Mac12769's picture
  • 741

+ 8 Effects of EQ


Ok since some of you always ask about how EQ can raise your RBC and H/H.....there you go.
I've been off cycle for several months, but during my last run, I specifically incorporated 400 mg/week for 16 weeks to boost those levels a bit.
I have not donated blood at all since the cycle, but everyone is different in how they respond.
Just putting out the results.....

Big Tone36's picture

TRT dose I get high RBC

thahulk2014's picture

Everything looks good. Everybody is different but I don’t donate as much as I used to. I crashed ferritin and iron and felt like dog shit. I now monitor my ferritin and iron levels as well. With experience and monitoring my labs everything always bounces back to normal when I go back to trt dose.

wanted's picture

Just another reason why i pick npp over eq everytime

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thahulk2014's picture

I love npp. If cutting I get a better fuller look using npp over eq. A lot of people against npp in a cut phase.

Mac12769's picture

My first time with NPP. I’m enjoying it in my current cycle. 300 mg/week Test Cyp, 300 mg/week NPP 12 weeks, with 20 mg Dbol first 4. And HGH long term.

press1's picture

Are you still enjoying it mate - any weight gain yet?

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Mac12769's picture

This is Week 2, feeling fuller for sure. Looks like maybe 3 pounds now. But I had a long run at work and wasn't putting in the calories I wanted. On a 4 day off stretch now, so been making up. Joints feel good, but hands are swollen, and achy in morning with the HGH ( 2 iu ED) @ironlion . Also get a hunger surge about 1 hour after that night pin.
No sides, started Armidex. It's going well.

wanted's picture

Are you an eq guy does it raise your blood pressure like it does mine i may be just the unfortunate type

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sunamcaxa's picture

can someone please explain what does these numbers mean ?

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Catalyst's picture

The increase in hematocrit level, which is effectively the viscosity of of the blood due to the volume of red blood cells. AAS in general increase this, some compounds, (EQ in this example), tend to have a more significant effect on hematocrit than others. Important to be aware of as high hematocrit can leave your more prone to stroke, blood clot, aneurysm etc.

Hope that helps?

thahulk2014's picture

My man wealth of knowledge. Also if you keep hydration up with water and electrolytes you can thin it out a bit. Hydration is very important.

Catalyst's picture

Very good point mate. I tend to take it for granted that everyone drinks water like I do, (I have one coffee first thing, other than that all I ever drink is water), but not everyone is the same.

robb's picture

Good explanation and good to see you back, it's definitely been a while.

I bet a load of people here won't of had a clue about hematocrit and the very serious health risks associated with it. If you helped even one guy out then that's props from me to you and im sure all would agree.

Catalyst's picture

My inner science geek took over….

Good you see you big man, hope you’re well?

robb's picture

Yeah all good, same old same old.
Noticed the tag, I'll have to take a peek --

Catalyst's picture

Good to hear all is well.

sunamcaxa's picture

perfect, helps a lot

thank you very much

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alekaras's picture

I expected more tbh!! The second time you tested how long were you off cycle??

Mac12769's picture

I had been off the EQ probably at least 4 months, so the levels have come down some a bit I would think. It was more of a therapeutic addition to the cycle. Otherwise I would've drawn labs right after, but it gave me a range to work with. Little bit of anxiety toward the end, but nothing crazy. Just noticeable and weird out of the blue sometimes.

DavosD's picture

EQ does that to me at low doses, but the way I look on it is amazing.

alekaras's picture

A ok bud cause every time I run eq my hematotric skyrocketing, my last run a year back got up to 58!

Catalyst's picture

You’re similar to me in that respect. Mine got up to .63

alekaras's picture

Lol fuck that ha, we got no blood we got gelly lol! You donate blood I suppose brother right?

Catalyst's picture

In that instance I had to go in twice a week to have venesections for 5 or 6 weeks to get my blood to a level where the surgery could go ahead. It was like treacle the first couple of times, took about an hour and a half to get a unit out of me. Fun times….

Catalyst's picture

Great post. Shows how important it is to keep an eye on. Years ago at the end of an EQ cycle, my hematocrit had crept up to a point where the anaesthetist pulled the plug on surgery I needed fairly urgently. Ugly situation and taught me a lesson…..

