JakeKO's picture
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+ 7 So what was your first inspiration to train???


I saw this ad in one of my Mom’s tabloids at eight years old, and It was all over. I’ve never been the same. What started it for you???

DeeMan's picture

The absolute truth...First Samson, Hercules, He-Man. But the most influential has to be Jimmy " The Iron Bull" Pellechia. He did Skull crushers at 500pounds × 5, 150 lb seated DB curls for reps! Lastly, the late great Anthony Clark who owned a 805lb reverse bench press World record

PaganMetal93's picture

The movie pumping iron and seeing Arnold in Terminator

alekaras's picture
JakeKO's picture

He came out just as I stopped watching cartoons, so I don’t know much about him except that there was some really cool toys I wanted but was to old to be getting, LOL.

alekaras's picture

Hahaha yeah I remember the toys buddy they were awesome, to bad you missed the cartoon, but it's never too late lmao!!

press1's picture

I always had a thing for She-Ra LMAO

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Catalyst's picture

And there I was thinking it was just me…..

She’s still hot too Smile

alekaras's picture

Yeah she was hot!!

press1's picture

She's a FITTY!!! Lol

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alekaras's picture

Hahaha yes sir!!

SuperBrish's picture

Pumping iron and Ronnie Coleman relentless

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ONESICK's picture

OK officer lol kidding...

I would have to say my parents were a big influence. My dad was a former wrestler, he transitioned to bodybuilding as a hobby. My mom was a black belt in karate. Basically had a big impact on me as a kid. I was fascinated by Arnold and those guys. My dad had magazines that I would look at. Thinking to myself these guys look bad ass. I would watch tons of the old kung fu movies. They would buy me random boxing and kick boxing videos. My dad got me my first heavy bag when I was about 4-5 years old. When the UFC came out my mom ordered the PPV and I thought it was the best thing ever. Then it went on from there. I would watch my dad lift in a home gym he built. I would emulate everything he did. He taught me how to wrestle the moment I could walk. When I got my heavy bag my parents wanted me to learn self defense so they would show me how to punch and kick. I got good at head kicks I broke my brothers Jaw when I was about 9 years old lol. The lifting aspect is what always stayed with me as I transitioned out of combat sports. Though I do have a hand in training and coaching amateur and a few top tier guys I'm more of a consultant these days.

JakeKO's picture

Me, an officer??? Probably the furthest thing from it, LOL! Although, these days Im not involved in anything anymore. Besides gear, and weed, LOL

ONESICK's picture

Breakin balls my friend lol

press1's picture

So what did you say your first school was again mate? LMFAO

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Drexyl's picture

Family, grew up in a house where almost everyone was current or ex military. Fitness was encouraged to say the least lol

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Makwa's picture

Girls, they all wanted to touch my bicep Lol

alekaras's picture


Catalyst's picture

Worlds strongest man - specifically Geoff Capes. As a kid I was fascinated by just how much stronger these guys were than “normal people”. I guess I didn’t want to be one of the normal people…..

Bill1976's picture

Exactly. Why be average when god ga e us the ability to do better

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DeeMan's picture

This was definitely my reason for sure catalyst and @JakeKO

Jrblh2's picture

So some older kids were on the local rope swing one day in Florida where I lived and I was young young Like middle school these older kids had muscles and abs and I thought wow I want to look like that. That was my first ever thought bout that.

Bill1976's picture

I was so skinny. I was tired of my head being too big for my body. I went to prison and said hey. Im not going to waste my time. Im gonna get big. I was lucky and this guy Jeffry was a bodybuilder and wanted me to succeed. Taught me about nutrition and eating how to lift etc. it changed thaw way k looked at myself. The weakness of smoking eating sugar addiction. It taught me self discipline and made me feel good about myself. Stopped using drugs. I wish I could see him again. He changed my life in such a drastic way for the better. Im gonna look him up on my gfs a facebook and see if I can find him again to thank him. It was funny because we’re in prison and he’s this huge black man hanging out with this skinny white guy that weighed 142 pounds. I got to almost 200 natural at one point. Everybody said I was wasting my time and wouldn’t get bigger. I shoved those words down their fucking throats. Jeffry if I don’t get the chance I’m gonna say it here. Thank you for helping change my life for the better. I’ll never forget you brother!!! It made me have a better work ethic and moved my way up the job chain. Treat people better be a better parent. I’m telling you the gym is an amazing place to be.

