giardap's picture
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+ 35 Why I don't use Tren anymore, and never will again


The dogs in the street know that Tren is a psycho.

Sure, there are outliers who can eat it all day long without suffering the way you or I do, but they are few and far between. When I was young, I could use it at high doses without getting crazy, and I did, for years on and off. But it has taken it's toll on my mind, along with other things. Now I suffer all of the sterotypical sides, moreso with tren a due to its high peak, but also with tren e. From heyday high doses, I now cannot even handle 100mg Tren E pw without succumbing to high BP, flipped lipids, and cognitive annihilation. You name it; my bird is a cnut, the world is a wanker, and I will smash your jaw around the back of your filthy head etc. etc. Disgusting really.

Some of you will remember the study from about 3 years back, many wont, and lot's wont care. But, you should.

Some very smart chappies out of China's Shandong University studied rats to see what Tren was doing in the brain. Now before you cry foul of the poor little rats, remember that their endo system is more or less the same as ours. Mammals are good like that, generally speaking.
Anyway; they discovered that beta amyloid plaques were accumulating in a very significant way in the brain. They realised it was plaque 42 which the brain doctors firmly accuse of being a leading cause of Alzheimer's Disease.

Shiiiiiiit..... right?

Yeah but the die hard won't give a crap and sure we have all been there at some point. But, the study went further. It actually figure out that it is the standard mediation of effects via the androgen receptor that caused it. They also realised there is significant neuronal damage taking place..... wait for KILLS brain cells too....

So after years of the strength gains, the slow muscle building gains, and the fat burning magic of tren

I realise something isn't right. MY brain does not work the way it did before. There are many factors for that, but when it is really off it feels the way it does on tren (the sterotypical bad effects). So... anecdotally speaking, damage has been done.

So, I cannot handle it, but it also kills brain cells and is gradually potentially causing Alzheimer's.
I'm out...... for good

There is hope though

Alzheiner's is an area where there is massive scientific interest and significant investment. Recent studies showing new proteins can clear the plaques and prevent more from forming. You might also want to take a look at this study, courtesy of Carlos Danger: This is far more accessible than the protein which is very far from being realised as any sort of treatment.

So, it's up to you, as always.

What you do is your own business and some of us are adults here on eroids too! But for me, even though there is hope down the line for some of the damage tren causes, I dont want to end up in a position where I have already forgotten about it! I also don't want to keep killing brain cells, nor do I want to feel the cognitive destruction that tren causes anymore. It accumulates with time, and retrospectively I can swear to you that it is not worth it.

References - I have the full study, if anyone wants to read it, it is eye opening, I can email it to your anon email addey, just PM me.

Edited to add the following link from Carlos Danger:
Edited to add, from BJ: Mineral volcanic water for Alzheimer’s:

Eagles 2013's picture

Has anyone else here ever experienced sky high White Blood Cell counts while on tren? My WBC is always slightly elevated when I have bloods pulled on a tren cycle. One time they were sky high- like high enough the doc put me on antibiotics because he was convinced I had an infection somewhere. I consider that a one off though, because a lot of users has issues with the same gear I was using not long after- shit was defiantly dirty. One prominent user here got a nasty infection from it. This post brought it back to mind and I wanted to check and see if anyone else has experienced this. Other compounds will raise my RBC, but tren is the only one that impacts my WBC noticeably.

Achak's picture

Injections can trigger T cell activation. Your body treats the chemicals as an infection. Doesn't happen to everyone but it definitely happens.

giardap's picture

Not personally but any injection your body doesn't like can cause it.

If you click search, type: tren white blood cells
On page 2, last entry, a review, talks about bloods from test and tren a
Immune response. If you read it you can see he mentions PIP response

Achak's picture

One can run trenbolone safely by taking the proper precautions. That means one would have to address all the negative side effects.

First of all I recommend a protocol of peptides.

We will start with FGL at 333mcg daily. This peptide will reduce neuroinflammation. It enhances memory, protect neurons and prevents age-related structural changes in synapses. This is very important it reduces amyloid plaques.

