DrNoobGains's picture
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AAS worth using as a preworkout?


I can't usually make it to the gym more than 3 times a week due to work. So I'd like to get the most out of those sessions as I can. Is there something I can take pwo that would be effective enough to be worth using? Currently on 200mg a week TRT. I'm working on changing the work situation btw.

robb's picture

The best pre workout roid I ever used was 10mg of superdrol. Better than other orals I've tried and TNE. I would describe it as instant strength. I only used it on gym days so 5-6 times a week about an hour beforehand, and never upped the dose and used only for 3 weeks. Doing it this way helped avoid completely the negative sides that people talk of. And enjoyed all the positives like the insane pump and instant strength. You don't need to do 10mg for the first week then 20mg the second week etc.
10mg is plenty, even for the big guys imo.

Whatever happened to Dope? He gave me this information originally.

simonmagus84's picture

I struggle with a lot of energy drinks as I have many food allergies and can’t use certain stimulants but this brand pure power doesn’t give me the jitters or mess with my sleep.

3.9 3.9 out of 5 stars 143 Reviews
Pre Workout, Best All Natural PreWorkout Supplement. Pure Power, Healthy Pump, Clean, Keto Vegan, Paleo, Pre Work Out Powder for Men & Women, Strength & Energy - 390g Raspberry Lemonade

You can purchase it on Amazon. I was using C4 and it fucked my stomach up.

I have to add this and yes it’s an edit: I also read passages from the Book of Enoch prior to my workouts.
Shitforbrains's picture

I think I’m gonna have to give this TNE/Tren base combo a blast here soon. I can’t imagine the strength increase it will yield for your workout.

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Makwa's picture

The tren base just made me sweat more than I usually do. After a point you don't notice any more strength or energy combining all this stuff. The tren base felt like a literal hornet stinging me and then once it was in my delt would be throbbing like someone hit me with a baseball bat. That lasted for about 10 minutes and then I was good to go Lol Didn't notice any additional strength or energy from it compared to TNE, just the profuse sweating which was really annoying. Couple jabs of that stuff was enough to turn me off from it and just stick with TNE if I am going to inject anything for a PWO.

DeeMan's picture

Hot damn! Keep the fire extinguisher nearby. I agree with jake. Be careful. TNE was a blast for me alone so I can't imagine tren base added.

Shitforbrains's picture

Lol shit man the stuffs gotta be no joke. I’ll definitely hit low doses I’m thinking maybe once a week pre just for some big back days or legs. I’m not really into exotics but I’m definitely curious lol

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DeeMan's picture

Yeaaa buddyy fire! Yea I'm sure you'll be fine man. Me and Jake just be overdramatic haha.

Shitforbrains's picture

Nah man I need that cause it helps my eager ass into making the right decisions. It’s why I’m on here to begin with. I need the insight from you guys just as much as anyone else.

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DeeMan's picture

Brother we are all together as a unit. A bunch of roid heads are better than one roid head and at times knowledgable guys aren't right. Lol they don't like to hear that though. Pride can be a destroyer. On a side note..just saw pic. You have a good base.

JakeKO's picture

Definitely be careful with that stuff. If you don’t totally kill it in the gym, you can have a pretty nasty crash afterwards. Also, if you workout beyond your natural potential, you can get really hurt. Go very low on your dosage if you must try this stuff.

Shitforbrains's picture

Thanks for the heads up Jake. I’ll make sure and drop that dosage to a minimum. I’m in no hurry to hurt myself of jack up my body. Just thought it would be something fun to try out once a week or so.

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DeeMan's picture

You tried tren base? I never tried but I had a vial years ago but threw it away. It was collecting dust.

JakeKO's picture

@DeeMan No, Bro, but I’ve used TNE, so I can’t even imagine how it would feel to pin them both at the same time. I’d probably want to jump out of my skin. I can imagine my tendons snapping on something like that.

DeeMan's picture

Yeah I said same thing in my top comment. I can't imagine either. I just wanted to get your opinion though. Thought you have used tren base. My bad.

JakeKO's picture

Nah, Tren A is more than enough for me, LOL

DeeMan's picture

O shit I forgot haha. But I remember now.

Lil-Beirut's picture

I ran TNE, Tren base(aqua) and nandrolone base and I never got jack shit from it. I guess I'm not the only one some people don't respond.

UncleYoked's picture

I used to get a huge kick but less so over the years. Never tried tren base, don't have any desire to. I feel like I might end up murdering someone on the way to the gym if I did that.

Lil-Beirut's picture

Tren base did nothing for me. Tren acetate tho? I can't run that more than 3 weeks. Makes me feel like I'm on meth. Paranoid, nervous, trouble sleeping. Like my GF cheated on me. Some guy barely bumped my shoulder on the subway. Just grazed it and I couldn't believe him and I proceeded to stare at the back of his head, my eyes popping out of my face, just thinking thoughts... He was probably a nice guy, so more tren ace for me.