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JakeKO's picture

Yeah, Lou was an inspiration for sure. I even got the hulk muscles for Christmas one year, LOL.

JakeKO's picture

My sons had them too. They were pretty cool

JEX30Sex's picture

My family was not nice. I was the younger brother and thin of build compared to him. He received every favoritism all our life and was the clear favorite. I got called twiggy and skinny too often and developed horrible self esteem. It wasn't until halfway through my 9th grade year that I met my high school weight coach. We talked and he was a big guy and super supportive. The kind of guy that would look you in the eye and listen to you in a way that you felt all his attention was on you and you were all that mattered. He told me to sign up for weights the following year. He didn't care how about my size he was going to make me strong. I sure as shit did and he did not fail me. I noticed if I walked around the neighborhood shirtless the other kids started to stare at my chest and arms more than they met my eye. To me in my mind up to that point I still had that negative body image but it was that moment that I realized I had changed far more from others perspective than my own and that I was my own worst enemy when it came to that.
He was the one who gave me the courage to try new things. I joined the military out of high school and was blown away by all the things I was actually capable of. My family such as they were only ever put me down. All it takes is one positive role model and it can change your whole outlook on life.

press1's picture

As a young child I was always fascinated with Arnie films, I guess I will of been around 7 or 8 years old when I watched my first one - I figured if you looked like him the world would be yours including all the women lol And who wouldn't want to look like him in Commando?!! You have to remember back then 35 years ago seeing someone that muscular was so much more rare and impressive than it is today. Who cares if he couldn't act or talk properly he looked AWESOME and thats all that mattered lol I bought a concrete encased in plastic set and did dumbbell curls and floor press's as I didn't even know what a weight bench was! I enjoyed it all so much, the pump, the veins but most importantly this euphoric, confident strong feeling that I never got from anything else. I soon got side tracked unfortunately into other sports with school and didn't touch weights again until about 17. I got all my friends into doing them too back then who of course put muscle and size on sooo much easier than I did because they were bigger in the first place. One thing I could always do though was outlift them quite easily which was always my trump card. I did get some good results back then for a few years natty but unfortunately also got into drinking come my 20's and wasted that entire decade of life, ohh well lol

Stick around Bennett ....

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Nattyboomba's picture

Being a product of the 80’s is also what moved me in this direction. I just thought it was pretty great how big Arnold was, & even sly and maybe Van Dam even. Oddly, looking back now, they weren’t really all that big. Most of them are bigger now. I mean Sly is twice the size as his 24 year old self.

Pretty great Commando quote. That movie helped shape who I am……..

press1's picture

The 80's were a WICKED time to be alive mate - they were my favourite by far of all that I have lived. Heavy Metal ruled the music scene, Arnie ruled the films, McDonalds was just coming to the UK LMAO I did like Sly films and Van Damme but to me they were just lean guys that were quick fighters - I loved the Unreal Massive look of Arnie, I mean you just found yourself staring at his arms in the films rather than actually following the story line. When I first watched the later RAMBO and saw the size of sly with his traps and forearms I was like what the absolute F**k has he been taking??!! 80's Films had so much more emotion and realism about them, the soundtracks and music scores were better. Now we are engulfed by the computer ages everywhere you look.

Then again though beggars can't be choosers - how would we sit and talk like this instantly from one side of the world to the other if it weren't for them Lol

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JakeKO's picture

I hear ya, Bro! Bennet was sloppy with his fishnet vest, LMAO. I was about 14-15 when Commando came out. Probably my favorite Arnold film by far. Especially when he held Sully off the cliff with one hand and said, “I let him go!” LMAO!!!!

Drexyl's picture

What’s funny is I like a lot of his less popular ones. Raw deal, red heat, great movies.

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press1's picture

'You should not Drink and Bake ......' - Got Raw Deal on VHS still baby!

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Mac12769's picture

I remember all those, great action movies, highly underrated.

press1's picture

'John, I'm not going to shoot you between the eyes. I'm going to shoot you between the balls ....

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JakeKO's picture

I hit like on two many posts and lost my privileges for a bit, but I would hack hit like on this. He caught a nice steam pipe through the chest for that statement, LOL