Semax will be administered at 333mcg daily.. Semax improves neuronal survival. It protects against neurodegenerative disorders associated with heavy metals.

GRF 1-29 and Ipamorelin will be used to treat inflammatory conditions. GRF 1-29 100mcg 3x a day and Ipamorelin 100mcg before bed

Finally protect the kidneys with a good support supplement and lots of water.

press1's picture

The main reason most people can't run tren is the mental aspect of it, you instantly feel A LOT different on it especially on acetate. You have to resign yourself to the way you feel especially for the first 48 hours, EVERYTHING about life feels totally different and its generally in a negative perspective. The more you fight the feeling rather than just going with it the more you'll throw in the towel and not want to continue. You'll find it easiest to run if you are a fairly grounded and relaxed person in general. If you tend to be aggressive, paranoid, anxious, edgy or anything else like that then it will simply chew you up and spit you out no matter how tough you consider yourself to be.

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Eagles 2013's picture

I am a very relaxed person normally- to the extent that people have accused me of not caring about things in the past just because I don't get stressed out or show my emotion. However, Tren (ace) ran above 50 mg/day will make me very aggressive and bitchy. Its never been bad enough to get me in trouble, but I never have and probably never will use tren E just because I am afraid of it getting to that point and me not being able to bail immediately if need be.

press1's picture

From my brief experience with Enanth, it's Acetate that's the head wrecker mate - Tren E is more mundane I found where as hard hitting ace is the 'Let's have it' version Lol I like being able to bail out quick as I often use it in the winter and always come down with a cold on it - That's definitely the time you don't want to be on trenbolone. Also if you push hard in training and end up being in an over trained state with your CNS blown to pieces you can come off quick if needs be.

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Achak's picture

I have heard of people having these side effects. I get a little impatient and slightly more aggressive. Nothing to the extreme where I become Mr Hyde

BJ's picture

“Bump” as it needs to be known! Too many young cats taking too much of the stuff in the gyms these days!!

Also like this study on Mineral volcanic water for Alzheimer’s!

If you’re going to take lots TREN do yourself a favor and drink a bunch of Fiji water or a good quality volcanic water for the silica content!!

giardap's picture

thats an interesting read! Thanks BJ, added. +s

growthman's picture

10 reasons not to use Tren:

  1. It causes chronic inflammation.
  2. It dramatically increases prostaglandin levels.
  3. It decreases oxygen to the cells and heart.
  4. It negatively affects breathing.
  5. It causes the heart to work harder.
  6. It causes insomnia.
  7. It makes sleep apnea worse.
  8. It raises hematocrit levels.
  9. It increases blood pressure
  10. It lowers HDL (GOOD CHOLESTEROL) and increases LDL (BAD CHOLESTEROL).

10 reasons to use tren

  1. Insane recomp effect
  2. Superman strength
  3. Daily changes when dieting under 6% bf
  4. Women will stare at you
  5. Assertiveness
  6. Marathon weight training sessions
  7. Stacks very well with most drugs
  8. Sex drive
  9. Invincible
  10. Almost necessary at the elite level precontest
giardap's picture

8b... the insane sex drive....

it's fucking mental. Amazingly insane.
2 tren runs back (w/ high prop), I just couldnt get my estro under control and so prolactin rose up to. Too high prolactin and you eventually get anorgasmia and just cannot bust a nut.

So I was a filthy fkn horn dog, 24/7... had my Mrs. tormented, demented and worn out... but I just couldnt blow a load. Shagging, wanking... whatever... just couldnt get one out.... It was literally hell on earth.... the best of times/the worst of times... champagne and razor blades!!

press1's picture

I've never ever experienced not being able to orgasm on tren and I always run it with high prop also, never run caber with it either.

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giardap's picture

Lucky fucker! It is horrible.
It's not the tren itself that causes it directly. Just ridiculously high estro which bumps the prolactin up to the point where an individuals body experiences it. Most likely you have your estro locked down solid, thats why prolactin wont go too high

I am a high aromatiser - I dunno too many fat cells, too much enzyme... whatever... it is an affliction!

