23Sparta's picture
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+ 3 Nick Walker


Genetics? Idk man, you wouldn’t say that looking at him when he started.

Steroids? Idk either. It’s easy to take a shit ton of gear, what’s hard is looking like you take a shit ton of gear. Plenty of examples out there.

Excellent responder to PEDs? Imo, yeah, obviously he has to be.

HWPO? Without a doubt.

That’s the Mutant right there. Let’s go Nick! 2024 NY PRO!

23Sparta's picture

Naw brother not mad at all. I agree with you 100. Good responder to gear absolutely, has to be, and he is doing everything else right. I’m just talking about the dudes that come on here without all of that dialed in first. The ones who post crazy doses, run them and still look the same. I’ve heard a lot of them blame it on genetics or whatever isn’t under their control. Not anybody that chimed in on this post, all these dudes got their shit dialed in and work hard af

DeeMan's picture

I do not disagree at all. Some guys will come up with every excuse they can think of regardless how silly it may sound. Hate to say it but yea I know plenty of guys who run high dosages yet you wouldn't be able to tell by just looking at them. Not a good situation at all man. That's gotta be frustrating. I try and put myself in their shoes ya know?

23Sparta's picture

Put yourself in there shoes. That’s real right there, respect. IF, they are doing everting right and still no results, agreed that’s gotta be tough

DeeMan's picture

Yea you gotta look at it that way. But for those lazy guys and haters...that's a whole other story lol

23Sparta's picture

Yeah that was good point DeeMan. For real about bums and haters too lol

wanted's picture

Looks like to me
500mg test
200 mg primo
Made this physique right @DeeMan

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DeeMan's picture

Lol @wanted and @Drexyl don't be silly. Clearly the guy uses more but you guys shouldn't say it's all gear...heck I'm sure others are taking just as much so how would you guys explain that? Lol ya can't. I understand you guys can't relate to ole Nick!

wanted's picture

Im saying i can BET you looked better natural then nick did in his first picture up there. What if YOU ran those doasages higher. What if you had real increlex
Winning 500,000 for one show

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DeeMan's picture

I appreciate the compliment and I see where you're going with that but man those guys are on another level with their drug tolerance ability. I can't even imagine running their dosages.

DeeMan's picture

@wanted Ya know bragging isn't my thing seriously. I have nothing to brag about if u think about it lol.
But if you want to know the answer...yes I did but in my opinion I could NEVER look like Nick? Why do I say that...DRUG TOLERANCE man. Like I told @Drexyl, yes tolerance and response go hand and hand but only to a certain degree in my opinion. You gotta understand I don't pretend to be an expert in genetics because the shit still confuses me a little. I know my body and my gear tolerance has never been high and I'm sure I'm not the only exception to that. Basically I wouldn't have a chance becoming a pro bodybuilder and that's just reality, but I'm cool with that.

DeeMan's picture

At the end of the day I wouldn't want to be their size and I'm sure those guys aren't wanting to just to be strong.. It all works itself out.

23Sparta's picture

Yeah bro, that’s all show right there and no go. I mean obviously he’s strong but not powerlifter strong

DeeMan's picture

Yeah I mean as a youngster I always preferred strength over size but I wanted some size. Alot of those guys don't do barbell benchpress and if they do then usually they won't go past 315 for reps. At least that's what I've seen. But I agree those guys do have some strength. At 270 plus you have to.

23Sparta's picture

I know once I started copying nicks training style, I really started growing, but I got weaker as far a pure strength goes. I was at the gym giving a kid a few tips on bench press, got under 135 and was surprised at how heavy it felt lol

NWApatches's picture

Hahahaha hey sometimes 135 is hitting different!

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DeeMan's picture

Lol o yeah? Yea Nick seems to be all about the pump. It definitely works for him. He does look like he is powerful though.

Drexyl's picture

I’m planning a post discussing toxicity and individual response. I want to make sure my T’s are crossed before I post, but stay tuned.

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23Sparta's picture

That would be awesome

DeeMan's picture

Looking forward to that. It's an interesting subject for sure. I'll be honest, I'm still a bit puzzled

press1's picture

When I look at someone's Genetics, it isn't the amount of muscle they have on them currently that I take any notice of - its things like their Shoulder clavicle width, natural chest depth front to back denoted by their rib cage, their wrist circumference. If all those areas are of good size it means the muscle will hang from them very well and they have an ideal frame underneath to support a good amount from it. A guys face will also tell you a lot about how they will look from lifting weights - his jawline is quite square and solid/blocky, which is typical of a mesomorph. He will put on solid muscle and minimal fat.

