MurderHornet2020's picture
  • 290

Food on Anadrol


Curious on your thoughts about high calories on Anadrol. Man I have been EATING! well I have gained some fat, I’m not getting fat if that makes sense.

I’m at 215 lbs now and I have just the hint of visible abs. My weights in the gym seem to go up every week. Got the 70s for overhead dumbbell press x 10 reps with control.

I have since stopped logging calories and just been eating like 7-8 times a day. Mostly good stuff too just a lot. I’d guess I’m eating like 3500 calories some days.

I know it’s calories in vs out but dam is my metabolism that high right now??? I should mention by nature I’m a tall skinny guy.

Rydawg's picture

Anadrol destroys my appetite. Surprised you are crushing that many calories.

Makwa's picture

Anadrol is very effecient at glycogen loading and shuttling nutrients. Common practice during peak weak for a prep to eat a baked potato and pop a drol to fill out the muscles. No subq water retention. All IM glycogen loading and skyrockets the vascularity. Shouldn't really speed up the metabolism but just makes overall nutrient partitioning that much better. You probably would be getting fatter quicker without the drol since it is shuttling more of those excess cals into building lean tissue and IM glycogen loading and they aren't going to fat storage.

MurderHornet2020's picture

I don’t think I have ever looked so jacked it’s great. The sides have even lessened which is really nice. I have been pushing it hard in the gym. Even when I mentally feel like shit, with the Drol my body just has the power and it snaps my focus into place.

Also my bench is the best it’s ever been getting 195 for 10 reps with multiple sets! Even when my first pulse ended strength stayed…

I have definitely noticed the more I eat the more explosive power I have in the gym. Although it has a price I’m sore as shit haha