Mac12769's picture

Absolutely. Your RBC, H/H get too high, it will cause issues quick. On top of the elevated BP on a cycle, thick blood, and probably not enough water intake...see what happens.

press1's picture

Back when I ran things stupidly, first time I had to get bloods drawn due to stomach pain mine was so thick they couldn't get any out of me - had to run a bag of saline through me first to thin it out.

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JakeKO's picture

I usually donate blood every two months, but hadn’t since August. Finally prioritized it on Tuesday because I knew I was starting a Tren Hex cycle. They almost didn’t let me donate because my iron level was at 20. Luckily, I was allowed. My blood looked so dark and thick. I’ll never wait that long again.

Mac12769's picture

Damn that got high. Is it a particular compound that does it to you that you like or just a gradual increase with AAS in general ?
And glad you got it done.

JakeKO's picture

Not sure, but think it may have been DHB, which would make sense being in the EQ family. I didn’t even consider that until now that you asked.

Mac12769's picture

I knew you were going to run the Tren Hex soon and I couldn't remember your last run either, so thought I'd ask so maybe you wanted to figure it out too.

JakeKO's picture

I’ve been on the Tren Hex for about a week now, and so far, so good. I can only hope it stays this way. If it does, I will never entertain Tren E or A again. I am definitely handling this very well right now, and would definitely be very edgy already after one week on either of the other two. No sleep issues either, but that could be because of the HGH and infrajet I’m also running with it. One thing I’ve really noticed in the past week are the powerful hard ons. Not one viagra or Cialis all week, but it feels like I’m taking the daily. Libido is definitely higher than usual,. I’m definitely enjoying it, and so is my wife, lol. I’m starting to understand why Hex is more expensive.

Mac12769's picture

Good Good deal. About a week huh…don’t let your guard down lol.
With the Dbol and NPP, I’m waiting for maybe a sudden bloat, but my BF was well under 15%,…. so far so good.

press1's picture

Hey Bud! With Iron being high was your Haemoglobin up then?
Good Tyler Perry film for you and the wife to watch on Netflix atm - Temptation 2013 watched it last night and thought it was good.

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JakeKO's picture

They didn’t mention it to me, and being that it was a donation, they don’t give me any other info. They just take the blood and run. That is actually the reason it took me so long to donate again. As soon as it’s time to donate, they call me 100 times a day trying to get me to come back. I told them if you give me my test information I’ll come right back, and kept going back-and-forth with them like that. I finally got turned off and just blew off the donations. Was feeling a little sluggish two weeks ago and told myself I better get my ass in there. Lucky I did.

Regarding Tyler Perry, we have been watching a lot of the Madea movies lately. He’s hilarious. Not sure if that is one of the ones we watched, but I will look into it tonight because we could use something to watch. All we’ve been watching is fighting all weekend

press1's picture

Yeh I knew Tyler was wealthy but not a bloody Billionaire!! Not seen any of those films but have seen them come up on the home page.

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alekaras's picture

Been there done that lmao!!

press1's picture

No way!!! Lol I think we've all pushed the limits at one point.

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alekaras's picture

Yes sir lots of times!!

press1's picture

Mate I was thinking - when you said you get Tren like strength gains from high Anavar which sort of dose are you talking about, 50mg or 100mg ED?

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simonmagus84's picture

It’s true… I was shocked at the strength gains but was experiencing strong side effects that I mentioned over the forums several times. Sides such as cramping, headache and even slight Clen like anxiety. 40 mg is my sweet spot.

press1's picture

One of the things it does very effectively is increase ATP storage within muscle cells, so if you experience anxiety when taking creatine (I sometimes do with all the excess energy) then this maybe why.

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thahulk2014's picture

Last time I ran 75mg var I was hitting PRs like crazy. First time I ever hit 405 on bb shoulder press.

DeeMan's picture

It wasn't 405 but a month ago I did get slight rotator cuff issues with 375 on overhead shoulder press which for some reason has always been an awkward movement for me. Lol gonna stick to bench press next time. All good now as this summer looking to enter a meet.

thahulk2014's picture

Im the same way brother. I have to look up at the bar and drop to my chin no lower. We can probably use some stretch yoga. Hahaha