johnmarshall12's picture
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As you're pinning happily along, doing intense workouts, and living this crazy lifestyle; have you ever stepped back for a moment and wondered why?

Why we go though the pain, the eating when bulking, the dieting while cutting, the PIP, the endless injections, the injuries. What motivates us to overcome all these things? Torn tendons, pulled and torn muscles, all sorts of horrific aches and pains.

We are driven despite all these obstacles to obtain a muscular physique at all costs. Oh yeah there's the cost in actual dollars. This is an expensive endeavor. The Gear, supplements, HGH, Peptides etc.

All in all this is a pretty difficult thing requiring a lot of work, dedication, and tolerance for pain and injury.

Now I'll tell you why we do it. We are obsessed with attaining a muscular physique. That desire drives us through all the obstacles listed above! We want to look like the picture of the guys we saw on Bodybuilding magazines when we were kids.

Our desire to achieve this cannot be deterred or foiled.

We want to live in a physique we are proud to look at. We know all the others who make fun of us simply can't do this and are envious.

We want to feel like a God and look like one too. Those of you who have done Tren cycles surely know the joy of this feeling. Walking around in a grainy hard carved statue like physique; there simply is no other feeling like it. We want strength and power. We do our best to guard our health.

Our activities and AAS give us the sexual ability of supermen in bed. The ladies love us cause they just aren't used to sleeping with guys who can compete.

So all in all, there are trade offs, but we do this because we love it!

Kgp's picture

Good read and good replies. I am somewhat scared of the inevitable. Everyone gets old. We cant hide from that fact, but I will try and maintain my youth as much as possible and AAS definitely plays a role. I will probably pay from the use and abuse of my body in the long run, but I love being almost 40 and looking much better than others my age, or others half my age. I love that I can still bag a young, smoking hot chick. I love the mindset i have when on juice. I am confident, strong, and have a sex drive of a pubescent boy. I have done many drugs in my younger years but nothing compares to the pump and endorphins I get when at the gym. Looking at yourself in the mirror thinking "damn, I look good". Its a great feeling.

johnmarshall12's picture

Yes it is a different world for us for sure!

press1's picture

Yeh buddayyy - Chicks & Gear rock!!

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Drock_357's picture

I got beat up by by a girl when I was in 6th given she was the jump rope champion of the 5th grade so she had a slight advantage on me since her cardio was on point, and I held my own for awhile but she pulled out a double Dutch shuffle on me and it was all over from there......been looking for her for 40 yrs now for a rematch...

Crawled out of a bottle some yrs back and hit the gym just to get into some sort of thing led to another, now here it is 15 years later and sometimes it feels like I still don’t know a damn thing....but I feel good, look great naked, ( no homo), and still hang with the young bucks in the gym, for the most part anyway....
If there are any females reading this around my age, was in Mrs. Buhlers 5th grade class, and whooped up on a 6th grader in the teatherball pit, hit me up so we can resolve this!

johnmarshall12's picture

Too bad I can't give you Karma for this one! lol's picture

lmao thats a good read bro .

you will have your revenge!

kibby's picture

I do it to mould the best me I can be . I'm strong enough to protect my family if need be and I'm fit and healthy along with it

Owes a Review × 1's picture

I do it because of the endorphin flow.

Most normal people simply cant keep the focus and motivation it takes , I love to push myself, I live for it.

The pain , the recovery, the results , the pump, the looks for some dudes girlfriend or wife, while she is standing right beside him, I fucking love that stuff.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I always got the opposite effect, I've watched women push their kids behind them and stare at me like I'm going to eat their young.'s picture

No worries bro, its a natural part of nature for the new male to eat the young.

The females are just a little apprehensive , lol.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I was involved in a training excersise years ago with some russian ground forces, they legitamitley thought to become a US Marine, that we had to eat our first born child.

press1's picture

Seriously?! lol Man I bet some of those guys were seriously ruthless and cold minded machines weren't they...

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JUICEBOX0331's picture

Yeah they seriously thought that, they were cool, tough and crazy. They were fun to fight along side of but it would be hell fighting against them.

press1's picture

So I'm guessing you were involved in Mercenary/private security type stuff were you?

In a promo × 1's picture

Bro Russians are straight cold gangster soldiers I have mad respect for them, terrorist tried taking hostage a group of Russian citizens once, The Russian military did not even try negotiating with the terrorist, they found out who the terrorist were, then they tracked down the family of the terrorist and held them hostage in turn until the Russian citizens were released.

Now that is how you take care of business .

Ozninjaguy's picture

Funny story (for me at least). I was in a bar in Manila a few years ago. I was around 210lb and looked pretty buff (in my opinion). I had a buzz cut and had dyed my hair red. I have often been mistaken for military, and still am. Anyway... a young drunk American guy came up to me and said: "Are you Russian?" I was about to reply - nope, but my particular sense of humour kicked in and I looked him in the eye and replied: "Da!" (Yes!). He got really excited and said: 'I knew it!' and went back and told his mates that he was right. When he came back to talk to me I said "Sorry, don't speak the English." He then left me alone to look at the bar girls in peace. I still laugh to myself about that one.

press1's picture

Did the Terrorists family actually get returned with their heads still on? Lol

In a promo × 1's picture

lol who knows bro. The Russian citizens were released I know that,

johnmarshall12's picture

LMAO at both of you!

