a src's ass.

Nitti's picture

We do pretty well with pinning down fake accounts and votes. BFG is a technical genius with his computer. We do all we can to stop it. If we miss something and you think it's shady, tell one of us

Nitti's picture

Notified me? I didn't get a message from you. But I looked at your karma and it looks like you got the automatic inserted karma point for posting it. If your karma didn't change that's because you lost a point somewhere else