Have you got any pictures of yourself before training mate, you have Great genetics - I bet you can see it in your pictures still from years ago.

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23Sparta's picture

That’s a great point Press, makes sense to me. I personally don’t have the experience in this sport to be able to make note of those attributes on an individual.

I have one pic natty, right before I hoped on gear. I couldn’t post it though. It would have to be too heavily redacted. As far as my genetics go, all I have to go by is comparing myself to my brothers who all worked as hard as me and ate the same food for those years. Performance wise, I was one of the best. Looks wise, about middle of the road. I left prison two years ago, 42 years old, natty, 185lbs and maybe 18% bf. Two of my bros, both within an inch of my height (5’7”) were 200lb+ with dick skin abs. Same food, same training regiment

press1's picture

So you are the Winner buddy - You were stronger, you've ended up at 230lbs and a big cunt!! Who gives a shit if they have abs and less bodyfat - are they entering a bikini contest??! You are the Alpha Bro!!

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23Sparta's picture

Hell yeah Press, truth though for real, but sad…. both of them are lost in the wind on drugs. Shadows of themselves. I tried, but in the end they’re both grown ass men. lol, I got about 70lbs on both of them right now lmao!

Rosschestzip's picture

At least there alive brother. This shits getting crazy. In my city they just called in the national guard, there was like a 1000% increase in overdoses in the past week. Like 90 ods in two days at the little hospital down the street and usually it’s like 2 a day, that’s probably even more than 1,000% increase but it’s wild either way. I’ve lost countless homies, every last one actually, even a few that didn’t even get high, and some beautiful girls too, shits terrible. My whole generation is dying. And my kids generation is gunna grow up being raised by grandparents

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23Sparta's picture

National Guard!? That’s insane! wtf, you got tranq out in your area? So fucking sad brother, I’m sorry about any and all of your losses. I missed fentanyl completely. Got locked up before it hit and sober by the time I came home. I definitely consider that a blessing

press1's picture

I had a bit of a sad day and an eye opener yesterday, a reminder that indeed everything does have its consequences. I saw an old pal of mine from years ago back when I hit the town regularly yesterday. He is about 10 years older than me and was one of the crowd both him and his brother, you always got both of them never just the 1 Lol Was speaking to him yesterday and of course he didn't recognise me for a few minutes having put so much weight on compared to those drinking days - turns out his brother died of alcoholism and liver failure about 5 years ago now. I was shocked to hear it, but then not so shocked at the same time. The guy definitely wasn't worse than I was by any means for drinking, but it just shows in the end that your life is not destined to die an old happy man in your sleep. Things do and will catch up with you if you hit things too hard for too long.

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Rosschestzip's picture

Sorry to here that press, it’s always such a cold reality check to find out things like that. But it can definitely keep you on your toes and hopefully we can learn from other peoples losses instead of having to suffer ourselves or learn too late. And sometimes people who are hardly doing anything still get caught up, I know a girl that died her first time sniffing a line. So we are all very fortunate and hopefully can stay fortunate and keep on top of our health

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23Sparta's picture

That is sad Press, but I appreciate you sharing. Needed to hear that. I don’t think you can be reminded enough of how true it is that…. things do and will catch up if you fly too close to the sun. If you try and do too much. If you hit things for too hard for too long. Our sport is definitely not exempt from that.

I’m wondering is the brother sober? Or is he still pushing along the same? Must have been very tough for him.

You know I was thinking of last night too, of the times I could have died

press1's picture

This is the thing mate that I was wondering myself, as he was more than part of the drinking crew. I only talked to him for several minutes, and it was one of those conversations were because so much time had passed many things were discussed and touched on all at once so I didn't find out too much about how he was on a personal note. He looked healthy enough and not thin or overweight but he always looked well, it was in the day though and we were both out and about in the car so it wasn't an evening chat. I am sure at the time it will of destroyed him but maybe as time has passed it made him get out of the scene a little and pull back himself. I think he has kids now too which always makes people change for the better. It would have been interesting to get bloodwork done at the time to see how deep I was into it all liver wise, but I have to admit that although my urine was always dark in those days, I never had liver pains like I once did on steroids - but one thing for sure is I did barely eat or could eat in those dark days and that was one of the main reasons I quit too as thoroughly enjoying a tasty meal is one of the great pleasures in life we are all lucky to have, cannot even begin to imagine what its like for people in famine ravished countries. Being able to afford to eat is a luxury we don't realise we are lucky to have Smile

