posted Thu, 01/09/2025 - 21:30
Anyone take DIM?
Looking to lower estrogen a bit since I look watery. Currently on 150 test. Don't really wanna do an AI since I'm a bit hesitant, DIM seems like a less intense option. Anyone take this before?
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If your looking for the best natural aromatase inhibitor it's been shown to be chrysin. It can improve pump and oxygen dispersal by thinning the blood similar to arginine as well. There are DIM Chrysin blends ive seen for sale. Cheaper than other drugs like Aromasin/exmemastane or Tamoxifen and potentially have less side effects but ive never done them long term and didn't get hot flashes or side effects from tamoxifen or chrysin. Was a little iffy to try exmemastane as its effects can be permanent? Is that a good or bad thing, both? You'd never have to take a aromatase blocker again but could have reduced bone density or sexual function as estrogens effects on these are positive.
How often are you injecting? Do you have bloodwork to show you actually have elevated E2? Looking watery can be many other things. Carb/sodium/cortisol/etc
Pinning 3 times a week, literally just on 90mg/week rn. I think it's just the fat that I have since I have love handles still.
Well you can also reduce your E2 levels, if confirmed a little elevated by bloodwork, by increasing shot frequency. My E2 is damn near double when doing 2x a week injections vs ED injections. Always worth a shot (no pun intended) if the jabbing every day doesn’t bother you.
My E2 is currently 39.7 I believe . Total T was 1101. I posted my full labs in another post a couple days ago
Had a friend who swore it solved his herpes outbreaks lol!
Besides that I really haven’t looked into too much and have never taken myself. I’m sure there will be others with insight though!