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+ 10 Hardcore Chest Workout


I'm helping out a new member with his training routine. Trying to mix stuff up a little, particularly upping the intensity to build density of muscle in order to consider the stage further down the line. This is a workout I've just pm'ed him.

Ok, so here's a chest workout I put a guy that came top 5 in UK physique through a couple of days ago.

Warm up

Flat bench -50reps
Straight into include flyers -30 reps
Straight into DBell pullovers -20 reps
No pause between the three exercises

2 minute rest, repeat with increased weight, this time 30 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps respectively. 2 minutes rest, repeat with 20, 15 and 12 reps.

Hammer strength incline press. 20 reps, 15, 12 with 1 minute rest between sets. Then a big drop set, 8, 10, 15 reps, the pump it out with just the machine for 30-50 reps until huge amounts of burn,

Cable flyes. 10 to side, 10 to front, 10 bent over. No rest between. 3 sets.


40 minutes. Doesn't look like much, but it's intense and will put a hell of a volume of reps through your chest in a very short time. Not being used to training like this, it's going to hurt. The guy I mentioned I left lying on the floor at the end ;) he's an ex royal marine, very aerobically fit and in great condition..... If you're not in the same place, you're doing it wrong, not squeezing, bigger rests etc.

Consider this a framework. Choose your exercises, mix them up. Incorporate super sets and drop sets into them but don't keep doing exactly this. This isn't about weight, so if bench pressing 60kg is too sissy for you, this isn't for you .It's about volume and intensity.

rawmustard's picture

I tried this out, as I said I would. I’m always up for new things and seeing how different routines effect a body part. For me personally I had an amazing pump, and I mean killer. The downfall of it was after doing this twice my rotator was just killing me so bad. My joints prefer a slower pace. But if I had a better shoulder I would’ve kept messing around with this.

Gracy's picture

Your routine is awesome sir. Beginner like me don't know where to start and how to start.

rawmustard's picture

I’m excited to hit this tomorrow! Going lighter this week with weight and focusing on pump, this seems pretty damn brutal. I’ll let you know how the floor tastes when I am finished!

jakedasnake's picture

Thanks for the workout. I guess I need to switch it up periodically cause my chest day was getting stale. Feeling pretty sore today.

Kai9's picture

I use this high intensity and moderate to light weight style of training on my all body days. I know all body workouts are a dying method to some but once a week it really seems to shake things up and keep my body guessing.
Great post Catalyst thanks for the link

jcbower88's picture

Did this 2 nights ago great pump. Nice deep soreness today, especially nice for only 40 min. Will be looking forward to more.

Catalyst's picture

So I've had a few pm's about the overall picture of how I train. I don't do this every week. The above was what I did last week. This week, I trained heavy. I say heavy, maybe not for some, I still have to be careful with chest work due to multiple shoulder surgeries. So today, it went like this, a complete contrast to last week.

Warm up, light bench, rotator cuff stretching with light Dumbbells.

Flat bench.

100kgs x15
140kg x12
160kg x 10
180kg x8
200kg x5
220kg x2.
Drop set 200x2, 180x4, 160x6,140x8, 100x10

Incline flyes

40kg x10 3 sets.

Incline Dumbell press

70kg x10 3 sets

Cable flyes
?kg x10 sets bent over, 3 sets to front, 3 sets to sides.

Done. 45-50 minutes and I'm out of there.

skarates's picture

Did this one today. Wow!! Such an amazing pump in my chest. I've done dumbell pullovers before but never felt them as deep and painful as I did today.

xflipside's picture

Just did this, wow never had a chest/shoulder pump like that before. I striations had striations and each delt was clearly separated complimented by a swollen chest. Very nice catalyst. Cant wait to try your other workouts

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xroids's picture

I like this brother

Sparty's picture

Did it this morning. Brutal.
My pec have been spasming all day. Worried about what I'm going to feel like in the am

Makwa's picture

Going to the gym now to give this a shot.

Gh0st's picture

This routine sleighed me yesterday. Haven't had my chest this sore since I can't remember when. And its just hitting the 24 hour mark. Tomorrow is going to be brutal.

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Catalyst's picture

Is it wrong that I'm enjoying the pain I seem to be inflicting?

Gymjunkie01's picture

Yes I'm a little sore today

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Gymjunkie01's picture

Ok just FYI cat!!!!! I puked 3/4 way through this work out .... Huffing and puffing like a train, that kicked my ass left gym curled up in a ball on the floor lol... Bro +2 on this one haven't puked from a work out in YEARS

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Makwa's picture

Now you have me worried. Got this one coming up in a couple of days Smile

Gymjunkie01's picture

It's no joke workout. Good luck it deff put a shock to my system

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Catalyst's picture

I'm not surprised, it's tougher for the big boys. I train a lad on Thursday mornings, is a bodyguard for a well known singer. 6ft 5 ish, got to be 350lbs+, strong as an ox. First time he did a leg workout using a similar method he puked after 15 minutes. Texted me the following day to tell me he had to take a couple of days off work as he couldn't stand up Smile

I'm glad it was a decent workout for you. I'm also sorry in advance for how sore you're about to be in 24-36 hours......

Gymjunkie01's picture

I've not been this sore since my last comp when I reach across my chest whole thing cramps

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Gymjunkie01's picture

Pain is weakness leaving the body .. Thank u

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Catalyst's picture

Shoulders for me tomorrow morning. Going to be filled with super sets and high intensity. Didn't get home from work until midnight tonight, now 1am, off to the gym in 5 hours before jumping on a plane.

Gymjunkie01's picture

ok im gonna try his chest work out tonight but cant figure out what 10 to the side when he mentions cable fly? im stumped any input anyone

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Catalyst's picture

Cables at top, arms out to side like a crucifix position, lower hands to hips with a slight bend in your arms.

TNKbugz's picture

Any equally hardcore tricep ones !?

Catalyst's picture

I tend to train tris and bis together adopting a similar technique. My arms in particular respond to high rep ranges and I like drop sets to get a real burn.

Makwa's picture

any plans on putting up a back workout?

Catalyst's picture

I put this up about a year ago. Was s little more focussed on heavy training at that point. Scarily enough I did this particular workout whilst I still had a complex rotator cuff tear. Makes me cringe thinking what this must have been doing to my shoulder......

Makwa's picture

Did back last night so I'll give it a shot when back comes around again. Looks like something I wouldn't want to try while cutting Smile

Makwa's picture

I like it. I'll give it a try in a couple days. Still recovering from my last chest workout.

Catalyst's picture

Thought of you whilst writing this, very much move and your training style.

Makwa's picture

A workout full of tri-sets and drop sets, no way I am going to pass that

Pale's picture

It definitely sounds difficult. I have been really upping my intensity but honestly I am not quite ready for that high. Lol

Catalyst's picture

Its only pain mate. All in your head.

SenseiMiagi's picture

Lol, in your head, your shoulders, your chest, and lungs. Looks like a killer routine. Recently been supersetting flat bench and flat flyers, but doing flyers first. Bars awfully heavy after burnin in out on flyers! Good shit dude.

Catalyst's picture

I like super setting flyes and pressing. Amazing how heavy 20kg Dumbbells can get.....