Happy xmas man, hope you are yours are enjoying the break.

johnmarshall12's picture

Tren is tren. It's like the broad with th big tits. You know you shouldn't bang her, but it's always so tempting. You might get an STD, but you might also get he best sex of your life! So, it's paradox for sure and what you decide is strictly up to you!

TheFlash85's picture

Great informative post. I came to same conclusion as you with tren after cutting last run short due to going crazy, unfortunately for me tren is always in my mind, see some dude getting bigger than me in gym my thoughts automatically start ticking saying that alright cunt I'm a member of e roids wait till I hit my buddies up over seas for some tren, way better than your Aussie horse cum gear lol it's just always an option it's like cigarettes we know they kill yet that first in the morning is the best just like the devil tren. Hope your keeping well mate! Seasons greetings!

giardap's picture

Happy Chrimbo Flash! (you mad bastard lol)

I know you have a seat empty this xmas, so best wishes to you all and will raise a glass to your grandad.

Hope you are yours have a good one mate.

Pale's picture

That is similar to what I touched on below and why I feel like tren may truly be the only addictive steroid. It infects our minds.

Ozninjaguy's picture

I haven't used Tren a lot so can't really comment on its addictive qualties, but I personally think all AAS are addictive. We have this mental image/goal of how we want our body to be so we train, eat and work towards that image/goal. Then along come AAS which just kick us in the arse and suddenly it's like a turbo charger - we are getting closer to what we are striving for faster than before. It's a rush. Our mind is turned onto all the feel good stuff of less depression, more motivation, better outlook, more stamina and improved body image. We look in the mirror and say: 'Damn! that shit is great!' Then we cycle off - drop some size, feel flat, lose some of that zest for life, look in the mirror and say: 'WTF? Where did all that go?' So we cycle on again for all the endorphins and whatever else steroids do to our minds and bodies. For me - they are all addictive - just some more obviously than others. I should be the last person who would be using AAS - but I have a draw full of gear: lots of Test E, Mast, Deca, Eq, Var, Winny and yes - still some Tren...and it's a real mental battle to convince myself that using them is probably not a good idea.

TheFlash85's picture

Good day mate! Hope you are well! I agree and also wonder if as we have discussed tren sides with mentality etc if in fact it actually alters our perception at the same time making it more addictive. I still plan to use it. I'll keep it to once a year though. It defiantly causes mental sides, jealousy, addiction, ocd, crabbiness all that we know! I know I smoke ciggies like a train on it??? Maybe enhances addictive personality hmmm.

giardap's picture

Just reading back over the comment. A hell of a lot of people seem to feel that pull. Whatever it is, there is something to it.

vhman's picture

That’s why you should always employ the tin-foil hat protocol when using tren.

press1's picture
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Protein4breakfast's picture

Interesting read!

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press1's picture

In all honesty mate I don't think the human body was ever designed to be manipulated by any hormone or steroid, hence why it has its own unique endocrine system that does not like to be played with one bit no matter how good your PCT is. Never really goes back to being quite the same again after a few runs but then without them how do we get to be superman?!

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giardap's picture

Truth right there p! well said man

JL's picture

I’m curious if Coffee would help mitigate the potential increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Ozninjaguy's picture

This is a little off topic but I recently read that statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) may be beneficial in mitigating/preventing AD. I was on another thread here and read some stuff guys had posted and was about to throw my statins but, hey - gonna keep taking them, even though no AD exists in my family.

giardap's picture

My understanding is that it can delay it somewhat, rather than actually protect against Alz's/Dem. But I don't know an awful lot about it really.

I think the main thing here is, and particularly given at least 2 members of the board have had DNA testing that shows increased risk markers for Alz's... that it would be a smart thing to get the DNA testing done before using tren again. If you have those risk markers, you dont want to be using tren. If you dont have the risk markers and you do want to use tren, then supplementation would help the average Joe clear any plaques hopefully.... and then the worry is only about the braincell death across the front of the brain.

