JEX30Sex's picture
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Bro and maybe Science


There's a dude on...let's call it a personal (you) streaming service since internet (tube) has been a thing and it's fucking hilarious. It's what is known here as bro-science. Has anyone else seen this? Jersey Meat Hook baby.

Rydawg's picture

Jason blaha here…

Makwa's picture

I'm afraid to look

Drexyl's picture

It’s actually a very dangerous issue, and I feel one of the big reasons the government won’t deregulate PEDs. I’m of the belief everyone should have free will to do what they choose with their bodies, but some of these idiots are flat out dangerous. Top to bottom, every word some of them spew out is just ignorance. There was one asshole proclaiming Deca every day to keep blood levels stable, Deca.

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JEX30Sex's picture

I don't rely on youtube for any of my info unless I need to be reminded how to to set my watch for Daylight Saving or maybe a video game walkthrough. I far prefer to do the reading. I see too many bozos on Facebook, Tik Tok and Youtube attempting to be "knowledgeable" influencers. Watching them give terrible advice on form or even which exercises to do or not to do is laughable 9 out of 10 times.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

There's actualy ton of them all over the internet. Everytime I see something that sounds suspicious or dangerous, I go to eRoids, search the forums and find the completely opposite answer. There's plenty of nonsense about PEDs and shitload of clowns trying to become popular whilist promoting bullshit. LiverKing, Kingofdiet, Bradcastlebery.... Man, only when I log-in to instagram, there's like 20 of them I see everyday.

press1's picture

Its hilarious how some of them try to look so knowledgeable about PED's, Bloodwork and so on and then when you ask them a basic question on something they give completely the wrong answer. I asked a pretty famous guy something about one of his bloodwork readings and his answer was laughable, he didn't have a clue what he was talking about and was just relying on the fact he generally knew more than his target audience.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

These are dangerous.... I've seen young guys openly discussing PEDs under a youtube video full of bullshit and wrong information, advicing each other about cycles or compounds. We've all done stupid shit, but man, I wish every youngster would know eRoids before jumping into this.

JEX30Sex's picture

LOL I guess I was too vague. There is a youtube channel called specifically BroScience by a dude name Dom. It's fucking hilarious. I didn't want to appear as if I was promoting him or anything. I had partaken last night and was a lil paranoid over breaking a probably non-existent rule.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Holy shit, an Italian guy with little bit of muscle and nearly some knowledge about PEDs and training having almost 3M subscribers admiring him in a comments even though his opinions are a complete bullshit. Bro I just went through his channel and its a fucking disaster, worst thing that happened to me today Biggrin

JohnJuice's picture

Bradcastlebery has earned himself a joke title. Sadly.