TableMuscle's picture

Oh hell LMAO!!!

dextetherdog's picture

I liking this

Ozninjaguy's picture

Why do we do it? Maybe a lot of people do it for the reasons you cited, but for a lot of other guys it's BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder)...the question is: where do we draw the line between wanting a 'physique we are proud to look at' and an obsessive and unhealthy behaviour?

press1's picture

I think if we are honest Oz most of us on here have it, how many of us Don't quickly check out our chest or shoulders whenever we happen to walk past a random mirror Lol

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Ozninjaguy's picture

Yes, I agree. Many times over the years different partners have told me that I shouldn't train so much because I looked good, and then I would explain that I only looked 'good' because of training. Then I would explain that I 'needed' to get my this or that more developed, bigger, striated or whatever - never satisfied and always finding fault in my physique. It's part of the motivation but can also make you a slave to your body image.

I avoid looking in mirrors (except when training) because I know that I will be disappointed (the body image thing). I have only ever shown pics of myself here, and only in the last year or so out of 36 years of training. Why now? Well there's not many guys still training at 63 so not a lot of comparisons, and I'm less self-conscious now-a-days,

johnmarshall12's picture

I wrote an article on muscle dysmorphia; it was interesting.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Send me the link mate.

johnmarshall12's picture
Ozninjaguy's picture

Good read - thanks.

JugulrTRENsuspension's picture

Tren solid a granite. And it happens quick. One day feels normal then BAM! chest hard a steel

Sam I Am's picture

I'm bald and ugly af. People seriously say I look like Hank Hill only bald. I even have the same glasses. But it's ok I can control the way my body looks. Some old lady asked me to make a muscle in Walmart earlier in the me that's what it's all about...

Owes a Review × 1
Ozninjaguy's picture

Was it the love muscle?

Sam I Am's picture

I never kiss and tell lol.

Owes a Review × 1
Ozninjaguy's picture

A true gentleman.

press1's picture

To be honest he actually does! I don't know why he is putting himself down..

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Sam I Am's picture

It's all good bro fat chicks love me...

Owes a Review × 1
Goose24's picture

Fat chicks need attention too!

TableMuscle's picture

Yea they just have to pay for it.

Sam I Am's picture

: )

Owes a Review × 1
JUICEBOX0331's picture

I do it to blow off steam, the perk was getting big and strong.

Greg's picture

You need to focus on quality posts and not quality... a lot of your more recent posts are regurgitating the same theme. It's almost (not almost I'm being polite) as if you're chasing karma like someone going for facebook likes to get their validation. You're better than that John.

johnmarshall12's picture

Hi Greg;
I just thought this would be an interesting post. Maybe I should have said this is why I do this? I guess I'm assuming everyone else is the same and that is a mistake.

Much respect;

Carlos Danger's picture

Nobody said it’s not interesting. But posting it where people can earn karma seems like a karma grab. You post this in off topic and post to your hearts delight. It’s where you can post your poetry and other non informative posts.

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johnmarshall12's picture

I agree! It's now in "Off Topic'. It wasn't meant to be a Karma grab I assure you, but you do raise a good point.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Can’t say I worry too much about the physique. It has nothing to do with my competitive endeavors and there’s a point where too much is too much. I’d rather look fit and athletic than like a bodybuilder, and I know I’m in there minority here with that lol

To be completely honest, I do what I do because there’s an emptiness in my life and in my soul that no amount of romantic love, sex, or drugs will ever fill. Training hard and using steroids to be able to train even harder and more often fills that void like nothing else can and gives me a reason to enjoy what time I have on this earth. It makes me feel like there’s a journey still worth sojourning here. I don’t think there’s anything after this, so I want every moment.

Ozninjaguy's picture

"There’s an emptiness in my life and in my soul that no amount of romantic love, sex, or drugs will ever fill."

According to your profile you are 27. You haven't even begun to experience all that life has to offer. Stop making excuses and immerse yourself in life.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I’m going to let this comment and the assumptions about my personal life that go with it go and let it be. Thank you for your input.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Mate - there were no assumptions about your personal life - I actually quote YOU in my reply. Perhaps I didn't come across well enough. By the time I was 27 I had experienced a shit load of things, a lot of them bad, and I thought that I had just about lived what life had to offer. Now I am 63 and life has provided me with trials, tribulations, experiences and emotions that I could never have conceived of at age 27. My point being that there is a lot more to life than what we come to believe or expect, at any age. Peace bro.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I really do appreciate it. I apologize for taking your comment as being a little condescending at first. I’m actively working on at least managing my depression and anxiety so it’s not like I’m giving up on life. Not by a long shot. Hard weight training is a very powerful therapeutic tool is really the message that I was trying to convey; perhaps I came across as a bit melodramatic, and that's on me.

Ozninjaguy's picture

"it’s not like I’m giving up on life. Not by a long shot" - that's what I wanted to hear. I agree with the hard training as a therapeutic tool. I used it for years to cope with so many things that have happened in my life, and I get the depression thing. My original post was supposed to be uplifting and encouraging in a way (so much for my writing skills). I guess that my take away from this is - while training is both physiologically and psychologically beneficial - don't avoid or ignore other aspects of life that can also be rewarding in more than a physical way. An open mind will always lead us in new directions - a closed mind keeps us on a well known and narrow path.