JL's picture

I agree with your post. Most folks shouldn’t even touch tren at all. Unless your competing for big money why take the risk. One study I read showed a 26% decrease in risk of developing Alzheimer’s when coffee is consumed daily but was later considered as inconclusive study as the data was considered not controlled enough to be accurate. Another study said 2% decrease in older folks. I’ll see if I can find the links later. Don’t quote me on this. I’m going off of memory and I’m getting old. Going to go drink my coffee now. Maybe that will help. Lol

CBBurrr's picture

smoke pot, drink coffee and exercise...
avoid tobacco, excess alcohol and Tren

Thats a plan I can work with

zeusmarada's picture

Well said, good sir! I certainly second the motion.

giardap's picture

It's the small things in life that will get us through this lol

I like this plan!

JL's picture

That’s a good plan! Keep it simple.

CBBurrr's picture

I've got one of the alzheimer's genes,
According to one of the reports I had done on the raw data my risk is made worse if I allow myself to have excess iron.

from an after market report from Rhonda Patrick
This is a cluster of polymorphisms in two genes that regulate iron levels in the body. Carriers of the minor alleles for in the transferrin gene ( ) and in the human hemochromatosis protein ( ) have a 5 times increased risk of (alzheimer) due to elevated free iron in the body. Individuals with these polymorphisms may want to monitor their blood iron and ferritin levels and limit iron intake. Additionally, alpha lipoic acid supplementation has been shown to bind and chelate free iron.

Carlos Danger's picture

Guys I don’t like always being the only guy around here coming off like a pusher but it seems like for a website full of members using highly illegal drugs which every single one we use can and will fuck you up seriously we forget that there are a lot of counter measures to all of the risks. None of these counter measures however will 100% eliminate risks.

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CBBurrr's picture

Most of us can probably get the desired results with compounds that come with way few sides.
Cheque drops are a great pre workout...
But I'm probably ok with caffeine or ephedrine

giardap's picture

Everyone loves a good spanner thrower!!! And I agree with you to an extent that we are all hypocrites anyway, but a lot of this is about figuring things out as you go along. If we dont try to better ourselves, isnt it like the old smoker's argument; "you could get killed walking across the street, so I will keep smoking"?

Just based on the research alone (which is way limited), I dont see how antioxidants for example, can help the brain cell death. Now I don;t speak for others of course, but I experience the cognitive bad-sides from tren with such a small dose now, that clearly all of the protective things i take are not preventing some form of damage up in the brain.

So, I dunno man... I think that we have a spectrum when it comes to these things... you know... and tren, it strikes me.... is at one end of the spectrum compared to other things we do here.

BUT as always... to each their own and information is power. If we are informed, at least we can make decisions on the risks we take.

Carlos Danger's picture

Here’s my take on all this and take it for what it’s worth absolutely fuck nill of any worth but fuck it it’s my take. There is not a single person on this website who should be using a single drug found on this website unless your dr prescribed it. If you are you’re flat out reckless and putting your life at risk. Period. End of story. In my humble and ever so gentle opinion save the soapbox condemnation if you happen to fall into this ever so reckless bunch. Smile I swear I do love you judgey fucks I honestly do and ask anyone who comes knocking on my PM inbox I’d do close to anything I can to help you.
Anyhow I digress from my purpose of this post..

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Pale's picture

If it wasn't the tren acting like an ass it was you...

JL's picture

Tomato tomahto lol

Carlos Danger's picture

So where does that leave us? Will any of you reckless fucks stop? Lmfao! Fuck no! Hell motherfucking no; none of you will blindly stop! #1 rationale for not stopping? “I use moderation and use proper supplements and do regular bloodwork followed with a comprehensive PCT and time off”. Well what exactly is that type of rationale? It’s basically mitigation strategies rolled out after having done adequate research and hours and hours of mental preparation and monetary investment in regards to bloodwork and supplements/meds foods to help navigate the safest course to allow the user the greatest opportunity for healthy outcomes.

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CBBurrr's picture

Carlos is right.

And deca dick is way scarier than tren brain.

giardap's picture

Deca dick doesnt exist! True story. Ive run deca solo to test.
It is a myth!!!