Banjokid2020's picture
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+ 3 Spring Turkey Season... lean turkey breast


Successful Spring Turkey Season. Got some lean Turkey meat to mix it up. Quite the size difference from wild turkey breast to a store bought chicken breast

Aquaman22214's picture

How do you prepare yours to keep it from tasting gamey? Ive always had that trouble when cooking wild turkey

Wildling's picture

Let it sit in buttermilk overnight.

Banjokid2020's picture

Literally the second one I've ever killed. So tbh, I'm not the expert to ask. I think last year I used an air fryer for one of the breasts. And then the wife made essentially chicken pot pie but with turkey for the other

SeeOhShow's picture

Niiicceee. Turkey hunting is too hard for the reward for me. Deer on the other hand practically beg to be shot. I remember I shot a buck chasing a doe. Doe stopped and just was like “welp I’m not trying to be fucked any more, so I’ll just munch on these acorns”
Not even 50 yards from me. The gunshot didn’t spook her. So naturally I shot her too. Doe ended up tasting way better anyways. I usually only grab the tenderloins and then grind the entire rest of the meat. More versatile for me that way in the kitchen.

Banjokid2020's picture

I'd have to agree with that, deer is gonna fill the freezer alot more. I killed 5 last year and am almost out.. I like cutting steaks bc I will eat it every morning with my eggs. 3-4 ounces for breakfast. I just grill/meal prep for the week some deer and keep it in a container for when I make breakfast, just reheat it. I make jerky every other weekend out of the ground. Makes for a good, high protein snack

SeeOhShow's picture

Ahhh see I’m the same way except I just cook a container of ground and then pull from it whenever I need it. Make some eggs and spoon some ground on it. Make some grits and spoon some ground in it. Make some rice and spoon some ground on it.

lol my diet would seem very boring to most but it works and I think I might be ocd and have to eat the same things on the same schedule every day. Or maybe that’s high functioning autistic? Meh who cares Biggrin

Banjokid2020's picture

Well, seeing your physique, it's working man. I actually like that idea. May give that a go. Always end up with alot of ground anyway, be another way to help go through it

iFit's picture

Good if you like turkey. Even on Thanksgiving I can barely eat turkey. When I ask friends and family if they like turkey of course they say yes so I ask when the last time they ate it was….Thanksgiving.

press1's picture

Credit for being able to do it, but I just could not kill an animal and then cut it up and eat it - mental block!! LOL Turkeys are ugly things though so I doubt I would feel that bad about it.

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Banjokid2020's picture

Just a way of life at this point. Been hunting since I could walk. But I will be honest.. after having kids it seemed to have softened me up some. Like when I kill a doe I do actually feel bad to a little degree. But it's the circle of life and if I do it ethically and as humane as possible, then that gives me some peace

press1's picture

Ohh yeh for sure mate - I can see many guys are born into that way of life and there is nothing abnormal about it at all, plus if you eat it then I don't see it as a bad thing. People killing animals just for fun and as target practice is though, but its all the circle of life still. Hell humans shoot and blow up humans for fun so there isn't much worse than that! LOL

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Banjokid2020's picture

You ain't wrong man, broken world we live in indeed. And I'm with you, senseless killing of an animal is beyond me. Part of what a hunter is and the experience is harvesting the meat from the game. That's why DNR doesn't play around with poachers. Huge fines, confiscation of guns/equipment, even jail time.

Drexyl's picture

You may find this hard to believe, but it’s very true. I’d have a hard time as well. Shooting a human is one thing, animals are different to me. Don’t get me wrong, if I need to eat and that’s my only option it’s happening. But people aren’t innocent, if someone shows up chances are you did something to cause that. Guess it’s a circle of life thing with me.

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Banjokid2020's picture

I get and respect that. And I'm glad you guys understand where I come from, even if it's not your cup of tea. The ones that really get me are the ones that will condemn a hunter for killing yet go to the store or restaurant and get some meat themselves.

press1's picture

Absolutely, if you eat meat yourself then there is no possible way you can criticise someone for hunting as you are supporting the killing of animals yourself and in all honesty I am sure the animal that lived in the wild had a way better life than the one raised in a farm solely to be slaughtered. I had to laugh the other day at these nutty vegans though, I bought some cheese flavoured crisps and the guy serving me there said he couldn't eat them as he was Vegan and they were cheese flavoured - I mean For Gods Sake .....

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Drexyl's picture

They’re called chips.

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press1's picture

Over here they are actually known as 'Cheese Puffs' Lmao

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Banjokid2020's picture

I can respect most peoples ways of life. Even if they are different and counterintuitive to how I do things. There are crazies on all fringes of every group. I just don't like others way of life being pushed or forced upon me. And I won't ever do that to someone else.

press1's picture

Ohh he tried to force his lifestyle & way of thinking on me a while back and make it known what he thought of 'us guys' Lol He told me I was supporting the raping of cows the other week due to the fact I eat dairy and drink milk - because a cow is artificially inseminated to breed against its will and if that was done to a human it would be classed as rape Lmao

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Drexyl's picture

Oh hell no lol, I’m sure under certain circumstances I’d become very used to it. It’s just where I live there’s very little hunting. Gunfights? Thats another discussion. What else do you hunt besides fowl?

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Banjokid2020's picture

Deer for sure. Eat it every day. Lean red meat. Squirrel hunting is also pretty fun. Action packed, and I like making fried "Buffalo wings" out of them. Going out west this year for a pronghorn hunt. I'm just ready for my kids to be old enough to take them. I'm not gonna force them to do it, bit it sure would be cool if they get into it like me

press1's picture

NOOooooo I really like Deers and Squirrels!!! I have loads living around me Lmao The squirrels swing down off the trees out the back. The Deers generally run out of the parks and into the front of your car when you are doing 60mph and totally write off the front end LOL

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