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Rosschestzip's picture

Ya first getting clean you want to eat everything you’ve been missing out on. Not only have you not really been eating but your taste buds are like numb so when they come back everything tastes so wonderful lol

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press1's picture

You are definitely right there buddy - when I first got sober the shit I ate for a few years I cannot believe I did!!! It was really cheap shitty frozen chicken from the supermarket, I would eat it cold and everything. I was so happy to have an appetite and to be able to eat again I didn't care less at the time LMAO Surprisingly I gained some good muscle off it and did pretty well. I cringe when I look at it all in the freezers now.

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23Sparta's picture

Well, let’s just hope for the best when it comes to your old mate right there.

lol, idk about having kids always changing people for the better. Definitely not the case over here. Lots of girls just go to the hospital, have the baby, child protective services take sit because it’s born addicted to drugs, and then the girl goes home and carries on like nothing happened.

We are blessed in our first world countries. These addicts in my town don’t do a damn thing productive and yet none of them ever starve to death

press1's picture

There are too many Fast food outlets for anyone in the US to starve to death buddy LOL Lol

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23Sparta's picture

What’s funny is the price of one pill of fentanyl is cheaper than chicken sandwich at McDonald’s LMFAO!

press1's picture

Mate eating at McDonalds over here now is the price of a medium expensive meal, its crazy. I remember the days of a McChicken Sandwich meal costing £2.99 and now its over £6 plus. It use to be a tasty cheap option and now its like eating at a restaurant inside. I wouldn't care but the food quality is absolutely shite if you take it apart and really inspect it. Cheap quality bread, crap lettuce, the chicken patty has minimal processed chicken in it. Still when you are starving and in the mood for it then it can still taste good. Zero nutritional content though.

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23Sparta's picture

lol, I only eat it on occasion as a preworkout. I agree, not worth the money. For the same price I can get three mango chicken tacos at one of my favorite spots

@DeeMan @Rosschestzip check out these bad boys

DeeMan's picture


23Sparta's picture

Until they throw a Yankee candle at your head!

Rosschestzip's picture

You mean one of those lady of Guadalupe candles lmao there’s like 40 of those in every Spanish house

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah, that right here, exactly! Shit, we got Santa Muerte candles bring out here though

DeeMan's picture

Temperamental 100%!!

DeeMan's picture

Hotttt dammnn! Talk about good tasty eating. Now you know I love Mexican food, especially something like that! I'm getting hungry just looking at this pic. Thanks for sharing

23Sparta's picture

Lmao, scroll down there’s another
Yeah, Mexican is the way to go in my area, anything else you’re just rolling the dice

Rosschestzip's picture

Those look legit. There a huge Latino population around me, and a taco truck right down the street with tacos for 3$, but it’s Dominican, so it’s different than “Mexican” food I’m used to. I was walking by and had three ones in my pocket and figure I’d grabbed one, it was supposed to be chicken, I got home and I swear it was like horse meat and radishes, it was fucking horrendous

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23Sparta's picture

Lmfao ass if I’m dyyyying, that’s so fucked up, horse meat and radishes

DeeMan's picture

On the real my pops told me back in the day you could get horse meat in damn near every supermarket. It was cheap. Pretty sure it was a lean source of protein too. Pops said it didn't taste too bad. With food prices going up horse meat doesn't sound too bad right about now.

Rosschestzip's picture

The Mexican grocery stores carry all types of shit near me. There’s farm land here so there’s a lot of Mexican workers living here to work the farms and the meat section of one of those stores is the wildest thing I’ve ever seen. Hooves, livers, hearts, testicles and all types of shit. I don’t remember if there was different animals tho, I think there was some goat but I’m not sure

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DeeMan's picture

O yeah? Cool. Lol my buddy was eating a steak that he bought from one of those places. Problem was his rare somewhat bloody steak had a worm inside it. That always stuck with me.

23Sparta's picture

Naw man, don’t say that lol. Idk how I’d feel about eating a horse

DeeMan's picture

Lolol....you'll be looking as swole as a horse.