DeeMan's picture

Man again, goes to show you that we respond differently and not a one size shoe approach

DeeMan's picture

That's strange. I do know that nandrolone base has a shorter half life compared to test base. No strength or energy?

Lil-Beirut's picture

Nothing like esterified versions. Only reason why I use tne now is just for some quick estro if I need.

DeeMan's picture

I can understand that.

DeeMan's picture
simonmagus84's picture

Be careful with that shit.

Shitforbrains's picture

It’s still up in the air but if I do pull the trigger I will keep you guys posted and keep some very low dosages at once a week. I definitely want to approach this with caution lol

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simonmagus84's picture

My body had a terrible abscess from injecting that. Now who knows if it was how he injected it or the actual compound but I’d stick to one or the other. It’s just dangerous all around.

simonmagus84's picture

*buddy not body

DeeMan's picture

Yea definitely bro

dmxinyourface's picture

A SOLID meal 1.5 hour before the training.

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Lil-Beirut's picture

Carbs, Salt, Potassium, Fructose 1.5 preworkout.
1 large bite of jalapeno 5 seconds preworkout.

DeeMan's picture

My preworkout is pretty much my meal before my workout. I need those good carbs!

DeeMan's picture

some test base in mct oil before a heavy bench day...yessir!

press1's picture

In terms of tablets I still have to go with 30mg of good quality Dbol, taken 2 to 3 hours before training and then loaded with a tonne of carbs. Even better is TNE with DBol added in it, or Adrol in the TNE which is madness. Something about adding them to TNE that makes the whole thing insane especially for big CNS exercises like Deads etc.

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JakeKO's picture

I would love to try the TNE/Anadrol, but I workout at 5am, so I would crash to hard to go to work afterwards.

press1's picture

If you have a good workout though bud you will be living off the high from that all day! I use to jab 150mg TNE when I used it all the time preworkout before deads and to be honest I never crashed and felt burnt out later on, all that happened is I would no longer have the huge rush and euphoria I got mentally from it - I just felt human again lol

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Makwa's picture

All I want to do after the TNE wears off is take a nap. Works great when working out after work. Get home, eat and then fall asleep for the night.

JakeKO's picture

I’ve got a brand new bottle of TNE burning a hole in my gear bag, LOL, I’m trying to cruise for the next few months on 50-75mg per week of a testo blend. Nothing else. Although I don’t think a little TNE here and there would kill me, although, that’s how it starts up again for me, so I’ll probably just wait until I’m ready to cycle again

press1's picture

For some reason bud anadrol makes me feel very tired from the word go, not to do with liver or anything it just instantly has that effect on me like superdrol does. Thats why I prefer Dbol as it stimulates my nervous system like TNE, I guess because its similar in make up. However if I do TNE with Adrol in it (not tab version) then its an entirely different animal and is stimmy - I guess due to the test counteracting it. Anadrol tabs for sure make me pissed off, but at the same time deplete me of energy.

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JakeKO's picture

I’ve haven’t tried any injectable Dbol or adrol either. Something about it gives me the creeps. Besides, I’ve usually got no room left in the barrel when cycling. 2.5 cc is my threshold per glute shot, forget about any other body parts.

DeeMan's picture

I've said that for a long time now...that we are all different and can react differently. The shit gives me hangover type headaches. Haven't used in years and wont use again...ever!

Diesel77's picture

Dbol with TNE is great....Injectable dbol with TNE imo is even better Lol

UncleYoked's picture

This was one of my favorite blends pre workout, most insane pump and endless energy.

Shitforbrains's picture

Also bro, is you have pressed tabs of Var you can administer sublingual and the effects are even crazier.

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Shitforbrains's picture

50 mg Var or 50mg anadrol ooooooor 10mg Halo. I love all of these as a pre workout and there is absolutely no question of their effectiveness. If you have legit Var and I mean fuckin legit 50mg Var it’s like taking steroids for the first time every time. I absolutely love Var as a pre workout. Major skin splitting pumps. Same with Adrol bro but I get more of a stim effect from 50mg of Var.

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DeeMan's picture

Man I tried anadrol many years ago and got the absolute worst headache ever at a petty dose of 25mg/day. Didn't last a week. I even tried another brand with the same result. It was like a bad hangover on steroids!

Shitforbrains's picture

No shit?!? Man that blows. Is it only Anadrol that this happens or is it a common thing when you run pre workout orals?

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DeeMan's picture

Well I thought it was just my system but quite a few people get headaches on anadrol not related to blood pressure. My headache felt like a hangover seriously. Blood pressure was normal. But yea only with anadrol. I'll use orals every now and then preworkout but I'm not a big eater so I gotta be careful because they will kill appetite. I like oils better than orals. Better appetite

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